Weight-Loss Who would be interested in a WL competition??

No, I didn't see that. I'm surprised by this. I dont' have any plans to regroup anyone. we'll just have to figure things out at the end of the challenge, until then, all we can do is our best :)
Ok, ok....lets do this... I HIGHLY doubt anyones going to sign up for the challenge given what a fight it was to get the members we did get. And Victories team is only 4 thats weighed in where everyone else has 7...SOOOO...I'm hoping Jericho is still in...I emailed him, so they will have 5 and then I will move myself over to team victory to give them 6 solid members...then Platinum will have 6 and Gold will still have 7. I hope thats ok. I hope this is all the rearranging I'll have to do. NO ONE ELSE is allowed to drop out!!!!!! lol for real!
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OK, Just looked at Jerichos score sheet...he DID update...just didn't lose and thats fine...he's still with us!
Ok so im not going to figure everyones % of loss every week so just for determining who choses the next mini challenge only...we'll go by pounds lost...so the biggest loser (by lbs) this week is Querius with an amaging 7.4lb loss! Congrats man u get to chose this upcomming weeks mini challenge! Please let us know by thursday!
Alright folks. My mini challenges is an expansion on this weeks.

Drink no calories. Every day you drink zero calories, you get a point. Black coffee and unsweetened tea are considered zero calories as the 2 calories in a mug of coffee/tea are burned in swallowing it. So water, black coffee, unsweetened tea, diet drinks.

I understand that vegetable and fruit juices can be healthy, but they aren't as healthy as eating the fruit or vegetable. My hope is that this will help people that drink sugary drinks like soda. Use the week to break your bad drinking habits. This will mean no alcohol drinks as well. All alcohol is high calorie and low nutrient in addition to slowing you metabolism and lowering your inhibitions/will power. I credit not drinking as a huge part of my losses so far.
Alright folks. My mini challenges is an expansion on this weeks.

Drink no calories. Every day you drink zero calories, you get a point. Black coffee and unsweetened tea are considered zero calories as the 2 calories in a mug of coffee/tea are burned in swallowing it. So water, black coffee, unsweetened tea, diet drinks.

I understand that vegetable and fruit juices can be healthy, but they aren't as healthy as eating the fruit or vegetable. My hope is that this will help people that drink sugary drinks like soda. Use the week to break your bad drinking habits. This will mean no alcohol drinks as well. All alcohol is high calorie and low nutrient in addition to slowing you metabolism and lowering your inhibitions/will power. I credit not drinking as a huge part of my losses so far.

Awesome challenge!! Dont' forget it doesn't start until after this upcoming weigh in is over...so in the U.S. it'll be friday, and the U.K. or elsewhere, most likely thursday.
Updated teams based on those who never showed, and Korrie running away to give Gold a chance! :D

Added on weight loss %, and team points scaled to give accurate comparisons.

(Think it's all right, but if anyone notices something I did stupid shout :D)

Team Platinum
Name Starting (lbs) Goal (lbs) Wk1 Loss (lbs) Wk1 Loss (%) Wk1 Ex Pts
Jspalmer 197 -20 -1.8 0.91% 1
Trusylver 208 -21 -6.8 3.27% 14
mrxian 291 -5.0 1.72% 10
Steve21 280.4 -30.4 -4.6 1.64% 13
UnstopableHeart 216 -40 -2.2 1.02% 3
Loch 216 -30 -2.8 1.30% 12
Total 1408.4 -141.4 -23.2 1.65% 53
Scaled 1643.1 -165.0 -27.1 1.65% 62

Team Gold
Name Starting (lbs) Goal (lbs) Wk1 Loss (lbs) Wk1 Loss (%) Wk1 Ex Pts
Omega 167 -17 -1.6 0.96% 14
Quercus 345 -45.8 -7.6 2.20% 14
Justina 271 -40 -6.0 2.21% 13
transparent 283.3 -20 -1.8 0.64% 11
ijustwannabefit 196.8 -11.8 -3.8 1.93% 14
anna.banana 215 -20 -5.0 2.33% 12
San 366.4 -40 -4.7 1.28% 10
Total 1844.5 -194.6 -30.5 1.65% 88
Scaled 1844.5 -194.6 -30.5 1.65% 88

Team Victory
Name Starting (lbs) Goal (lbs) Wk1 Loss (lbs) Wk1 Loss (%) Wk1 Ex Pts
~Tasha~ 214 -16 -4.4 2.06% 9
mac5in2003 252.2 -30 -5.2 2.06% 2
Jericho 363 -42 0.0 0.00% 0
Xenon 279.2 -20 -1.2 0.43% 11
Monster 305 -30 -6.6 2.16% 0
Korrie 261 -30 -3.0 1.15% 4
Total 1674.4 -168.0 -20.4 1.22% 26
Scaled 1953.5 -196.0 -23.8 1.22% 30
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Updated teams based on those who never showed, and Korrie running away to give Gold a chance! :D

LOL - you wish!!!... :smilielol5:

Anyone can see that GOLD are clearly so motivated that we will win irrespective of how the other teams restructure themselves...


nice table though Steve :) (its always nice to see how well GOLD are doing)
Drink no calories. Every day you drink zero calories, you get a point. Black coffee and unsweetened tea are considered zero calories as the 2 calories in a mug of coffee/tea are burned in swallowing it. So water, black coffee, unsweetened tea, diet drinks.

