Weight-Loss Accountability Contest - GET BACK ON TRACK!

Yay! That soda one was too easy anyway :p (no offense anyone!)

So, as well as enough calcium, I would like to get in enough Vitamin C this week... so thats 1000mg as well. Don't you just love fitday!?
I'm new to the forums this week and trying to find an active club/challenge to plug into with fun people but seems all the good ones I don't qualify or have missed the boat on. I can't go to vegas so I was excited to see this one until I saw you guys had a start date...just wondering if you stuck to that or is it too late to join? If so pls let me know if you guys are going to start another one for me to watch for in August :D
Happy Saturday everyone! Don't forget about the weigh in today before MIDNIGHT EST!

Announcement - we have a new member to the Green Team! Douknowjello will be joining them today - so tomorrow will be the official start date. :)

I have updated the team lists in each individual thread.

Have a great weekend!​

"Fried foods, especially deep-fried, contain a great amount of fat. While chicken and fish are usually leaner than beef or pork, they can contain more fat when they are fried. Look at how the number of grams of fat in a chicken breast changes depending on how it is cooked:

Cooking method, Fat Grams
Meat Only, Roasted 3.1
Meat Only, Fried 4.1
Meat and Skin, Batter Fried 18.5"

This week - NO FRIED FOODS! :eek:


We're doing the Self Affirmations again! Earn extra points for your team by posting 1 positive affirmation about yourself each day (Sun through Fri)

Different rules from last time - You must post 1 positive affirmation per day. You cannot just post all of them in one thread. (The idea behind this is that we need to give ourselves positive feedback EVERY DAY)

Here's the kicker! No duplicates from last time - make sure that you go back and look at your post to make sure that you don't use any of the same positive affirmations that you have already told your team!

POINTS - You must complete the FRIED FOODS challenge in order to get points for the POSITIVE AFFIRMATION challenge.

If you achieve the FRIED FOODS challenge - you will get the normal points for completing a bonus.

For every positive affirmation that you have, you will receive 3 extra points per statement. That's an possibility of 18 extra points for your team!

:biggrinjester: GOOD LUCK! :biggrinjester:
Fry light contains 1 calorie per spray. Does food stir-fried using fry light qualify as acceptable although fried? - or does the act of cooking in a frying pan (despite no traditional oil or fat being present) render it unacceptable?
I just had fried zuchini in a low carb batter right before I read this, lol. I guess I can go a week without anything fried...my kitchen got too hot anyway.

If we exercise on Saturday... even though it's the day off, can that still count towards our exercise for the next week even though it's not required in the math of how much time we work out for the week? It seems almost pointless to not count something that we've done well.

And welcome to the challenge and the forums, douknowjello!
I just had fried zuchini in a low carb batter right before I read this, lol. I guess I can go a week without anything fried...my kitchen got too hot anyway.

I fry courgette (i.e. zuchini) in fry light - and we can do that next week. Try the 1 cal per spray way of frying. You can really save calories and fat content.

If we exercise on Saturday... even though it's the day off, can that still count towards our exercise for the next week even though it's not required in the math of how much time we work out for the week? It seems almost pointless to not count something that we've done well.

And welcome to the challenge and the forums, douknowjello!

Yes I pmd this question to Lori awhile ago:)
Oh great idea. We don't fry a ton though anyway and the kitchen got super hot. We're moving so I definitely think this is an incentive to just grill all week while we pack up the last of it.

If we exercise on Saturday... even though it's the day off, can that still count towards our exercise for the next week even though it's not required in the math of how much time we work out for the week? It seems almost pointless to not count something that we've done well.

Yes - you can include it in the week FOLLOWING the Saturday. So, if you know that there will be a day in the upcoming week that you won't be able to exercise, you can use Saturday's number.

You just can't use Saturday to "catch up". Know what I mean?
I apologize! Forgot to give a welcome to LADYUMBRA who has joined the Blue Team starting this week!

Now the teams are a little more evened out. :)

The Blue Team - 61.05
The Green Team - 24
The Purple Team - 28.8


The Blue Team - 196.43
The Green Team - 197.12
The Purple Team - 207.10

The PURPLE TEAM is still in the lead - but the Blue Team has kicked it up a few notches and has made it a VERY TIGHT RACE!

Great job this week BLUE TEAM - you are the only team that had everyone check in and everyone completed the EXERCISE requirement!

:waving: Have a great weekend everyone! :waving:
This week it's going to be a little different - we are each going to pick our own challenge.

Here's how it will work -

Choose something that you've been wanting to start, fit in, change, spice up, etc. and post it in the Bonus Idea Thread http://weight-loss.fitness.com/club-challenges/22025-accountability-contest-bonus-idea-thread.html by MIDNIGHT EST on Monday 7/7. This will allow enough time for anyone who doesn't check on Sunday.

This bonus will run Monday through Saturday (7/7 through 7/12)

The only way you will get points for your chosen bonus challenge is if it is posted by Monday and it is completed on Saturday. Anything posted after Monday will not count for points.

Post your progress throughout the week and let your teammates know how you're doing. Make sure you let your teams know what you're attempting to do for the week as well!

You will receive 10 Bonus Points if you complete this bonus challenge. If everyone on your team completes their bonus - your team will receive an additional 10 points.

Good luck - get creative - it can be ANYTHING!