Weight-Loss WLF Team Challenge - Team SUCCESS!

Camila and Christine - you are both doing brilliantly. Between your holiday Camila and your anniversary Christine you both have some wonderful incentives to keep on track. I would dearly love to lose weight too... I know that I would look so much better if I could just get back into my jeans... I know that I was wearing them at 147 pounds... It was a really memorable weight for me (being half my biggest weight)... It would be nice to be back there...

Camila - it is fantastic that you have got down to 151 now. Well done! :hurray:

Christine - you have done brilliantly getting down to 147 too (I'm so jealous for reasons stated above!!!). Well done! :hurray:

I'm surrounded by success... :party:

Christine - I hope that you are feeling a lot better soon. I hope that the doctor suggests something to help. Feel good about getting the points that you are managing to get. I can fully understand your views on work counting as exercise... I just thought that you should be aware that it sometimes can count in these challenges... Some people do jobs which can get very physically demanding... Quercus was certainly in that position towards the end of the last challenge... I have known lots of other people get into that situation.

I hate not getting max points for my time in any challenge... I messed about with my food and managed to get max points again on Wednesday - but it is really awkward.
The exercise was easy - plenty of outdoor walking plus an hour of zumba plus the situps...
The 3 litres of tap water was no problem. I had a litre of it during zumba.
I drained the juice from my fruit into an empty yoghurt pot and have it squeezed into the fridge... I am just hoping that it doesnt tip over and make a mess... There really isn't much space in the fridge. I have done the same for two meals today so I might even get 4 days of the points if I am lucky...

I guess I will end up having a mega fruit juice day tomorrow (or today if we run out of fridge space)...
New challenge starting Saturday:

I'd like to see us expanding our horizons. I've never done this before, so this is a perfect excuse. Eat 1 serving of an organic food each day for two points. This can include both produce and meat. Go by the product label to determine the serving size. And because organic is more expensive than conventional, it can be the same food for each day. And to try a different exercise each day for another two points (i.e. swimming, walking, running/jogging, situps, pushups, pullups, sports, jumping jacks, weight lifting, biking, rowing, dancing, etc). To make sure every one is doing a different exercise, they need to update their team thread with which one they did. This will also give others on their team ideas of ones they can try.
Belinda, I have a quick question about the organic food part of the challenge - I use organic creme fraiche, solely because it comes in smaller tubs and it's still cheaper than to throw a big one out. Would that count?
Can I just point out that the last two weigh-in 'winners' have been from Team Success?!?!

We are doing seriously awesome! I love the challenge this week! I eat organice everyday and keep meaning to incorporate some different exercises. Hopefully since we have to post them here we can inspire each other!

Got all my points today except I had a skim latte. Woops! (Not going to lie, it was worth it!)

Christine, I hope you are feeling better soon! How fun that we both have motivation for the end of May. And congrats on the upcoming anniversary. 19 years is a huge accomplishment.

Yay Team Success!!!
Belinda, I have a quick question about the organic food part of the challenge - I use organic creme fraiche, solely because it comes in smaller tubs and it's still cheaper than to throw a big one out. Would that count?

Anything can count as long as it's organic and you do eat one full serving of it per day. Again, go by the label for the serving size. We're aiming for healthy alternatives for this challenge. And like I said, I do know that organic can be more expensive, and I'm trying to keep everyone in mind here, so they can eat the same thing every day. But feel free to experiment and try others out.
Belinda - I posted this question on the other challenge thread.

Is that - a different "exercise for points" to any other day that week or must it also be different to your normal habits? Can it be stuff you already do anyway? What about stuff you do several times in the week?

If it is a different "exercise for points" - I take it that we are talking about something along the lines of
eg Sat=yoga,Sun=situps,Mon=aerobics,Tues=salsa,Wed=zumba,Thurs=Walking,Fri=pilates

if that is the case = is it ok if you happen to for instance walk every day but only claim walking on thurs, or maybe do zumba 3 days but allocate one day to use it to claim the points?
Well I am prepared for next weeks food. I have bought some organic tomatoes, spring onions and a cucumber...

I am planning on having a little organic side salad or snack one serving big every day...

I am all prepared for a different exercise and have booked onto a semba class tomorrow night. It is an Angolan form of dance that I have never done before... I am doing plenty of other exercise tomorrow - but semba will be my unique thing for the day on Saturday.
Anything can count as long as it's organic and you do eat one full serving of it per day. Again, go by the label for the serving size. We're aiming for healthy alternatives for this challenge. And like I said, I do know that organic can be more expensive, and I'm trying to keep everyone in mind here, so they can eat the same thing every day. But feel free to experiment and try others out.

Okay. I'll try my best. The thing is, I don't really do organic, because I do not believe that there is an actual difference, other than the label and the price. I do use the occasional organic food because they usually come in smaller amounts than regular things, and since I am the only one eating it, it means I won't throw so much away. I'll see if I can get some of the fruit that's labelled organic on special offer while I'm out - money's tight, so I can't get any of that at regular prices.
Belinda - I posted this question on the other challenge thread.

