After eating all that bad food yesturday, I had super high expectations of myself today. I've told myself this isn't going to be another one of those, "oh well, I didn't do so well today, I'll wait till next week to start doing better" So in saying that, first thing this morning I walked into my office and what's sitting on my file cabnet? Those beautiful cookies from the day before, they seemed to find their home in my office...funny eh! Right away, I took that pastry box and handed it to our lab girl and said "You gotta take these!" Luckily, she was more than happy to oblige! It's been a little extra stressful at work lately, I think because I only have 4 more working days and my replacement isn't even there yet. It seems easier to slip and not even realize that I'm doing it till it's too late. A girl from one of our sister office's sent us all valentine's with a little tiny foil chocolate heart, and I had put it in my jacket pocket, and as I walked out of the clinic I found it in my mouth, melting away! I was supose to get to the gym after an appointment I had today, but forgot my clothes at home PLUS I've hurt my leg. My massage therapist says she thinks I tore some fibers and not to push can you not push it, she says to walk briskly with my arms going, but I do circut training with steps, so I'm not sure how to go about it. Not to mention half the time I feel like I can't even stand on it. Boy am I just winging today eh! But that's it, tomorrow I will go to that gym, and if I don't I have to do some arobics with Kathy Smith when I get home. That's real punishment...I HATE arobics!! And I will not have even I bite of chocolate...or whatever!!! Keep going strong everyone!!!!