Weight-Loss Belly Busters

ok,my weight:

MommyOf2 ~ 152   151
Miss Kallie ~   322      315.5
Xorie ~         206       205
M2M ~         226        223
TwinMom ~    228       223
AussieChick ~  215      213
Totals   1349
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well I wieghed in this morning after I finally got my scale working..which wasn't until 1130 am and I normally weight in at 9. I already had breaky and water.

I wieghed in at 315.5...up a lb. That's ok,:)
Looking super guys. Miss Kallie I wouldn't worry about it. As Mal said I'm sure it will come off. If I do recall you are doing so well one lb in the scheme of things is like one drop in a bucket of water. I'm sure next week will be much better.
My weight this morning was not 224 - it was 223...224 was from Saturday and I ran out the door thinking I had posted. I only change my ticker on Saturday morning weigh ins.
M2M said:
My weight this morning was not 224 - it was 223...224 was from Saturday and I ran out the door thinking I had posted. I only change my ticker on Saturday morning weigh ins.

corrected - sorrry :(
Sorry to be so slow - I did diaries and then my kids needed lunch so I didn't make it here. I weighed myself before my group personal training and I was down 1 lb. to 151. I was hoping for more, but that's it.

I did have a great time at the 40th bday at the resort! We managed to have a great time and didn't spend too much money. I did very well although I did not exercise. It's good to be home, though. Here I was supposed to be enjoying a break from the family, and I just found myself missing them. (sigh)

OK - I hope everyone is doing great!!
MommyOf2 ~ 152   151
Miss Kallie ~   322      315.5
Xorie ~         206       205
M2M ~         226        223
TwinMom ~    228       223
AussieChick ~  215      213
Totals   1349           1330.5

Pounds lost = 18.5
Percentage 1.37
I think 18.5 lbs. is an awesome loss for our team!! Yay Belly Busters!!!!!! I hope everyone is off to a good start today!
You guys, this is fantabulous!!

18.5 pounds in ONE week!! WTG everyone :D

So, what's the plan for this week? I hope to continue as I've been doing, I know sooner or later, I'm going to HAVE to incorporate some strength training/toning excercises, but I'm not THERE yet ;) I'm hoping not to start until I hit 200. We'll see ;)

I'm not crazy about excercise just for the sake of excercise. I like moving, playing, walking, because I'm going somewhere...so different then just standing in one spot doing excercises...so I'm going to have to work on shifting my perceptions to incorporate it!

Anyway, I hope you ladies are all doing great! We truly are busting our bellies!!
planning on doing a lot more running. Ran yesterday and it felt REALLY good to know that I could run that far (a mile and a quarter) without stopping.

M2M, I know what you mean about strength training. boring... I try to make it fun, but doing it in beat to music I love, or singing while I do it, or even shutting my door and window curtains and dancing with weights on my arms!

Keep up the AMWESOME work everyone! and lets keep dropping those pounds!