Weight-Loss WLF Team Challenge Team CRUISIN' FOR LOSIN'

Full points today! Super tired. I did a double header with the fitness classes today; yoga shortly followed by pilates. It's rough because the two use a lot of the same muscles. x____X
Full points for me today. 15 crunches, loads of water, Biggest Loser yoga and pilates-yoga for the abs for one hour...hey, Cory, we both did the same exercises today!
I'm bushed and my left knee hurts a bit... not bad, just a little stiff.
New challenge starting Saturday:

I'd like to see us expanding our horizons. I've never done this before, so this is a perfect excuse. Eat 1 serving of an organic food each day for two points. This can include both produce and meat. Go by the product label to determine the serving size. And because organic is more expensive than conventional, it can be the same food for each day. And to try a different exercise each day for another two points (i.e. swimming, walking, running/jogging, situps, pushups, pullups, sports, jumping jacks, weight lifting, biking, rowing, dancing, etc). To make sure every one is doing a different exercise, they need to update their team thread with which one they did. This will also give others on their team ideas of ones they can try.
Thanks San for posting the weekly challenge here.

That's one easy challenge for me!!! :D Yay! We eat almost 100% organic. It is expensive :( but it's worth it.

With the exercises it's harder. i have decided to do a reboot. My weight is STUCK. My body seems to be retaining water 2 weeks every month!!!! Way too long! :( Never happened to me before. I am eating the right food & Exercising & not really losing. So I am following in Joe's footsteps (fat,sick nearly dead movie) - I will do a 4-day reboot. With that I can exercise but only light exercise. I can do yoga, walking etc. I am sure I can fit in sit ups & such...to do something new every day. I really hope it helps - I am quite upset about the lack of loss.
Don't get discouraged, Justina. You'll break out of that plateau eventually.

Full points today! My brother is going to have fun with the challenge next week. I told him about the exercise portion of next week's mini-challenge and he wants to be in charge of my new exercises. I'll be honest, he looked a little evil when he said it.
Good day today. Full points again. 60 minutes mowing the yards, 40 minutes on the bike, pushups and leg lifts. Full water.
Full points Friday. Biggest Loser Cardio 1 and Bike HIIT. I haven't done the leg lift ab crunches yet, but will right after I update here.

That makes full points for the week for me. Hopefully I have a good weigh in tomorrow.
Way to go, Cory! You're on a roll these past few weeks!

Full points all week and loss of 6.4 pounds, or 1.65%! Huge week for me. Better than I've had in awhile.
Wow you guys!! Awesome job!! Don you might be the person who lost the most this week!!

i gained 3.5 :( sucks. I hope that next week is better.

I got good points though. Sit ups - max, water max, non caloric drink: 4/7.
Wow Don, that's really impressive! And Cory, I know what you mean, I've been there. Easter week was BAD for me. This week was a lot better. You know if you keep on doing the right things that results will come. BTW, I like the new mini challenge.
Hey guys...
I m on day 2 of my juice fast - and it's going really well. I feel energized! It's weird - since all i have is juice & water!
Anyway - i did the walking portion and exercise portion of the challenge. Plus all I had was organic.
Different exercise every day:
Saturday: walking
Sunday : walking + climbing staricases!! :)
Monday: walking+ situps
Thanks Oregongal!

OK --
Saturday I was full points. my exercise was the Bike.
Sunday I was full points, as I added bicep curls.

Update: I forgot to mention that I eat fruits and veg EVERY day and almost all are organic. I'll only note each day if I don't meet that goal.
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Here's the new scoresheet. Everybody's doing really well, you should be really proud of yourselves! :)

I've got full points Sat, Sun and Mon for exercise and eating organic foods.
Saturday - exercise bike and ate organic bananas
Sunday - Samba and ate organic carrots
Monday - swimming and ate organic squash

Keep up the good work, everyone!
Just to update, I got full points yesterday. I did an hour of zumba and then tried some tennis (which I haven't done before). Tonight I did some side planks, which is also a new thing for me. Both days I ate organic strawberries.
Today I walked through the park - a power walk. And I ate organic strawberries, as well as blending some with frozen peaches and yogurt with apple juice, yum!
Bike HIIT x 30'
Pushups x 20
Leg Lifts x 15
Bicep Curls x 10each @ 35lbs

Loads of water

Organic apple and strawberries.
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Wednesday Update:

Bike HIIT x 30'
Bicep Curls x 10 each @ 35lbs
Pushups x 20
Leg Lifts x 15
Yoga x 30'

Water was good.

Ate organic Kale and Carrots.

Full points.