Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

1st- 142.4
2nd- 141
3rd- 141.6
4th- 141.8
5th- 142
6th- 142
7th- 141
8th- 141.2
9th- 143
10th- 143 I suck.
11th- 144 seriously.
12th- 143.4
13th- 142.4
14th- 142
15th- 142.8
16th- 142.8
17th- 142.8 Well, at least I know I'll be able to maintain when I finally get there!!!:rotflmao:
June 24 - 210.0...I ate and ate and ate last night for dinner and appies...lots of bread and cheese...
June 25 - 212.4 - ha ha ha - I ate super bad yesturday and drank alot of pop and coffee...
June 26 - 214.4 - geeesh...I havent been gettin in my 4 miles walking - I think that lack of exercise is making me tired and making me eat - LOL...I gotta get back on track...
June 27 - 212.6
June 28 - 212.0 - right direction at least
June 29 - 212.8 - sodium...mmm french fries
July 3 - 215.2 - im hoping some of this is sodium - I had chinese food on Sunday night...
July 4 - scale wasnt working
July 5 - 211.2
July 6 - 212.4 - ate icecream!!!
July 7 - 213.4 - I had chinese food and chicken yeturday - I wont complain - however I do promise to smarten up!!!
July 8 - 212.8
July 9 - 213.0 - sodium and lack of water intake
July 10 -212.0 - right direction at least
July 11 -210.8 - woohoo...
July 12 -210.8 - maintained and I went out for lunch and dinner ladst ngiht Maybe Im finally gettin it!
July 13 - 211.2 Sodium
July 14 - 209.0 !!!
July 15 - 209.6
July 16 - 211.6 - sodium - had ham for dinner
July 17 - 207!!! All time low
Still at 123. Hopefully I have something better to post by the end of the week!

Great job to everyone else who has been losing. WAY TO GO!!
Congratulations everybody!!!

6th- 142
7th- 141
8th- 141.2
9th- 143
10th- 143 I suck.
11th- 144 seriously.
12th- 143.4
13th- 142.4
14th- 142
15th- 142.8
16th- 142.8
17th- 142.8
18th- 141.4

July 16 - 211.6 - sodium - had ham for dinner
July 17 - 207!!! All time low
July 18 - 207.6 - ham for dinner - im not sweatin it out as I ate ham for dinner last night.I maintained 207 im happy!!!
Last edited:
July 16 - 211.6 - sodium - had ham for dinner
July 17 - 207!!! All time low
July 18 - 207.6 - ham for dinner - im not sweatin it out as I ate ham for dinner last night.I maintained 207 im happy!!!
July 19 - 207.6 - damn I gotta keep moving it down:(
I'm scared that I'll become obsessed with numbers and not focus on what changes my body is undergoing... Do you guys notice this with yourselves? I want to weigh in everyday but I get pretty easily discouraged.
July 16....215
July 17....213.8! (yay!!)
July 18...215 (UGH! went to the movies, bk at midnight)
July 19....215...come on on move already D IT!!
6th- 142
7th- 141
8th- 141.2
9th- 143
10th- 143 I suck.
11th- 144 seriously.
12th- 143.4
13th- 142.4
14th- 142
15th- 142.8
16th- 142.8
17th- 142.8
18th- 141.4
19th- 142.8 how odd. I'm going to miss a few days now, as I'm going on a mini-trip for the weekend!!
July 16....215
July 17....213.8! (yay!!)
July 18...215 (UGH! went to the movies, bk at midnight)
July 19....215
July 20..214
6th- 142
7th- 141
8th- 141.2
9th- 143
10th- 143 I suck.
11th- 144 seriously.
12th- 143.4
13th- 142.4
14th- 142
15th- 142.8
16th- 142.8
17th- 142.8
18th- 141.4
19th- 142.8
20, 21, 22nd- missed
23rd- 143.2 I'm actually pleased...I did well considering what I ate on the trip. :rotflmao:

July 16 - 211.6 - sodium - had ham for dinner
July 17 - 207!!! All time low
July 18 - 207.6 - ham for dinner - im not sweatin it out as I ate ham for dinner last night.I maintained 207 im happy!!!
July 19 - 207.6 - damn I gotta keep moving it down
July 20 - 210
July 21 - 209.8
July 22 - 207.0

I HAVE to get back in the habit of keeping track of things... been slack lately.
7/10: 181.2
7/11: 180.6
7/12: 178.0
7/13: 181.0
7/14-22: no clue since I am a slacker
Hello I am starting this weighing every day, today!
I started at 150 but am now done to

7/23/07 - 136.6 (yayy considering I didn't gain from not exercising&dieting the past 2 days while away!)
7/13: 181.0
7/14-22: no clue since I am a slacker
7/23: 177.4
7/24: 177.4