Hi ijustwannabefit!
Thanks for reading and responding to my post.
As I said in post, I do see a registerd dietician and she designed a eating plan for me.
I have had alot of success with eating no more that 3, (at most 4) carbohydrate choices a meal. 9-12 carb choices a day. I stay on the low end (try too)
15 grams of carbohydrate= 1 carbohydrate choice.
Sometimes I switch it up:
2 choices for breakfat
3 for lunch
4 for dinner
Remember, the more carbsohydrates you eat at a meal (especially the bad ones without fiber), the more insulin your body will produce and occurs as a fast surge!
The high surge in insulin, not only lowers that blood suger so you feel hungry again soon, it also helps store all those excess carbohydraytes as fat!
High fiber foods works in our favor to help with this. Fiber slows the digestion process, and the rapid, large surge of insulin does not occur as severe! This is just one of the benefits of fiber!!
Carbs are vital to the human body. It is the fuel that the cental nervous system uses for energy! We need them, but they must also be consumed responsibly!
This is what works for me.
Please keep in mind, I will share what works for me, but I am not telling anyone they should do the same as me. Individuals need to talk to a professional who have the proper education in nutririon and human body physiology (doctors, registered dieticians). Remember, there are health conditions that must be considered too when weight-loss counceling is sought!
I do understand the purpose of this forum is to recieve and give support. Weight control and exercise are challanging areas. More so for some people than others.
Thanks and take care
Originally Posted by ijustwannabefit
Cool - we are the same height and have similar goals! What are you doing to lose the weight?