Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Well done Margaret, your weight loss is very steady, you are doing so well!

I also am hitting a couple of milestones soon

1. Under 200lbs (201 at mo)
2. Under 90kg (91.2 at mo)
3. Lost one and half stone exactly, half way there

15.12 01-Nov
15.08 27-Nov
15.05 28-Nov
15.3.5 29-Nov
15.04 30-Nov
15.02 01-Dec
15.2.5 02-Dec
15.04 03-Dec
15.2.5 04-Dec
15.02 05-Dec
15.01 06-Dec
15.01 07-Dec
15.05.2 08-Dec
15.00.3 09-Dec
14.13.6 10-Dec
14.12.5 11-Dec
14.12 12-Dec
14.11.2 13-Dec
1410.8. 14-Dec
14.10.5 15-Dec
14.9.5 16-Dec
14.10 17-Dec
14.09 18-Dec
14.08.58 19-Dec
14.09 20-Dec
14.7.5 21-Dec
14.06.3 22-Dec
14.05.5 23-Dec
14.06.5 24-Dec
14.06.5 25-Dec
no weigh in 26-Dec
14.06.8 27-Dec
14.05.01 28-Dec
Thanks Potnoodle.

You will love those milestones - they are great fun. When you get under 200 pounds you can claim to be in Onederland. That is quite a big deal around here - as many of us have that milestone in our journey and can truly appreciate it.

I always write a milestone next to the weighing on the day that I hit it. Make sure that you do the same. That way we will see you hitting your milestone and it will encourage us with ours.

Recent weights:

15/12/2007 12st5.6 i.e. 173.6 pounds
16/12/2007 12st5.0 i.e. 173.0 pounds
17/12/2007 12st6.2 i.e. 174.2 pounds
18/12/2007 12st5.0 i.e. 173.0 pounds
19/12/2007 12st5.8 i.e. 173.8 pounds
20/12/2007 12st5.8 i.e. 173.8 pounds
21/12/2007 12st5.8 i.e. 173.8 pounds
22/12/2007 12st6.2 i.e. 174.2 pounds
23/12/2007 12st5.0 i.e. 173.0 pounds
24/12/2007 12st5.0 i.e. 173.0 pounds
25/12/2007 12st4.2 i.e. 172.2 pounds
26/12/2007 12st4.0 i.e. 172.0 pounds
27/12/2007 12st2.8 i.e. 170.8 pounds
28/12/2007 12st1.2 i.e. 169.2 pounds first day in the 160s

15 days from 14th December:
14th = 83.3 (highest)
15th = 82.8
16th = 82.4
17th = 82.3
18th = 82.4
19th = 82.4
20th = 82.6
21st = 82.8
22nd = no weigh-in
23rd = 83.0
24th = no weigh-in
25th = no weigh-in
26th = 82.5
27th = 82.3
28th = 82.0 (lowest)
yes well done you two and welcome to the club

sooo close - .01 of a kilo over 200, can't wait for tommorrow! I was so good yesterday, I walked the dogs twice and humped some logs around. I was going to join a gym again but I find them so boring, and whats the point of paying to walk on a treadmill when I have two cocker spaniels!

15.12 01-Nov
15.08 27-Nov
15.05 28-Nov
15.3.5 29-Nov
15.04 30-Nov
15.02 01-Dec
15.2.5 02-Dec
15.04 03-Dec
15.2.5 04-Dec
15.02 05-Dec
15.01 06-Dec
15.01 07-Dec
15.05.2 08-Dec
15.00.3 09-Dec
14.13.6 10-Dec
14.12.5 11-Dec
14.12 12-Dec
14.11.2 13-Dec
1410.8. 14-Dec
14.10.5 15-Dec
14.9.5 16-Dec
14.10 17-Dec
14.09 18-Dec
14.08.58 19-Dec
14.09 20-Dec
14.7.5 21-Dec
14.06.3 22-Dec
14.05.5 23-Dec
14.06.5 24-Dec
14.06.5 25-Dec
no weigh 26-Dec
14.06.8 27-Dec
14.05.01 28-Dec
14.04.1 29-Dec - 200.01lbs!
come on onderland
Potnoodle - that is a great loss and you could not be hovering closer to that major milestone.
Try going out for a walk and then weighing again (if you havent eaten). That often brings my weight down slightly. Trips to the toilet can make a huge difference too!