If you do all of those things in one day, that's great. The purpose of this challenge is to open up to alternative forms of exercise instead of doing the same one each day (I've been doing the bike every day since I've started and I've had days that it seems boring, know what I mean?). This keeps things fresh. Instead of saying "I don't feel like exercising today, I'm tired of it" it'll be turned around to "I don't feel like doing that exercise today, so I'll try this one."

So, like you said, you can count walking for one day, even if you do it every day, but you can't turn around and claim it later on the week. If you do zumba multiple days through the week, you can count that another day. Just don't get caught doing exercises later in the week that you can't claim because you did so in previous days.

This should be a fairly easy challenge, seeing as we're supposed to do 30 mins-1 hr of exercise for points anyway. So these exercises can count part of your time so you're not doing an hour and then turning around and adding to that with the challenge. I know a lot of people are busy with work, families, etc and don't have much spare time after that hour of exercise.
That's great - thanks Belinda. I am actually planning on doing all sorts of things tomorrow - but the semba tomorrow night will be the thing that I claim for Saturday. Since I have never done it before - I think that it is reasonable to expect that I will not be doing that later in the week. The class is an hour long so it will certainly contribute to my day's exercise... I have my normal Saturday morning salsa lesson and zumba class in the morning and a little walking too. It looks set to be a busy day.
Tomorrow is weigh-in :) If you hadn't noticed, I just kept editing my first post with my week's progress point-wise so that it's all in one post when I go updating my score sheet. It's not that I've not been checking in, it's just that I'm editing one specific post each day--I'm hoping it'll be easier to gather point-data that way versus going through pages and pages to find each post.
Hi Guys,
Sorry I havent posted in a couple days.But with work and going to the doctor I havent had much Time..The doctor said I had bronchitis.Thats why I felt like I was losing my breath when I exercised.I am on a puffer and antibiotics.It aggravates me because I never get sick.

I lost 2.5 lbs but gained it back for some reason..so pissed..so I am at the same weight that I started with last week.Hopefully when I get over this crap..I will be in prime condition again

OMEGA..Thank you so much for making me feel better about the challenge. and you will get back to 147,dont you worry..you will be fitting in those jeans and Buying more..lol

Everyone is doing amazing.SO PROUD OF EVERYONE..We will be done this challenge and will have incorporated new things,healthy choices into our daily lives.

Now I have to find my posts and see how many points I gathered over the week..I know its not that many though.
Great idea,,BELINDA

SATURDAY..3 litres of water (3)exercise..power walking (2) mini challenge..130 squats (2) organic kiwi (2)

SUNDAY..2 litres of water(2) exercise(2) mini challenge..2 organic kiwi (2) no new exercise but 135 squats.

MONDAY..2 litres of water (2) exercise (2) mini challenge 30 jumping jacks (2) and 140 squats

TUESDAY..All points.. new exercise..50 sit-ups

WEDNESDAY..All points..new exercise..boxing

THURSDAY..All points..new exercise..hiking

FRIDAY..All points..new exercise..50 leg lifts
It is better than going through posts..lol..Sorry guys .been real busy but everything is updated..my weight has been down all week ..we will see what it will be tommorrow.GOOD LUCK EVERYONE.
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Haha, I learned that last week when trying to find where the points were. I'm going to do that again this week, updating a single post so they're easier to find next Saturday.
LOL - I think that it is a good idea to do that - but keep posting it every time you update it...

That way
a/ it is easy to find at the end of the week
b/ the rest of the team see how it is updating so see how it progresses... it is also a good excuse for a chat...
c/ it spooks the other teams because they see how much our team posts and is still "together" as a team...







4/13: 2 points for exercise, 4 points for mini-challenge, 3 points for water
4/14: 2 points for exercise, 4 points for mini-challenge, 3 points for water
4/15: 2 points for exercise, 4 points for mini-challenge, 3 points for water
4/16: 2 points for exercise, 4 points for mini-challenge, 3 points for water
4/17: 2 points for exercise, 4 points for mini-challenge, 3 points for water
4/18: 2 points for exercise, 4 points for mini-challenge, 3 points for water
4/19: 2 points for exercise, 4 points for mini-challenge, 3 points for water

Maxed points!!:hurray:
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I did well over an hour of walking just now. I'll claim that as my exercise for today. I'm going to eat my organic carrots later on after I finish mowing the yard.

Edit: Ate the serving of organic carrots. I really pushed to finish my water, too--three 591 mL bottles in the past hour.... I'm waterlogged at the moment.
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Well done Belinda.

new exercise = semba - did an hour long class - and got a friend to show me the basics before the class
did loads of exercise - 1hr salsa class, 1 hr zumba, some outdoor walking plus some social salsa dancing, 32,630 steps
drank about 4 litres water
ate salad snack with 2 small organic tomatoes, an organic spring onion and some organic cucumber
max points






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1hr salsa class, 1 hr zumba, some outdoor walking plus some social salsa dancing

Sheesh, Omega. You're an exercising fool!! Keep it up!