Weight-Loss WLF Team Challenge - Team SUCCESS!

Hey guys
Sorry i didnt reply yesterday,I worked 12 hours yesterday and even though I didnt "exercise" I felt like i ran a marathon,and with only one litre of water,,just didnt have time to drink it.and its going to be the same today..I will try my hardest guys ,But I cant make any promises..So sorry to disappoint you guys

I fully understand that with 12 hours of work you didnt get the chance to exercise - but am a little worried about only 1 litre of water... Not so much from a challenge point perspective but from the standpoint of your health.

The International Sports Medicine Institute recommends that inactive people drink 1 ounce of water for every 2 pounds that they weigh and people that exercise should drink more...

At 150 pounds - that gives a recommendation to drink at least 75 ounces of water which is 2.13098 litres...

Water is really good for us... Lots of people drink just because they think that they are thirsty and do not drink otherwise... It is worth trying to push past that... Water helps to prevent constipation and it helps us to not retain water... When my husband had kidney stones he was told that one of the causes was that he had not been drinking enough water... Add in the fact that lots of people think that they are feeling hungry when they are actually thirsty... Water is also really good for our skin...

Quite aside from the challenge point perspective - it would be great if you could try to drink nearer 2 litres of water... Great for your health and that is more important than challenge points... You would have got the same 1 point if you had drank 1.9 litres - but I would not be as worried about you.
I'm with Omega. Try to keep up that water, Christine. Especially if you're working 12 hours. Being dehydrated is no good :(

I feel fatigued this morning, so I'll get my exercise in later today and then update. I just don't have the energy this morning like I've had for the past several days. Also, I'll try really hard to get my stuff in this Sunday, but I'll be out of town all day long on a road trip to Columbus, OH to pick up a puppy.

EDIT: Just finished my last liter of water along with an hour on the bike (I did 30 mins early this morning). Another day of maxed points. I feel really accomplished.
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Well I got all of my water in today! Woohoo. Going to do my hour of exercise in a bit. Will report back when complete!

Happy Wednesday, everyone!
I am a bit worried about the first weigh-in. I don't think that I will have lost anything :( TOM is right around the corner and I can sort of feel that bloated feeling...

On the upside, since I've started eating much healthier...the bloating feeling is...less substantial. I definitely feel it but not in the same way I have up to this point. So who knows!

Going to workout right now!

I thought about skipping my hour workout today. I just wasn't feeling it. I justified to myself that I still wasn't feeling great. But then I thought of all of you....

And I did an hour long cardio class! I literally did not stop moving the entire hour! :hurray: Don't mind while I cheer myself on a bit here! Ha!

So that is full points for me today! And it feels fantastic! Hope you are all doing wonderfully today!

Camila, you should cheer yourself on because you pushed yourself. I was tired and didn't want to do anything this morning, but I went ahead and did 30 minutes on the bike and another hour later on today when I was feeling more up to it. The point is, you overcame that lack of desire to be active and that's awesome.
Looks like we both overcame our lack of desire to be active today! You need to cheer yourself on as well, Belinda!! You are doing absolutely fantastic in this challenge!! Truly, hearing my teammates stay on top of their exercise, nutrition, and water is completely motivating.

I said this in another thread already, but tomorrow is my *1 month* anniversary since joining...and I just want to thank all of you who truly do motivate me to keep going even when I might not want to. This place is wonderful, the challenge is extremely helpful and my team is so SUCCESSFUL!!!!!!!

Camila and Belinda - you are both really maximising things and doing so well.

My Wednesday was another maximum points day. I had my full 3 litres of water and did more than enough exercise...

I did a reasonable amount of outdoor walking - then followed it up with an hour of Zumba at night...

The Zumba that I do is severely hardcore... Lots of Zumba instructors do it as a part time other job. Their other jobs could be office work or anything... Anyway my Zumba teacher's other job is that he is a dance teacher... He is a brilliant dancer and has danced in the Rio carnival for one of the samba schools... He is also a fully qualified personal trainer... He does brilliant Zumba classes and really works us as hard as we individually can go... Heavier people (like my husband) can cut the moves and that is great too... He works us all so that everyone is totally exhausted... I sweat so much that my hair is absolutely wet... He calls it hardcore and says that he cannot think of a way of making it any more intensive... I have tried out lots of other Zumba instructors - but I know which classes give me the fullest workout...

Rather annoyingly - my pedometer reset around mid-day losing my steps to that point (including past days) - but even so my step count (despite starting again at 0 well into the day) got up to 23,536... I am pretty proud of my step counts... As a general approximation 2,000 steps is taken as being the equivalent of 1 mile - and a lot of medical experts suggest that we should aim to be more active and get our step counts up around the 10,000 steps per day level... I tend to aim much higher on an "every day of the year" basis......

All this talk of weighing means that I really need to apologise in advance... I know that my weighing will not be good this week... I really need to think of this as being a long term project and not a short term diet... My weight is always going to have to be something that I am mindful about and work at... I cannot think in terms of doing it UNTIL the summer or goal or any other end point... My strategy has to be one for the long term... I resolved six years ago that there would be occasions where I would splurge and that I would accept it and behave as good as I could... That I would occasionally eat out and try to not be the diet bore and would just eat as everyone else did... Well a good friend of ours who lives in Spain is coming over to England and we are eating out at a restaurant tonight. It actually means that we will not go to salsa which we normally do on a Thursday night... I am pretty sure that even with a healthy menu choice - I will go high sodium and gain weight... Luckily there are not too many challenge points that are dependant on weight and short of injury - I would expect to scoop maximum exercise points for the duration of the challenge...

