Weight-Loss 6 Week Goal Challenge Teams, Rules, Reminders

I was looking at my total and saw that it didn't give me full points. It looks like the sum formula is N27 +D29 (instead of N27 +V27) I'm not sure how to change it, and I don't want to mess around so I just left it.

A quick check shows that it seems like my field is the only one off (except for the person who plugged in the value herself.)

I checked the formulas this morning and noticed the 2 discrepancies you pointed out and corrected them. :) I also added Week 2 in the spreadsheet and checked all the formulas. I'll periodically check them to make sure they are calculating right. Because it is a live document, formulas can accidentally get deleted by others and overridden, but I'll check and make sure they stay put.
Right, it maxes out at 5 hours.

Do yall think we should do more hours sometime? I wasn't sure if people had time to do more and figured you're appropriately working toward your goals if you're exercising 4 to 5 hours a week. But if y'all are into it I could do an increased exercise bonus some other week..

I'm ok with adding 5 additional points for every additional hour of exercise over the 4 hours. It's not a lot of points for a lot of extra effort so if people want to knock themselves out with additional exercise at 5pts/hr then go for it.

I really like the 50 bonus points if you eat well all week. From scanning through everyone's exercise it seems as though we are on top of it. Eating is probably a bigger challenge for most of us. That is the bigger bang for your buck...sticking to your eating plan.

At the end of the day I think what is going to shake this challenge up is when we add on the points for the pounds lost. That can turn the game upside down and I can't wait to see it!! Yea Hoo!!!!
Or have it on going additionally, I was upset cuz you are doing this now , when everythign I am doing starts up next week, however one more hr of exercise shouldnt kill me.

You are saying if we do 5 hrs of exercise we get an adittional 5 points right, lol>

I think you should have it introduced now and then have it continue on weekly...

I structured this challenge as a Goals challenge rather than a "go all out" challenge to reflect the slow and steady wins the race model. Many people go all out and over do everything and then get discouraged or turned off and give up. I figured if everyone sticks to 4 hours a week and is good on their nutrition, then they should hopefully be successful losing lbs. That's why you only get 5 points for each pound lost but lots of points when you meet your 4 hours of exercise and eating in your plan all week. A lot of people do not have the time to do 5 or 6 hours of exercise each week, and they don't necessarily need to do all that to be successful with their weight loss. So I'm trying to keep this challenge focused on reasonable do-able weight loss methods. Now I'm worried that not everyone will be happy no matter which way we go.. :(
Claud - it was just a suggestion and if on going, you or I or whom ever is making that coice to do more...tha tis all...

I just know tha tcome next week I will be averaging out between 5 - 6 hrs:)Damn I better start loosing, lol!

I really like the fact that the weight isnt an issue that always gets me booted from challeneges sooner than late as I dont loose like everyone else no matter how hard i try...
I'm ok with adding 5 additional points for every additional hour of exercise over the 4 hours. It's not a lot of points for a lot of extra effort so if people want to knock themselves out with additional exercise at 5pts/hr then go for it.

Exactly, plus it would give those behind on daily eating points catch up time so to speak,Like if ya screw up and dont get your 10 daily points you ahve the chance to earn half of that buy adding an hour to your week of exercise... i mean it is a little something ya know.
It looks like Team 1 won for this week and that kirti, as the lowest scorer of the losing team, gets booted. It looks like she's a no show and won't care anyway LOL.

Lena had expressed interest in participating if we had no shows. How do you all feel about switching Kirti for Lena on Team 2 and then starting our eliminations from there. It seems like Team 2 has a few more newbies that haven't consistently showed up, which is unfair of course.

Let me know how you feel about this please..
Add Lena! She is cool peeps...and besides, she really wants to compete so she'll be a good contributor for Team 2. Too bad we couldn't have her on Team 1. Can we just type her name over Kirti's and be done with it?
I was noticing that cell 54X has us as 2000 points, but all 21 members of the team got their 100 workout points. (I didn't total up the diet points)
aw i feel so popular and cool now :D so i'm gonna join team 2? i gotta say my upper attributes are waay better than my lower but that's ok :D i'll get a hang of it lol
I was noticing that cell 54X has us as 2000 points, but all 21 members of the team got their 100 workout points. (I didn't total up the diet points)

Thanks for that catch. It's a sumif formula and it should have grabbed everything. I think someone accidentally changed the format of the cell to "text" rather than "number". I made sure all the formats in the cell contents were the same.

The formulas were all checked in the beginning but can be messed up as we go along with this process because there are so many hands in the file. We'll have to manually check periodically to make sure the formulas are not getting tampered with.

K - One question for all? Since we ended up with all the newmembers on team 2... We've basically had no shows on 2 other members besides kirti251 (who has been replaced nicely by Lena :D).

But this means that that we now have an automatic 2 team member deficit and even if everyone is perfect sort of gives us a major disadvantage.

Any idea how to handle this and be fair?
K - One question for all? Since we ended up with all the newmembers on team 2... We've basically had no shows on 2 other members besides kirti251 (who has been replaced nicely by Lena :D).

But this means that that we now have an automatic 2 team member deficit and even if everyone is perfect sort of gives us a major disadvantage.

Any idea how to handle this and be fair?

I'll let Claudia make the final decision. But what we could do is keep things "as is" for now as more people are likely to drop off between now and the end of the challenge. Then at the end if we don't have an even split between teams we can do some type of % of total points possible or something like that to choose the winning team. We'll figure out a way to make sure the scoring is fair.

I agree w/your concerns. If one team has less members then you would be at a disadvantage going off just point totals....we'll find a way to keep this fair and competitive :)
K - One question for all? Since we ended up with all the newmembers on team 2... We've basically had no shows on 2 other members besides kirti251 (who has been replaced nicely by Lena :D).

But this means that that we now have an automatic 2 team member deficit and even if everyone is perfect sort of gives us a major disadvantage.

Any idea how to handle this and be fair?

That's so true Karl! And as the competition goes on, if we lose more players by losing each week, there will be a point where there's no way we could win a challenge week. Can we do points by percentage of total?

Like say if we have 10 people on TEAM 2. The maximum points we can get in a week is 10 x 220 = 2,200

While if TEAM 1 has 12 players, their maximum points will be 12 x 220 = 2,640.

So can we just take the actual points of each time at the end of the week and divide it by the MAX POINTS they COULD HAVE GOTTEN for that week to get the percentage and then just whoever has the higher percentage is the winner?

to get percentage

I think that's more efficient than just going strictly on points since it's goign to get skewed as more people are taken off the team as
the weeks go on.
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AHH SORRY THIS IS COMPLICATED. I also realize that every week or so we'll have bonus points. Like this week, we have the 5 point bonus for each person who does more htan 4 hours of workout.

If we're goign to be calculating by percentage, we can't really add the 5 points to the " MAXIMUM TOTAL POINTS TEAM(X) COULD HAVE EARNED " because it's just a bonus. the points would only be added to the numerator portion of the formula. ..i think!

Hope that makes sense.
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