New member
They do say decaf drinks count and anythign sugarless, like crystal lite and that kool aid stuff...which is what i drink it is like the crystal lite but nutritional ppl say as long as it is decaf you can count it
I don't think coffee, soda, sobe, kool-aid, and stuff like that should count. I think crystal light and tea are ok because they have a water base and virtually no calories...
This week Team 1 had 1 no show and Team 2 had 2 no-shows. I divided the total score by the number of players to arrive at the winning team.
Dum dum dum dummmmmmmmmmm: Team 2 aka Team Sweet Cheeks is the winner! Congratulations!
We will drop the 2 no shows from Team 2 and the 1 no show from Team 1 since its apparent they don't want to participate. From now on all no-shows will be included in the number of team members.
Good luck to both teams on Week 3!
Just wanted to say that almost all my information is gone. All my exercise I did in week 1 is gone plus most of the points are gone for my eating for week one as well. Only about 3 days stayed. I don't know what that's about. Also, my starting weight changed to 164 when it was 173. So I'm gonna change that now, but I'm not touching anything else so you guys can take a peek.
crystal light?
Thank you VERY MUCH Melissa for updating to Week 3. That is a lot of a work and we all SO APPRECIATE it. I LOVE the scorecard!!!!!
The water challenge is 5 points for meeting the challenge the whole week. Yesterday people were unclear as to what can be considered "water" so we are forgetting yesterday and STARTING TODAY. So 6 days of getting the amount of water needed for your weight. Mine is 73 ounces.
Based on everyone's comments, let's go with water meaning:
water with a splash of juice (say 2 oz)
de-caf or herbal tea
Anything else to add that's truly healthy and zero to low calorie?
For some reason all of the weights for week 2 got screwed up. I had fixed the ones that were incorrect last night but now all of them are incorrect. We are supposed to enter our Week 2 ending weight (done on Mon or Tues of each week) in the FIRST column and then the second column automatically calculates how much we lost or gained since our starting weight. Melissa, can you have a look to see what's going on and how it got changed? Or am I missing something..
It was 3:30am my time when I did it. Sorry!! LOL
Thanks for staying up so late and doing it!!!