Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

6/26-80kg-finally movement
6/28-81kg-that extra serving late last night did affect my weight
6/30-Forgot to weigh in
7/1 -79kg Wohoo!!!
7/2 -79kg
7/3 -78,5kg
7/4 -79kg-I knew yesterday was too good to be true
7/9-Didnt weigh in
7/10-80kg-Over indulgence is a mutha!!!!!
7/11-80kg-why? why? why?
6/26-80kg-finally movement
6/28-81kg-that extra serving late last night did affect my weight
6/30-Forgot to weigh in
7/1 -79kg Wohoo!!!
7/2 -79kg
7/3 -78,5kg
7/4 -79kg-I knew yesterday was too good to be true
7/9-Didnt weigh in
7/10-80kg-Over indulgence is a mutha!!!!!
7/11-80kg-why? why? why?
25th- 143.6
26th- 144
27th- 145
28th- 143.6 whew
29th- 142.8
30th- 142.4
1st- 142.4
2nd- 141
3rd- 141.6
4th- 141.8
5th- 142
6th- 142
7th- 141
8th- 141.2
9th- 143
10th- 143 I suck.
11th- 144 seriously.
12th- 143.4
Guess I'll jump on the band wagon!

High weight (summer 2005): 159 pounds (I was on medication. EVIL MEDICATION!)
Low weight (fall 2002): 113 pounds (actually 109 but I don't count it because I was deep into an eating disorder and so unhealthy)

Today's weight: 123 pounds


Goal weight: 116 pounds

7 pounds to go!

Oh, and I'm 5'5"
June 24 - 210.0...I ate and ate and ate last night for dinner and appies...lots of bread and cheese...
June 25 - 212.4 - ha ha ha - I ate super bad yesturday and drank alot of pop and coffee...
June 26 - 214.4 - geeesh...I havent been gettin in my 4 miles walking - I think that lack of exercise is making me tired and making me eat - LOL...I gotta get back on track...
June 27 - 212.6
June 28 - 212.0 - right direction at least
June 29 - 212.8 - sodium...mmm french fries
July 3 - 215.2 - im hoping some of this is sodium - I had chinese food on Sunday night...
July 4 - scale wasnt working
July 5 - 211.2
July 6 - 212.4 - ate icecream!!!
July 7 - 213.4 - I had chinese food and chicken yeturday - I wont complain - however I do promise to smarten up!!!
July 8 - 212.8
July 9 - 213.0 - sodium and lack of water intake
July 10 -212.0 - right direction at least
July 11 -210.8 - woohoo...
July 12 -210.8 - maintained and I went out for lunch and dinner ladst ngiht :):):) Maybe Im finally gettin it!
6/27: 181.4
6/28: 180.2
6/29: 180.2
6/30: 180.4
7/1: 181.0
7/2: 180.4
7/3: 181.0
7/4: 180.4
7/5: 181.4
7/6: 181.0
7/7: didn't get a chance to weigh in
7/8: 179.0
7/9: 179.9
7/10: 181.2
7/11: 180.6
7/12: 178.0 with clothes & on a doctor's scale!! & I thought those would be worse.
1st- 142.4
2nd- 141
3rd- 141.6
4th- 141.8
5th- 142
6th- 142
7th- 141
8th- 141.2
9th- 143
10th- 143 I suck.
11th- 144 seriously.
12th- 143.4
13th- 142.4
June 24 - 210.0...I ate and ate and ate last night for dinner and appies...lots of bread and cheese...
June 25 - 212.4 - ha ha ha - I ate super bad yesturday and drank alot of pop and coffee...
June 26 - 214.4 - geeesh...I havent been gettin in my 4 miles walking - I think that lack of exercise is making me tired and making me eat - LOL...I gotta get back on track...
June 27 - 212.6
June 28 - 212.0 - right direction at least
June 29 - 212.8 - sodium...mmm french fries
July 3 - 215.2 - im hoping some of this is sodium - I had chinese food on Sunday night...
July 4 - scale wasnt working
July 5 - 211.2
July 6 - 212.4 - ate icecream!!!
July 7 - 213.4 - I had chinese food and chicken yeturday - I wont complain - however I do promise to smarten up!!!
July 8 - 212.8
July 9 - 213.0 - sodium and lack of water intake
July 10 -212.0 - right direction at least
July 11 -210.8 - woohoo...
July 12 -210.8 - maintained and I went out for lunch and dinner ladst ngiht Maybe Im finally gettin it!
July 13 - 211.2 Sodium
6/27: 181.4
6/28: 180.2
6/29: 180.2
6/30: 180.4
7/1: 181.0
7/2: 180.4
7/3: 181.0
7/4: 180.4
7/5: 181.4
7/6: 181.0
7/7: didn't get a chance to weigh in
7/8: 179.0
7/9: 179.9
7/10: 181.2
7/11: 180.6
7/12: 178.0 with clothes & on a doctor's scale!! & I thought those would be worse.
7/13: 181.0 WTF?
Ok now I just frickin HATE MY scale... think the doctors office would mind if I came in once a day to use theirs? :)
6/26-80kg-finally movement
6/28-81kg-that extra serving late last night did affect my weight
6/30-Forgot to weigh in
7/1 -79kg Wohoo!!!
7/2 -79kg
7/3 -78,5kg
7/4 -79kg-I knew yesterday was too good to be true
7/9-Didnt weigh in
7/10-80kg-Over indulgence is a mutha!!!!!
7/11-80kg-why? why? why?

