Weight-Loss Who would be interested in a WL competition??

Just a reminder. Next week's mini challenge is 1 point per day for every day that you drink 0 calories. Drinks as meal replacements don't count against you, but you can't replace a meal with booze or soda.
The mini challenge for water drinking was only for the week that ended yesterday.

Starting today there is a new mini challenge which means not drinking anything which contains calories... Meal replacement drinks are ok...

It basically means no alcohol, no milk or sugar in tea or coffee, no drinks of fruit juice or milk. No high calorie sodas / pop - but diet drinks are ok.

Of course since water is ok it will probably be really easy to get the points if you keep on drinking the same amount of water as you did last week... LOL it wouldnt leave too much room for other drinks :)

As it happens, I am an eccentric person and will keep on drinking water just because it is good for my health and good for weight loss without getting any challenge points for it...
Note, although everyone hasn't updated yet they're late, so going to post this for those who have already updated :)

ps. Had to use two posts, as can only have 10k chars per post :( booooooo!

Team Platinum
Name Starting (lbs) Goal (lbs) Wk1 Loss (lbs) Wk1 Ex Pts Wk2 Loss (lbs) Wk2 Ex Pts Wk2 Chal Pts Jan Loss (lbs) Jan Loss (%) Jan Ex Pts Jan Chal Pts
Jspalmer 197 -20 -1.8 1 -1.0 2 0 -2.8 1.42% 3 0
Trusylver 208 -21 -6.8 14 -2.4 6 14 -9.2 4.42% 20 14
mrxian 291 -5.0 10 0.0 0 0 -5.0 1.72% 10 0
Steve21 280.4 -30.4 -4.6 13 -2.0 12 14 -6.6 2.35% 25 14
UnstopableHeart 216 -40 -2.2 3 0.0 0 0 -2.2 1.02% 3 0
Loch 216 -30 -2.8 12 5.0 6 14 2.2 -1.02% 18 14
Total 1408.4 -141.4 -23.2 53 -0.4 26 42 -23.6 1.68% 79 42
Scaled 1643.1 -165.0 -27.1 62 -0.5 30 49 -27.5 1.68% 92 49

Team Gold
Name Starting (lbs) Goal (lbs) Wk1 Loss (lbs) Wk1 Ex Pts Wk2 Loss (lbs) Wk2 Ex Pts Wk2 Chal Pts Jan Loss (lbs) Jan Loss (%) Jan Ex Pts Jan Chal Pts
Omega 167 -17 -1.6 14 -2.0 14 14 -3.6 2.16% 28 14
Quercus 345 -45.8 -7.6 14 -2.6 14 14 -10.2 2.96% 28 14
Justina 271 -40 -6.0 13 -2.5 14 14 -8.5 3.14% 27 14
transparent 283.3 -20 -1.8 11 -2.0 13 11.5 -3.8 1.34% 24 11.5
ijustwannabefit 196.8 -11.8 -3.8 14 -1.6 12 14 -5.4 2.74% 26 14
anna.banana 215 -20 -5.0 12 -0.6 14 14 -5.6 2.60% 26 14
San 366.4 -40 -4.7 10 -5.4 12 14 -10.1 2.76% 22 14
Total 1844.5 -194.6 -30.5 88 -16.7 93 95.5 -47.2 2.56% 181 95.5
Scaled 1844.5 -194.6 -30.5 88 -16.7 93 96 -47.2 2.56% 181 96
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Team Victory
Name Starting (lbs) Goal (lbs) Wk1 Loss (lbs) Wk1 Ex Pts Wk2 Loss (lbs) Wk2 Ex Pts Wk2 Chal Pts Jan Loss (lbs) Jan Loss (%) Jan Ex Pts Jan Chal Pts
~Tasha~ 214 -16 -4.4 9 -2.2 10 14 -6.6 3.08% 19 14
mac5in2003 252.2 -30 -5.2 2 -2.0 9 14 -7.2 2.85% 11 14
Jericho 363 -42 0.0 0 0.0 0 0 0.0 0.00% 0 0
Xenon 279.2 -20 -1.2 11 -1.0 0 0 -2.2 0.79% 11 0
Monster 305 -30 -6.6 0 0.0 0 0 -6.6 2.16% 0 0
Korrie 261 -30 -3.0 4 -1.0 4 10 -4.0 1.53% 8 10
Total 1674.4 -168.0 -20.4 26 -6.2 23 38 -26.6 1.59% 49 38
Scaled 1953.5 -196.0 -23.8 30 -7.2 27 44 -31.0 1.59% 57 44
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Since eight people are missing from the analysis - we will really only know where the teams stand when those people have reported in and the analysis has been updated.

We are waiting for results from
  • jspalmer
  • mrxian
  • unstoppableheart
  • anna.banana
  • san
  • jericho
  • monster
  • xenon
Whoops! I imputed total lbs lost and I think it was supposed to be just for the one week. I'll go back and fix that. Though I love seeing that huge weight-loss on paper for the week! Lol
Whoops! I imputed total lbs lost and I think it was supposed to be just for the one week. I'll go back and fix that. Though I love seeing that huge weight-loss on paper for the week! Lol

Gold team cheating already ?!?!?! :) Will update it once a few others post.

Hey steve I really appreciate you doing all this! mine would not have been nearly as fancy! Lol :) hey, did u calc. The mini challenge points?
Hey steve I really appreciate you doing all this! mine would not have been nearly as fancy! Lol :) hey, did u calc. The mini challenge points?

the last column is the total of points for the currently one mini challenge... since there has only been the one mini challenge - that column is the same as the one entitled "wk 2 chal pts".
Xenon posted that she lost one lb. Must not have done her chart?

Ah, must have missed that. Was just flicking through score sheets this morning :) Will update it.

Hey steve I really appreciate you doing all this! mine would not have been nearly as fancy! Lol :) hey, did u calc. The mini challenge points?

the last column is the total of points for the currently one mini challenge... since there has only been the one mini challenge - that column is the same as the one entitled "wk 2 chal pts".

Aye, Just thought I'd get layout ready for next month etc :) Then it'll stay the same kind of table. Basically each week will have a lb lost, ex points, and chal score.

If anyone wants anything changing/laying out different just shout!

Thanks for doing all the work Steve! I really appreciate it. Enough to overlook your cheating comment.....this time. You've got 8 more weeks to work on becoming a gracious loser. :reddevil:
Thanks for doing all the work Steve! I really appreciate it. Enough to overlook your cheating comment.....this time. You've got 8 more weeks to work on becoming a gracious loser. :reddevil:

:D But the biggest losers win right?!? *feels outnumbered by gold members and runs off*

Trusylver, phenomenal job so far!

I agree, Trusylver has definitely shown star quality in her results for PLATINUM team too.