Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

I do weigh every day, but I may not keep up with the posting.

12/25 146.0
12/26 143.8
12/27 142.6
12/28 142.2
12/28 141.4
12/30 141.4
12/31 141.4
01/01 141.2
thanks makingchanges. I cant wait to look back in just a month and see how ive done, and then two and three, etc. Its gonna be a good year...i am def here to help support u too. WE can do this, and WE will. :)
Nice to see you here Phoebe. Just post when you can.

It really is no time since my BMI was in the vicinity of yours makingchanges71 and LoseWeightN2008. You will do it quicker than you think.

Back in February when I started my project my BMI was a lot bigger than yours as you will see from my ticker.


Starting over again. I can't believe how much weight I put on over the holidays. So many of you are doing so good. Keep up the good work. I weigh more than I have ever weighed in my life.


01/01/08-----310.00 Lbs.
Hi Chip

You have come back to the right place to sort it out. As you said when you started this thread - some of us need to weigh ourselves every day because if we do not stay vigilent we put on weight.

You have lost weight before and can lose it all again. The really good thing is that you are hardly any heavier than your previous top weight - so you know that you can deal with it.

The splurge pounds that you put on over the past couple of weeks should come off really quickly as soon as you are back on track and having done it before you already know exactly what to do. Good luck!

dec 31 198
jan 01 197.4
jan 02 195.8

I weigh myself every day since years, I love this thread, so I am jumping right in !
Started diet on jan 01 officially, but as you see I already started with a little loss, yaaaaaay !!
Another good weigh in... I was pleased to see a lower number on the scale today!!!

Dec 30, 2007--258.2--
Dec 31, 2007--?-- Didn't weigh myself this day
Jan 1, 2008--255.4
Jan 2, 2008--252.5


Sun 30th Dec- 160 lbs
Mon 31st Dec- 160 lbs
Tue 1st Jan- 160lbs
Wed 2nd Jan- 162 lbs :banghead:

I'm off to the gym :)
1/1/08--269.0 yay!
1/2/08--269.8 i knew it would happen...it always does after a good weigh in, lol. Guess i shouldnt have eat those oreos. :D
Margaret, Thanks for the kind words. I know after a little while I will believe I can do it again. Right now I'm just hungry.

Katie, Very Impressive

01/01/08-----310.00 Lbs.---Start Weight

01/02/08-----307.00 Lbs.------- 3.00 Lbs.

15.12 01-Nov
14.7.5 21-Dec
14.06.3 22-Dec
14.05.5 23-Dec
14.06.5 24-Dec
14.06.5 25-Dec
no weigh in 26-Dec
14.06.8 27-Dec
14.05.01 28-Dec
14.04.1 29-Dec
14.03.7 30-Dec
14.05.2 31-Dec eek!
14.05.2 01-Jan eek again :(
14.04.1 02-Jan yay
14.2.4 03-Jan :) = 198.4lbs, 90kg, defo in onederland now, next to get into 80's kgs and 13's stones.

i am a teacher and back to school on tuesday, want to get under 14st by then, wish me luck!

GOOD LUCK POTNOODLE!! I'm training to be a teacher and am back in teaching on the 14th. a lot of walking around that brings. hehe!

month 2 - new start:

27 dec 07 - 162
28 dec 07 - 161.5(-0.5)
29 de 07 - 161(-0.5)
30 dec 07 - 161.5(+0.5)
31 dec 07 - 161(-0.5)
1 jan 08 - 162 (+1)
2 jan 08 - 161 (-1)
3 jan 08 - 160 (-1)

total lost = 2
Last edited:
Sun 30th Dec- 160 lbs
Mon 31st Dec- 160 lbs
Tue 1st Jan- 160lbs
Wed 2nd Jan- 162 lbs
Thur 3rd Jan- 157.5

Thank God.........it was just excess water weight from my monthly cycle that was making my gym competition weight spike. I'm so freaking happy! I'm not so nervous about my weigh in now :)

Hope you all have a good weigh in today, too! :)
Another great weigh in... :hurray:

Dec 30, 2007--258.2
Dec 31, 2007--?-- Didn't weigh myself this day
Jan 1, 2008--255.4 (-2.8lbs)
Jan 2, 2008--252.5 (-2.9lbs)
Jan 3, 2008--250.8 (-1.7lbs)


Recent weights:

21/12/2007 12st5.8 i.e. 173.8 pounds
22/12/2007 12st6.2 i.e. 174.2 pounds
23/12/2007 12st5.0 i.e. 173.0 pounds
24/12/2007 12st5.0 i.e. 173.0 pounds
25/12/2007 12st4.2 i.e. 172.2 pounds
26/12/2007 12st4.0 i.e. 172.0 pounds
27/12/2007 12st2.8 i.e. 170.8 pounds
28/12/2007 12st1.2 i.e. 169.2 pounds first day in the 160s
29/12/2007 12st1.6 i.e. 169.6 pounds
30/12/2007 12st0.4 i.e. 168.4 pounds first day with BMI under 30 "OVERWEIGHT NOT OBESE"
31/12/2007 12st0.2 i.e. 168.2 pounds
01/01/2008 12st0.4 i.e. 168.4 pounds
02/01/2008 12st0.6 i.e. 168.6 pounds
03/01/2008 12st0.8 i.e. 168.8 pounds

12/27 142.6
12/28 142.2
12/28 141.4
12/30 141.4
12/31 141.4
01/01 141.2
01/02 140.8
01/03 141.2