Kawaii - all you guys need is one of the bonuses for completing all of your exercise or everyone on the team completing the bonus challenge - you could easily take first place - get your team motivated!
Just a reminder - the official weigh in doesn't have to be in until tomorrow 6/13!
Anyone who doesn't check in before MIDNIGHT EST on 6/14 will get ZERO POINTS! So, make sure you check in!!
DON'T FORGET - if you haven't posted a positive affirmation every day - you will need to post them all by tomorrow before the deadline (midnight EST)
I have a really big favor to ask of all of you!
When you check in, could you list all of your positive affirmations together so that I can see who did them all? Just list them right under this week's stats.
Lori - It is after 9 a.m. on Sunday morning here in England. Quite a few people in the challenge (including half your own team) may be eating things that are about to be forbidden when the new bonus challenge is announced. I would appreciate it if you could make the announcement soon as I possibly should be avoiding eating things - or I may need to rearrange my food plan in order to accommodate it!
Morning guys! Everyone can throw the tomatoes now and tell me what a bad contest host I am!
I am so sorry that I didn't post the bonus yesterday - I only had time to jump on for a few min because "life" took over yesterday. So, again, I am so sorry.
So, to make this week's bonus fair, you will have three different bonuses to choose from. YOU ONLY HAVE TO DO ONE!
Here are your choices...
1. Additional exercise challenge. Up your exercise to 1 hour/day for the week - so you will need a total of 6 hours (360 min) by the end of Friday.
2. No FAST FOOD of any kind (not even salads) If its at a fast food restaurant chain, you can't eat it.
3. Eat breakfast every day! (This one is especially difficult for me because I rarely eat breakfast).
So, that's it! Make sure you let your team know which challenge you are going to attempt to do!
Again, sorry for the late post! Hope I didn't screw anyone up!
This was a crucial week guys - the extra "Positive Affirmation Bonus" was worth 12 points if you completed all 6!! We had a few teams that had team members who didn't check in and that hurt them. This is an accountability contest - it's all about keeping your TEAM motivated - its not an Individual Contest. (So give em hell!)
Here are this week's results -
The Purple Team - 86.9 The Green Team - 81 The Blue Team - 53.28
And now here are the results to date -
The Purple Team - 178.30 The Green Team - 173.12 The Blue Team - 135.38
Make sure that you are motivating each other to complete the bonuses and exercise and check in on time! You get an extra 10 points if everyone completes their exercise requirements. AND you get an extra 15 points if everyone completes the Bonus Challenge!
Any chance of you posting the new bonus today so that we know what it is at the start of Sunday. Sunday starts in less than 6 hours time here - and it would be a shame if I did something wrong on Sunday morning.
"Cutting soda out of your diet completely can save the average person 360 calories or more each day. Even diet soda, fruit juices, and whole milk can add unnecessary calories to your daily intake. Instead, drink lots of water and switch from whole to skim or even soy milk; the little things can make a big difference."
The bonus challenge this week is NO SODA - not even diet! If its carbonated - YOU CAN'T DRINK IT!
For some, this may be easy - for others, time to find an alternative for the week!
Oooh boy this is going to be interesting! lol
I don't drink all that much soda but I do have a can or so every now and then.
It appears I'll be having a water week! Woohoo lol
I have an unopened diet coke sitting right in front of me They aren't a huge deal for me.. but it's more the fact that I CAN'T have it that will make me crave it now
The Green Team had somewhat of a disadvantage with two team members not checking in this week. Unfortunately, it was stated before that if anyone doesn't check in on your team, you receive "0" points.
From here on out - if anyone goes more than 1 week with out checking in, they will be removed from the team.
And the results are in!
Blue Team - 84.15 Great job this week BLUE TEAM! Purple Team - 70.4 Green Team - 23.88
Running Totals -
Purple Team - 248.70 Blue Team - 219.53 Green Team - 197
The Purple Team is still in the lead! The Blue Team has taken Second Place! IT'S STILL ANYONE'S GAME!
Okay - since we have a few people who aren't too "fond" of the NO SODA Bonus Challenge - I am going to revise the Bonus Challenge for this week.
Since we have already lost a day - this challenge will run Monday 6/23 through Saturday 6/28.
I want everyone to have a fair chance at getting bonus points - and it wasn't my intention to have anyone say "I'm just not doing it". Don't want to cause any type of resentment on the teams.
So, this week's challenge will be to add CALCIUM to your diet.
Everyone will need to add 1000mg each day to achieve the bonus.
You can do this the good ole fashion way by eating or drinking more calcium - or you can take calcium supplements.
If anyone doesn't like this challenge - too bad! I tried!