Looks like everyone had a bumpy week-Well do better next week!
1st- 142.4
2nd- 141
3rd- 141.6
4th- 141.8
5th- 142
6th- 142
7th- 141
8th- 141.2
9th- 143
10th- 143 I suck.
11th- 144 seriously.
12th- 143.4
13th- 142.4
14th- 142
June 24 - 210.0...I ate and ate and ate last night for dinner and appies...lots of bread and cheese...
June 25 - 212.4 - ha ha ha - I ate super bad yesturday and drank alot of pop and coffee...
June 26 - 214.4 - geeesh...I havent been gettin in my 4 miles walking - I think that lack of exercise is making me tired and making me eat - LOL...I gotta get back on track...
June 27 - 212.6
June 28 - 212.0 - right direction at least
June 29 - 212.8 - sodium...mmm french fries
July 3 - 215.2 - im hoping some of this is sodium - I had chinese food on Sunday night...
July 4 - scale wasnt working
July 5 - 211.2
July 6 - 212.4 - ate icecream!!!
July 7 - 213.4 - I had chinese food and chicken yeturday - I wont complain - however I do promise to smarten up!!!
July 8 - 212.8
July 9 - 213.0 - sodium and lack of water intake
July 10 -212.0 - right direction at least
July 11 -210.8 - woohoo...
July 12 -210.8 - maintained and I went out for lunch and dinner ladst ngiht Maybe Im finally gettin it!
July 13 - 211.2 Sodium
July 14 - 209.0 !!!
I'm new here...

HW: 160 (Summer 2006)
CW: 139.0
LW: 125

I track it everyday anyway, so I figure I might as well start doing it on here.

Goal: 125-130 by end of summer.
6/26-80kg-finally movement
6/28-81kg-that extra serving late last night did affect my weight
6/30-Forgot to weigh in
7/1 -79kg Wohoo!!!
7/2 -79kg
7/3 -78,5kg
7/4 -79kg-I knew yesterday was too good to be true
7/9-Didnt weigh in
7/10-80kg-Over indulgence is a mutha!!!!!
7/11-80kg-why? why? why?
7/14-didnt weigh in
7/15-77kg-Can you see me cheesing!!!!!!!!
June 24 - 210.0...I ate and ate and ate last night for dinner and appies...lots of bread and cheese...
June 25 - 212.4 - ha ha ha - I ate super bad yesturday and drank alot of pop and coffee...
June 26 - 214.4 - geeesh...I havent been gettin in my 4 miles walking - I think that lack of exercise is making me tired and making me eat - LOL...I gotta get back on track...
June 27 - 212.6
June 28 - 212.0 - right direction at least
June 29 - 212.8 - sodium...mmm french fries
July 3 - 215.2 - im hoping some of this is sodium - I had chinese food on Sunday night...
July 4 - scale wasnt working
July 5 - 211.2
July 6 - 212.4 - ate icecream!!!
July 7 - 213.4 - I had chinese food and chicken yeturday - I wont complain - however I do promise to smarten up!!!
July 8 - 212.8
July 9 - 213.0 - sodium and lack of water intake
July 10 -212.0 - right direction at least
July 11 -210.8 - woohoo...
July 12 -210.8 - maintained and I went out for lunch and dinner ladst ngiht Maybe Im finally gettin it!
July 13 - 211.2 Sodium
July 14 - 209.0 !!!
July 15 - 209.6

1st- 142.4
2nd- 141
3rd- 141.6
4th- 141.8
5th- 142
6th- 142
7th- 141
8th- 141.2
9th- 143
10th- 143 I suck.
11th- 144 seriously.
12th- 143.4
13th- 142.4
14th- 142
15th- 142.8
6/26-80kg-finally movement
6/28-81kg-that extra serving late last night did affect my weight
6/30-Forgot to weigh in
7/1 -79kg Wohoo!!!
7/2 -79kg
7/3 -78,5kg
7/4 -79kg-I knew yesterday was too good to be true
7/9-Didnt weigh in
7/10-80kg-Over indulgence is a mutha!!!!!
7/11-80kg-why? why? why?
7/14-didnt weigh in
7/15-77kg-Can you see me cheesing!!!!!!!!
7/16-76kg-:eek: :eek: OMG
1st- 142.4
2nd- 141
3rd- 141.6
4th- 141.8
5th- 142
6th- 142
7th- 141
8th- 141.2
9th- 143
10th- 143 I suck.
11th- 144 seriously.
12th- 143.4
13th- 142.4
14th- 142
15th- 142.8
16th- 142.8
June 24 - 210.0...I ate and ate and ate last night for dinner and appies...lots of bread and cheese...
June 25 - 212.4 - ha ha ha - I ate super bad yesturday and drank alot of pop and coffee...
June 26 - 214.4 - geeesh...I havent been gettin in my 4 miles walking - I think that lack of exercise is making me tired and making me eat - LOL...I gotta get back on track...
June 27 - 212.6
June 28 - 212.0 - right direction at least
June 29 - 212.8 - sodium...mmm french fries
July 3 - 215.2 - im hoping some of this is sodium - I had chinese food on Sunday night...
July 4 - scale wasnt working
July 5 - 211.2
July 6 - 212.4 - ate icecream!!!
July 7 - 213.4 - I had chinese food and chicken yeturday - I wont complain - however I do promise to smarten up!!!
July 8 - 212.8
July 9 - 213.0 - sodium and lack of water intake
July 10 -212.0 - right direction at least
July 11 -210.8 - woohoo...
July 12 -210.8 - maintained and I went out for lunch and dinner ladst ngiht Maybe Im finally gettin it!
July 13 - 211.2 Sodium
July 14 - 209.0 !!!
July 15 - 209.6
July 16 - 211.6 - sodium - had ham for dinner:(
Hi All!
I decided to join the club!!

July 16....215