Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

month 2 - new start:

27 dec 07 - 162
28 dec 07 - 161.5(-0.5)
29 de 07 - 161(-0.5)
30 dec 07 - 161.5(+0.5)

total lost = 0.5
Recent weights:

18/12/2007 12st5.0 i.e. 173.0 pounds
19/12/2007 12st5.8 i.e. 173.8 pounds
20/12/2007 12st5.8 i.e. 173.8 pounds
21/12/2007 12st5.8 i.e. 173.8 pounds
22/12/2007 12st6.2 i.e. 174.2 pounds
23/12/2007 12st5.0 i.e. 173.0 pounds
24/12/2007 12st5.0 i.e. 173.0 pounds
25/12/2007 12st4.2 i.e. 172.2 pounds
26/12/2007 12st4.0 i.e. 172.0 pounds
27/12/2007 12st2.8 i.e. 170.8 pounds
28/12/2007 12st1.2 i.e. 169.2 pounds first day in the 160s:hurray:
29/12/2007 12st1.6 i.e. 169.6 pounds
30/12/2007 12st0.4 i.e. 168.4 pounds first day with BMI under 30 "OVERWEIGHT NOT OBESE" :hurray:
31/12/2007 12st0.2 i.e. 168.2 pounds

12/31--271.0:hurray::a surprising weigh in, especially since my feet are so swollen that my toes cant touch the floor.....yikes.
Hi everyone,

Just wanted to let you know that I won't be able to post my weights for a while as I'm at my mum's until Sunday, and she doesn't have a proper scales. I'll be back among you in a week's time. Keep going everyone!
Hey All,

I'm a little confused....I'm new to the group. Am I supposed to post my weight every day? Anything else I have to do? :)
Hi Joey, I'm new too, but what people seem to do is to group together a dozen or so weights and then, every day, update the list.

For example, if you post for the period between the 15th-24th of December, when you get to the 25th:
- you copy the list from your previous post - the 15th to the 24th
- you paste the list into a new post
- you add the weight from the 25th onto the bottom of your list
- you take off the weight at the top of the list - the one from the 15th. In that way, you're only ever looking at a list of 10 or 12 weights at a time.

See ya around.
Okay, I'll write my weight down on my calendar starting tomorrow and then post in a few days. Thanks for the advice :)
Hello... Im new to this group as well! I have read quite a few posts and I think I have the hang of it. I will also start recording my weights in my calendar and I will post them in a couple of days!

Congrats to all of you that have hit major milestones! Thats very exciting and I hope that soon enough I can be reaching some goals as well! Talk to you all very soon!

Hi Joey and Katie

Feel free to post as many days as you like - you dont have to wait until you have a whole bunch to start posting. Start with one or two and build up to your chosen time frame if you like. The big thing here is that (despite advice to the contrary) we like to keep a fairly constant eye on our weight.

It certainly is nice to have you with us.

Thanks Katie for your congratulations.

Take care
Okie dokie, here goes :p

Sun 30th Dec- 160 lbs
Mon 31st Dec- 160 lbs

No changes due to the dreaded monthly cycle (thats my excuses and I'm sticking to it!) :p I'm hoping when it's over I'll see a sudden loss of 2-3 pounds :) A girl can dream. That often happens with me though so I may be in luck.
I see that you have both posted in the newcomers section.

The best way of getting lots of support here is to start a diary and visit other people's diaries. That way we get motivated by seeing what each other are doing and we also make friends and support each other.

month 2 - new start:

27 dec 07 - 162
28 dec 07 - 161.5(-0.5)
29 de 07 - 161(-0.5)
30 dec 07 - 161.5(+0.5)
31 dec 07 - 161

total lost = 1
Recent weights:

19/12/2007 12st5.8 i.e. 173.8 pounds
20/12/2007 12st5.8 i.e. 173.8 pounds
21/12/2007 12st5.8 i.e. 173.8 pounds
22/12/2007 12st6.2 i.e. 174.2 pounds
23/12/2007 12st5.0 i.e. 173.0 pounds
24/12/2007 12st5.0 i.e. 173.0 pounds
25/12/2007 12st4.2 i.e. 172.2 pounds
26/12/2007 12st4.0 i.e. 172.0 pounds
27/12/2007 12st2.8 i.e. 170.8 pounds
28/12/2007 12st1.2 i.e. 169.2 pounds first day in the 160s
29/12/2007 12st1.6 i.e. 169.6 pounds
30/12/2007 12st0.4 i.e. 168.4 pounds first day with BMI under 30 "OVERWEIGHT NOT OBESE"
31/12/2007 12st0.2 i.e. 168.2 pounds
01/01/2008 12st0.4 i.e. 168.4 pounds

Here goes my first official weight of the new year....

Dec 30, 2007--258.2--
Dec 31, 2007--?-- Didn't weigh myself this day
Jan 1, 2008--255.4

Total Loss 2.8lbs


Well done makingchanges71, mindovermatter, LoseWeightN2008 - you are all getting some great weight losses. :hurray:
thanks omega :) im so excited, the lowest i have been in a long time is 263, once i got there, i shot back up to 279. I WILL GET INTO THE 250's!!! And soon too! lol. Congrats on the weight loss also! i still have a ways to go before i get into the "overweight" category. but i will do it! :)
Congrats to everyone on their weight loss... and LoseWeightN2008 you will make it to your goal!!! And... we are all here to help you and support you on the way!!!!

