bluehats diary

Taking it easy on the food today after major binging yesterday.

2 cups of soup

Not alot i know but the stomachs real sick feeling.
Very sad.
Just found out from a family member that the soups have went up in price.
Beyond my amount.
That was all I could safely eat.
No that's going to work either.
Plus rent goes up in 5 months.
Seriously I guess I may as well not eat. I've done it before. And ive been homeless before.
Maybe that starts all over again. Idk.
I've cut out absolutely everything from my budget that is not an essential to life. There's no more to cut.
I guess my time here has to end. The internet has to be my next cut. Despite it being a source of support. I need my phone for medical reasons.
I love everyone and thank them for all the support.
It's sad but has to be.
I am so sorry that you are struggling so much, Blue. I really hope life gets better for you. Sending you lots of love & hope xoxo Cate.
I get to come back here.
We made a different cut. We cut laundry instead of internet. For now.
I don't know my weight. Been afraid to get it with this extreme hunger.
Still eating my daily can of salt tho.
Idk when I will get to some different stores to check for lower salt soups. Maybe in Sept.
Not feeling very well. My 3rd day eating crushed mashed beaten potato chips. Couldn't find soup in my price range.
I guess I can forget the keeping my weight loss off.
My mouth is sore with cuts inside and swollen.
Off to see different family for a week. I'm responsible for my own food so no hope there.
I will post when I return.
Take care everyone.
I'm back early. It was a disaster. The family visit.
But anyway.
Weights up. Have now gained 10 back of my loss.
I guess the ozempic wears off. One of my friends is on mounjaro and has gained 10 back too. So I'd say now to other people considering those drugs for weight loss to expect them to work well then wear off and expect to start gaining your weight back.
Still eating mostly salt for my foods.
I'm not going to get the opportunities I wanted to go check for salt reduced soups so not sure of my eating plan now.
Totally sad and in distress over the weight gain and having to eat a poor diet and out of control diabetes.
(Sure i can spend my small amount on veges and fruits and eat a so called healthier diet but calorically
speaking -- I would not live very long.)
So I sat down and seriously considered and tried to figure out a fruit vegetable diet to eat healthier. Here's an example of what I came up with--

2 bananas 200 calories $2

1 small boiled broccoli crown $2
20 calories

3 scrambled eggs $1 @ 210 calories

So is this truly healthier?
Less than 500 calories.
I mean I can throw in 1/2 cup mashed raspberries for $2 (40 calories?)
Some pb? To vary the foods on some days. But still at a max. Of $5.

So calorically speaking I'm forced to eat poorly due to the prices and having $5 a day.
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Food shopping today and found a surprise. Not any healthier though but a bit cheaper. I found dry pks of soup that make 4 cups for $1.69 (regular 1.99).
As opposed to 2 cup cans for 4.99 +.
So I can have a bit more soup not at the same meal as my tummy only likes 2 cups at a time but later in the same day I can actually have 2 more cups.

I'd still like to do the f/v plan with a bit of protein ( no pasta rice breads or other grains-- too carby for bs control) but not sure how to go about it making enough calories? Does anyone have any suggestions? Keeping in $5 a day Without meats/milk and its products as i'm intolerant of them (diarrhea). To equal 1300 -1600 calories a day as per my diabetes calorie recommendation.
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I'm losing the weight battle. It's already been proven that dieting doesn't work. And the truth about the new weight loss drugs
Is being hidden in the name of profits. So more needs to be done to find the answer.
I believe the biggest thing that can be done, in my experience, is to just NOT EAT VERY MUCH. It would have saved me alot of grief. Had I been smart enough to figure this out way earlier. In addition to that I read somewhere that if you can't eat something healthy it's better to not eat anything. So maybe even if I can only afford 500 calories of healthy food each day it is better and healthier.
Even so I can't do any more food this month until Sept. As I've run out of funds for Aug. But in the meantime I have to make a list of all the foods I can tolerate and that are healthier.
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Foods today--
2 cups salt water (soup)

The reason I can't go check new places for salt reduced soups--
My family doesn't feel that it's important because sometimes I eat bad foods. (But I have no choice sometimes).
And upon more thinking about the f and v plan its not going to work for me due to the higher bs the fruits will cause. It's already bad due to not taking my insulin.
Soooo back to the drawing board. :(