I am sure that you will be there tomorrow.
Recent weights:

16/12/2007 12st5.0 i.e. 173.0 pounds
17/12/2007 12st6.2 i.e. 174.2 pounds
18/12/2007 12st5.0 i.e. 173.0 pounds
19/12/2007 12st5.8 i.e. 173.8 pounds
20/12/2007 12st5.8 i.e. 173.8 pounds
21/12/2007 12st5.8 i.e. 173.8 pounds
22/12/2007 12st6.2 i.e. 174.2 pounds
23/12/2007 12st5.0 i.e. 173.0 pounds
24/12/2007 12st5.0 i.e. 173.0 pounds
25/12/2007 12st4.2 i.e. 172.2 pounds
26/12/2007 12st4.0 i.e. 172.0 pounds
27/12/2007 12st2.8 i.e. 170.8 pounds
28/12/2007 12st1.2 i.e. 169.2 pounds first day in the 160s
29/12/2007 12st1.6 i.e. 169.6 pounds

Hey Everyone,

can I join in? I know I'm a little late, sorry.

I weigh myself everyday. Actually....if I'm honest, I weight myself about four times per day :p

My boyfriend always tells me it's a bad idea to weigh in everyday but, I like doing it for this reason:

If I was busting my ass working out and weighed in every two weeks, I'd have my hopes up that I'd have lost at least four pounds and if I hadn't then I'd be so bummed out. Whereas I'm weighing in every day so there is no surprises. I like to keep myself in check.

I have a big weigh in coming up on the 8th and I'm really anxious about it, especially as the dreaded monthly cycle is coming and I know that due to water retention the scale will say I'm several more pounds than I really am......thus probably resulting in me losing the competition :( I have been on the scale non stop this past week.

People say it's not all in the number but, how your clothes fit, inches lost etc..... but, right now the number IS EVERYTHING to me because of this competition at my gym (Biggest Loser). It will be nice to have the competition over and done with so I can stop stressing about the number on the scale.

Today is weigh 160.5 :(
Hi Joey

It is nice to have you with us. Good luck with your competition.

Some people think that it is not a good idea to weigh every day - but some of us are born rebels and do it anyway.


15.12 01-Nov
15.08 27-Nov
15.05 28-Nov
15.3.5 29-Nov
15.04 30-Nov
15.02 01-Dec
15.2.5 02-Dec
15.04 03-Dec
15.2.5 04-Dec
15.02 05-Dec
15.01 06-Dec
15.01 07-Dec
15.05.2 08-Dec
15.00.3 09-Dec
14.13.6 10-Dec
14.12.5 11-Dec
14.12 12-Dec
14.11.2 13-Dec
1410.8. 14-Dec
14.10.5 15-Dec
14.9.5 16-Dec
14.10 17-Dec
14.09 18-Dec
14.08.58 19-Dec
14.09 20-Dec
14.7.5 21-Dec
14.06.3 22-Dec
14.05.5 23-Dec
14.06.5 24-Dec
14.06.5 25-Dec
no weigh in 26-Dec
14.06.8 27-Dec
14.05.01 28-Dec
14.04.1 29-Dec
14.03.7 30-Dec

yay i'm in onederland at last - now to get into 80's kgs and 13's stone, urgh!
I am 6ft female so when i get around 14 i dont look THAT big, but i should be around 12, this is where i start struggling, when i get 13 something.
Recent weights:

17/12/2007 12st6.2 i.e. 174.2 pounds
18/12/2007 12st5.0 i.e. 173.0 pounds
19/12/2007 12st5.8 i.e. 173.8 pounds
20/12/2007 12st5.8 i.e. 173.8 pounds
21/12/2007 12st5.8 i.e. 173.8 pounds
22/12/2007 12st6.2 i.e. 174.2 pounds
23/12/2007 12st5.0 i.e. 173.0 pounds
24/12/2007 12st5.0 i.e. 173.0 pounds
25/12/2007 12st4.2 i.e. 172.2 pounds
26/12/2007 12st4.0 i.e. 172.0 pounds
27/12/2007 12st2.8 i.e. 170.8 pounds
28/12/2007 12st1.2 i.e. 169.2 pounds first day in the 160s:hurray:
29/12/2007 12st1.6 i.e. 169.6 pounds
30/12/2007 12st0.4 i.e. 168.4 pounds first day with BMI under 30 "OVERWEIGHT NOT OBESE" :hurray:

12/30--272.0 :)