Ok!!! I'm back everyone! My flight got in 3 hours ago, and I wanted to update as soon as possible so that I could get back on track.
first off,
Everyone is doing so well!
Ok, for me, I went to a volleyball camp at the Gonzaga University. That's four days of volleyball. I wrote down everything that I ate while I was there. All in all I was pretty proud of myself for not stuffing my face because of the buffet every meal.
Though, the breakfasts were usually my biggest meal. And I'm fine with that. I didn't eat much sugar for breakfast either, mostly eggs and a hashbrown and some cherrios and milk with some kind of fruit. Energy food is VERY important at these things. Then we'd have 3 hours of VB, then lunch. Usually had an apple or orange and some kind of sandwich, and maybe a salad. Then another bout of volleyball.
Dinner would be smaller. Some pasta, a salad and whatever the "main course" was. Then more volleyball!
Plus, I do believe I drink more water at camp then I ever do at home. My record for camp was 7 Nalgeen's (32oz a Nalgeen).
I did make a list of the "BAD STUFF" but thankfully it was pretty short.
1 small (but utterly delicious) fudge brownie
A total of 1 package of M&M's (gave away half everytime, because I just couldn't eat the whole thing with out thinking about the challange, and myself)
an Ice cream bar (200 cal)
2 cookies in a sack lunch during a vb tourney.
That was about the extent of the "bad stuff"
I did a weigh in when I got home, and I had
gained two pounds

!! I hope it is mostly the water I drank and muscle built at camp. Sorry guys for not really losing any weight, but I really am trying! My coach noticed that I had lost weight, and that felt really good to hear from her too.
Keep up the good work! I'm going to run a mile tonight, and play some pepper with my sister.
Keep it up!