April 3
Thanks Zoila and Jess393 I really appreciate hearing some feedback, especially after everything that happened with my little mishap and slowing down after it. So I got to my very first arobics class today. I can't believe it took me like 2 or 3 weeks to get to it, but hey, all that matters is that I did it!! I checked my weight again this morning and I haven't gained anything. It kinda feels like a relief, some times I think that if I get on the scale, I'll just be back to were I started, if not worse. I realize this is totally insane, but... well I don't know. Anyway, as far as food goes today I really could have done better. Someone at work had this awsome liquorice that I haven't had in years, it was green apple Darrell Lea, it's made in Australia and I didn't know that we could get it here. Anyway, I found out were he got it and went and got 2 packages!!! Now I didn't eat the whole 2 packs, but I will after about a week or so!! I let you all know how long they last!