Curious, but how does that work with things like milk/homemade juices? Still a no-no? Just wondering as personally I hate all hot drinks (Yucky stuff!) :) (Or to rephrase apart from water/diet soda, does anything else count?)

LOL - you wish!!!... :smilielol5:

Anyone can see that GOLD are clearly so motivated that we will win irrespective of how the other teams restructure themselves...

nice table though Steve :) (its always nice to see how well GOLD are doing)

Oh really! :) Here it looks like we have same weight loss, we have highest loser too, and you have highest excercise! :) I'd say that's 1 all! Hehe.

Yet we're higher on table! Yay *psychological warfare* :cheers2:

Oh really! :) Here it looks like we have same weight loss, we have highest loser too, and you have highest excercise! :) I'd say that's 1 all! Hehe.



So if you convert it to points as per the rules of the challenge...

5 points for every % lost (please give yourself 2.5 points if at the end of the challenge you end up with a half % (1.5% =7.5points)
1 point for every 30 mins of exercise ONE HOUR MAX.

if the values that you have calculated are correct (I havent checked them as I have just got in from earning 2 exercise points :) )

the team situation is as follows:

weight loss = 1.65 (average percent you calculated) * 7 (max team size) * 5 (points) = 57.75
plus exercise = 62 (scaled exercise)
total points at end of week 1 = 119.75

weight loss = 1.65 (average percent you calculated) * 7 (max tem size) * 5 (points) = 57.75
plus exercise = 88 (actual)
total points at the end of week 1 = 145.75

weight loss = 1.22 (average percent you calculated) * 7 (max team size) * 5 (points) = 42.7
plus exercise = 30 (scaled exercise)
total points at the end of week 1 = 72.7

so if it is 1 all by you, you are telling me that you really believe that 119.75 is exactly the same as 145.75 and not 26 points behind or the equivalent of one person losing slightly more than 5% of their weight extra this week to catch up...


I love seeing how well GOLD are doing...
Curious, but how does that work with things like milk/homemade juices? Still a no-no? Just wondering as personally I hate all hot drinks (Yucky stuff!) :) (Or to rephrase apart from water/diet soda, does anything else count?)


Good question!! I find this a bit unfair. I mean you can drink "diet" drinks full of chemicals and toxins/aspartame as part of being "Healthy" & "low in calories" but I can't drink my fresh (made out of vegetables/fruit) veggie juice? Because it has calories? It's highly unlikely that I will put on weight for drinking it. Besides, for me it's a meal replacement (not a casual drink during the day) in the weekend when I like to eat out for lunch - it balances out my day.
Alright folks. My mini challenges is an expansion on this weeks.

Drink no calories. Every day you drink zero calories, you get a point. Black coffee and unsweetened tea are considered zero calories as the 2 calories in a mug of coffee/tea are burned in swallowing it. So water, black coffee, unsweetened tea, diet drinks.

I understand that vegetable and fruit juices can be healthy, but they aren't as healthy as eating the fruit or vegetable. My hope is that this will help people that drink sugary drinks like soda. Use the week to break your bad drinking habits. This will mean no alcohol drinks as well. All alcohol is high calorie and low nutrient in addition to slowing you metabolism and lowering your inhibitions/will power. I credit not drinking as a huge part of my losses so far.

The alcohol aspect is no problem at all for me as I only have between 0 and 5 drink units in an average year...

I do not drink tea or coffee either so consume no calories in milk or sugar there...

I havent had full calorie soda in many years...

Just clarifying a few points ...

I like to vary my choice of fruit (different types have different health benefits) so quite regularly have fruit which is tinned in juice... Is it ok to have this fruit juice while I have the rest of the tin?

Sometimes I use vegetable juice when I am cooking... On Saturday for instance I used passata when I made a quorn curry... Passata is seived tomatoes... Is that acceptable when cooking?

If I have cereal, I use skimmed milk... Is this ok? Does it depend on how much milk is used or how well absorbed it is?

Is soup acceptable? most people would say that it was a meal rather than a drink - but they come in varying thicknesses. It is winter here and a warm soup can be a very healthy snack. Elsewhere it is summer and people may have been having cold soup... Research has shown that soup is more filling than having the vegetables in the solid state:

I do not follow this kind of weight loss plan - but some people may use meal replacement milkshakes... How do these stand?