So what do you plan to do instead of binging? Having something solid planned gives you a better chance than hope and fear. Can you go out, see or call someone nicer than that family member after meeting them? Writing or even ranting on here about it may feel weird but getting those negative feelings out and needing to specify what exactly makes you feel bad can be helpful in dealing with those feelings. Maybe while they're there remind yourself regularly in your head that what they say is cruel/untrue/unnecessary/just their opinion. Or try to observe which kind of remarks touch you most of all and why. Either exercise might help to keep you in an observer's role, which to me feels a little less vulnerable. Best of luck!
i dont have any plans yet
i tried to make some awhile back
but havent come up anything
i did binge last night but on salads
so probably didnt do any weight gain
damages anyway
just a painful stomach and the usual
shame and self hate and feeling of
loss of control
at least i still have the higher calorie foods
left to eat for a few days
i can be grateful for that
and that i didnt get overwhelmed enough
to throw it out
so there is some positive this time to
the whole thing
there isnt any way to go see a nicer person
because that nicer person lives with the meaner
person and doesnt understand the situation
(despite my explaining it)
and to see the nicer person i have to see the
meaner one
its hard to explain
its just always been set up that way
and i have had no choice to see the
nicer person without the meaner person involved
it happens sometimes but its rare
(that i get to see the nicer one without
the mean one)
im not really able to say alot more detail
as i dont know if the mean one reads diet
groups online
so im hoping supper goes well very shortly
and i can eat a proper amount and not all the food here