Camila - you say that you feel less bloated through TOM than usual... That would be the effect of the water... Like for me, the 3 litres of water that you are drinking is in excess of the 1 ounce per 2 pounds of weight recommendation... Basically there are certain things in life that cause us to retain water - things that affect how much water we need... TOM is one of them... Sodium is another (which is why it can be worth people checking that they are not eating in excess of 2300mg sodium per day)... We retain water, feel bloated and gain weight... Drinking plenty of water actually goes some way to counteract that...

Not drinking enough water is a main culprit for water retention. Water helps your liver convert fat into usable energy. If you don't drink enough, your kidneys are overwhelmed with concentrated fluids, and they will make your liver do extra work. Your liver works hard to turn your body fat into the energy that you use but if it has to do the kidney's work, then it simply hold onto the extra fat that would have been burned off if you simply had enough water.

And what's worse is that instead of excreting water and waste products, you body retains existing water to reuse. This is what causes water retention and bloating. When you don't get enough water, your body panics and holds on to it selfishly, as though you're in a famine. Dehydration thus can make you look bloated and fat instead of thin and taut. The best way to get rid of this water retention is to drink enough of it to return your body and its processes back to a normal equilibrium.

You'll also feel thirsty more often, and this will start a healthy cycle of thirst leading to hydration. But you have to keep it up because if you stop drinking enough water, all the good things you've gained from drinking water (balanced body fluids, weight loss, decreased hunger and thirst) will reverse back to the way they were. In the human body, water affects every aspect of our health. Water lubricates joints and organs. It maintains muscle tone and keeps skin elastic and soft. Water regulates body temperature, filters out impurities, and keeps the brain working properly while transporting nutrients to and from cells.

Keep drinking the water... It is much more important than just getting us challenge points...

Camila - Happy 1 month anniversary.
Omega - May I please borrow your zumba instructor? :) He sounds absolutely fantastic! I have never done zumba but I hear lots about it...people love it! And thank you for the insight on the water...I have no idea why I didn't make that connection with TOM. Too obvious, I guess! I certainly will not stop drinking all of this water after the challenge is over. Now that I think about it, I am really enjoying the benefits of the water.

Woke up early again this morning...but in a fit of coughing! Ugh. So I didn't go for my run jog even though the temperature is warming up a bit here. But that's okay...I really enjoyed working out right before bed yesterday. I guess I will probably continue that until this cough subsides. But I do like getting out there early in the AM!

Anyways, happy Thursday, everyone! Almost the weekend...woohoo!
Camila - when it comes to sodium gain - check out page 176 of the weigh every day club...


I was a member in my big project for ages... I am sure that you will be able see that on 16th April I got rushed into hospital after weighing and acquired a "nil by mouth" sign because they knew that they had to operate... I then couldn't get weighed for a few days but couldnt eat or drink anything (not even water) for a couple of days... then had a day of small sips of water going on to eating mushy sloppy stuff... I did however have saline drips and begged them not to as I knew that I would gain weight with the sodium...

Those weighings are a lesson to everyone about water retention...
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Camila - I encourage anyone that hasnt tried zumba to give it a go... It is tons of fun... I wish that you could come to one of his zumba classes.

To give you an idea of what his classes are like - here is a short film of someone going to one of his classes... I am not there that week (it is at the gym where I do my Monday zumba class)...
The wellness center has zumba classes. I, however, have absolutely no sense of rhythm whatsoever :smilielol5: or I'd try it.

I'll be getting my points in a little later than usual today. My husband is working late tonight and I have some cleaning and laundry to catch up on around the house.
My exercise points are got for today (I've been out walking)... I still have water to drink though...
I plan on having water while we are out tonight... It should be good for both the calories and water consumption. :)
Finally got my hour in. I'm really struggling with fatigue today for some reason. I still have one liter left to drink, though.
Thanks for sharing that Omega - It is very eye-opening to say the least.

As for me...got all my points today already! Managed to get my exercise in earlier today. And I noticed that drinking my water throughout the day is definitely getting easier. The first few days it was like :puke: but now I actually look forward to it..haha!
Well done!

I've had my water now so I got max points for the day too...
I cannot say that my food at the restaurant was saintly - but it could have been worse... I only drank water all night, no nibbles in the pub, no starter, no dessert, no chocolate at the end of the meal... too many calories and too much sodium to be good though...
Hey Omega - I think we all have days like that. And you showed great willpower not going the appetizer or dessert! So you clearly were making some great choices! Well done for that!

I hadn't planned on doing anymore exercise today, but then I decided to go for short walk. Maybe 1.5 miles, I thought. HA. I ended up walking 5.5 miles in an hour and a half! Woohoo. My legs are burning a bit but in the best way! :)
Water consumption is raking in the points everyday but for some unknown reason after hitting my all time low weight of 90kg, my body has just came to a stand still. So weight wise, not much so far for the week. Did a 2 hour walk yesterday - was awesome as this doesn't happen too often:blush5: