bluehats diary

Oh, Blue. I feel useless trying to think of answers but really don't know how you could manage on $5 a day for food. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful :grouphug: I find it hard to fathom that there is not more help available to you.
Oh, Blue. I feel useless trying to think of answers but really don't know how you could manage on $5 a day for food. I'm sorry I can't be more helpful :grouphug: I find it hard to fathom that there is not more help available to you.
There are 2 food banks and they each allow a visit every other month. Thus being that a person can go to one or the other every month.
So when I last went to the one I asked for just soup and explained that I have no teeth and can't chew.
The lady said we can't do special things or else they would have to for everyone. So I haven't been there since last winter. As I don't want to take food that I can't even eat from others who need some.
And a few months ago I finally got courage enuf (after the bad response from the other one) to ask at the other one for just soup and explained things.
The lady there said we do not cater to people.
So I don't get to have food bank help.
And I have concluded that you have to have money to use them. As in that if I had money for teeth I could eat the food they distribute.
And also because smokers clearly got food and ppl in new vehicles.
And of course there are free meals a few days a week but you need to be able to get there. And for a short period of time I lived across the road from one and guess what they served--- soup !!!
So not only is my body working against me so is society. I guess there is something wrong with me or I've done some terrible thing.
Went to the lab today.
They didn't have my requisition. But I know they have it. They told me they had enough for 2 more tests which brings me to Dec tests. (When I went last).
So where did it go?
O well that doesn't let me not not eat today just because I didn't get to get the tests done.
Ffing waste of time.
I guess I just tell the Dr next month they said they didn't have it. I'm not going back til he orders more.
Not fair.
Not starving twice.
Just curious as to what anyone would guess the calories are on the following meal plan....

1 cup of dry cereal
1 cup of milk
Snack 1
1/2 cup fruit juice
2 slices of bread
2 oz. meat
1 cup vegetables
Snack 2
1/2 cup fruit juice
1 cup rice/pasta (a grain food)
2 oz meat
1 cup vegetables
Snack 3
Same as breakfast or
2 plain cookies and 1 cup milk
Fat such as margarine on bread
Thinking of exercise today.
To describe the dancing.
With the pain and swelling
my dancing has always
only been just barely moving
a bit around the 1 small kitchen
I have.
It doesn't burn any calories.
Basically barely keeps me from
being completely stiff in my chair.
My legs feel very heavy and my knees barely bend. My feet and calves swell so socks can't go on and
pants are very tight below the knees.
So you can imagine how I would barely really be dancing.
But I guess it's some movement.
Blue, I don't have much time this morning & I don't guess calories. Do you have a phone where you can install My Fitness Pal or another calorie counter & input that food as that is what I would do for myself. I also would give chair exercises a go as even though they may not burn many calories they would keep your body moving & that has to be beneficial.
Blue, I don't have much time this morning & I don't guess calories. Do you have a phone where you can install My Fitness Pal or another calorie counter & input that food as that is what I would do for myself. I also would give chair exercises a go as even though they may not burn many calories they would keep your body moving & that has to be beneficial.
The meals I listed I've been told make a 1600 calorie plan.
I wouldn't be able to eat this much. I was just curious on how much people would say it is.
Because it seems way more than 1600.
A few treats today to eat--

1 boiled mashed sweet potato!!!!
Sour sour cream ( it was going sour so I added an onion soup mix)
The pie out of a slice of pumpkin pie (ate the filling out of the crust). A slice.
Banana pudding.
No clue on the calories tho. :(
Did 2 songs today.
And tried to pick up the speed.
One leg hurts more than the other but it always does so no big deal there.
Hoping it helps for the stiffness I have all day.
Plus I try to save the dishes to get up a few times to do a few at a time. So I'm up and moving more.
It's a side effect from my meds. I know this because I've went off it for a week a few times and it goes away.
Surprisingly it's the insulin I use.
But my numbers are a little better with it.
I am going to incorporate more movement into my everyday activities too, Blue as I feel like my legs are getting less flexible. I might start dancing in the house too.
Working myself down to once a day. Eating.
I won't keep my weight off. What's left of what I lost.
If I don't.
Eating is how I got in this mess.
Just can't do the pain and swelling and hunger -- the continuous meds. side effects anymore.
I found something that helps it all but it's a slippery slope and my mother literally died from it one night. (Alcohol).
I do not want to go that route.
Very sad I just can't be a normal Eating person.
I know this might be extreme but I'm not going thru this again-- the having to lose huge amounts of weight. I'm too old for it. I'm 59 in a few months.
So my plan to get to the omad is to gradually get my noon meal stretched closer and closer to my second meal until they are one.
And see along the way what else I have to do.
Feeling very sick today.
My finances took another blow. This ones cuts 7 to 14 days of food money gone. Just like that.
So I fast those days or eat less $1.25 to $2.50 a day. Therefore having $2.50 to $3.75 a day versus the $5.00.
Which way should I choose?
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I guess it's a good thing I'm moving toward omad.
I have to makeit as healthy as I can.
I know omad is not about eating junk or starving. I just have to do the best I can.
I see some veggies on sale like sweet potatoes and squash and broccoli so I will get some to eat healthier. I have a little cottage cheese and bars of cheese I can shred. For protein and fats.

That will do for now. And hope when they run out maybe a new sale. I guess I just buy some of a few things and divide it up by a few days? Or whatever looks fair. A piece of shredded cheese and a cup of veggies?
$2.50 to $3.75 might cover this.

But exercise may be a problem on so few calories. I did that once and ended up admitted to the hospital for a night. A long time ago but still.
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Blue, can you take whatever the food bank offers you & make it work? Just ask for help & don't say that you want anything specific. Most canned food is not hard. Vegetables can be turned into soup. What you absolutely can't eat could be given away.
Blue, can you take whatever the food bank offers you & make it work? Just ask for help & don't say that you want anything specific. Most canned food is not hard. Vegetables can be turned into soup. What you absolutely can't eat could be given away.
I received--
1 one cup size can of soup
1 can of beans
1 can of fruit
1 can of vegetables -- yellow beans
1 liter of milk-- lactose intolerant cause the runs
1 loaf of white bread
1 carton of margarine
1 small smooth pb
1 can tuna-- protein intolerant causes the runs
1 box of instant jello
12 frozen eggs
10 raw white potatoes
1 Small apple
1 frozen dinner
1 box of kd
1 outdated frozen piece of beef -- protein intolerant causes the runs
1 pk of outdated frozen sausages -- protein intolerant causes the runs
1 pk of 4 outdated frozen beef/pork burgers -- protein intolerant causes the runs
1 outdated pk of 6 donuts-- gone very hard and dry
1 small bag of outdated cheese curds

So edible for me are--
The eggs I can scramble
The pb I can eat straight from the jar
The soup I can heat then cool
The cheese curds melt in the soup before cooling the soup
The jello
The kd maybe
The potatoes boil then mash then cool

Unable to eat any of the fish or meat or milk. And im not vegetarian. I just can't tolerate them.
So not able to utilize nearly any of what I received.