Weight-Loss WLF Team Challenge - Team SUCCESS!

Outside of diet/weight loss/challenge, I have had a horribly stressful day. But I think it made me workout harder and I haven't had time to eat much but what I have eaten has been pretty healthy!

Just finished my hr of cardio, finishing up my last liter as we speak, and will take care of the fruits/veggies after I finish the water! Max points.

I was seriously close to not exercising tonight but it made me feel tons better. Also, the scale was .5lb down from Saturday so that was really great to see and brightened my day even more.

Hope you are all having great days.
Well done Camila and Belinda.

Camila - I'm sorry that you have had a very stressful day. Its great that your weight is down and that you managed to have a good weight loss day despite the stress.

I am on target for another max points day. I will post when I finish the 3rd litre of water - but have had more than two already...

1 hr zumba plus outdoor walking tonight plus on my feet around the house all day while the electrician was modifying the wiring here... Pedometer now up to 30,799 steps so far today... I still have more things to do to get the house straight enough for us to get to bed tonight - but I wasnt going to miss my zumba...

Fruit so far:
1 banana, 2 tins apricots

Veg so far:
courgette, green pepper, yellow pepper, carrot, onion, leek
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Tuesday..3 litres of water,(3)banana and raspberries,(2)cucumber,carrots and celery(3) half hour exercise (1)
wednesday3 litres of water(3)lettuce and celery(2) raspberries and strawberries.(2) hour of exercise(2)
really busy today..Have a great day everyone
wednesday3 litres of water(3)lettuce and celery(2) raspberries and strawberries.(2)

Christine - 2 fruit and 2 veg gives max mini challenge of 5 points

To ease everybody into the mini challenges easily, this first one should be nice and doable by everybody.

Make sure to eat at least 2 different kinds of vegetables, and two different kinds of fruit per day, for 5 points per day. If you manage at least one kind of fruit and one kind of vegetable, you can still earn 2 points.
Great job, team!

Got my fruits and veggies in bright and early this morning. Took care of the water at work. Just got back from an 80 minute workout...max points!

Also I am holding on to 153 today...scale was actually going between 149-153 lol so I settled on the higher of the weights! I am sooo pumped to get down to the 140s!!
Did my two fruits this morning along with 30 mins of exercise. Water throughout the day and just finished the last liter and 30 mins of exercise. Two veggies for dinner. Maxed points, but sheesh my knees are killing me right now.
Camila - congratulations on the way that the scale is going down for you. That is wonderful. :party: also on all those points for our team.

Christine - in my hurry to make sure that you didnt miss out on a point that you earned I didnt get to congratulate you on how well you are doing. You are doing great.

I managed to finish off that third litre of water before bed - so Wednesday ended with maximum points for me.

I will get my exercise done during the daytime today - so it will not matter that I have no salsa tonight. We normally do two salsa classes on a Thursday - but we are going to the Easter pantomime instead. Rod and I are big kids and the show is clearly aimed at the child market since there is only one evening show and that is tonight... We decided that we are not going to miss out on a pantomime... Water might be a bit of a problem as I will be out during part of the day and not able to go to the toilet too easily and I will not want to be disappearing at the theatre during the performance... I will try my best...
Belinda - well done on max points. I'm sorry about your knees. It might be worth allowing today's exercise to go gentle on your knees. You do not want to risk injury.
Belinda - well done on max points. I'm sorry about your knees. It might be worth allowing today's exercise to go gentle on your knees. You do not want to risk injury.

That's why I did for my second half of exercise last night when I felt them hurting. I finished out my exercise, but at a much slower pace. I thought my ankles would be the ones bothering me because they crackle and grind whenever I climb stairs, or even my hips because they tend to hurt if I walk too much. But it being my knees is really surprising and has thrown me for a loop.
Bundybrad has come up with a new mini challenge for us. It's 15 sit-ups per day for 2 points per day, and 'drink no calories' for 1 point per day. :)
Also - we need a ruling on fruit juice when you have canned fruit which is in fruit juice.

Also soup...

Also low calorie diet drinks.
Also I juice fruits and veggies every morning! Ahh. I don't think I can give that up haha. I may be down a point.
I think that everyone will need a few rulings from Brad. On the last challenge there were rulings which allowed all these things - but every challenge is different and it is up to Brad to make a ruling.
The other question that Brad needs to give a ruling on is how milk counts when in tea or coffee...
Because it sounds like that's just leaving water/flavored water to drink for a week if you want those points... Hopefully he can clear that up for everyone...

Edit: Diet sodas are calorie-free as well. But I'd rather have lower-fat milk with my meals instead of pop. I suppose I could go a week without.
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For me, cutting out calorie laden pop, squash and alcohol is ok - but some of the other things would be unlikely to fit in with my eating patterns...
hi guys, just to fill you in
milk on cereal ok
milk in coffee or tea is not allowed
no drinking milk but allowed on cereal
not diet drinks, alcohol etc
real juiced fruit and veg is fine but not the stuff you get at the shop
no flavoured water as that contains calories
so it really only leaves plain water, black tea and coffee
I have serious doubts over whether I am going to manage to get those "drink no calories" points...