Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

I really like the idea of posting your weight everyday, considering I am one of those people who step on the scale everyday, sometimes 3 or 4 times a day. So is it ok if join in?
Got back from the holidays, I was taking my kids (they are not kids any more) back up to washington.

Todays Weight - 263.50

I think I am going to make my official weigh in days monday, since mondays always suck anyways, if i see i have lost, maybe it will brighten monday up! :) yay!
so far...so good

It's been two days and I am down three lbs. While I know there is NO way that this is going to stay at this rate (and it'll probably bounce up a bit before the week is out) it's still feels good!!!

Started Tues. 203
Today. 200

Under 200 here I come!!!!

Hope everyone else is having a good one!

Jan 2 -216.2
Jan 3 -214.2
Jan 4 -214.8
Jan 5 -214.6
Jan 6 -214.6
Jan 7 -215.6
*UGH* I really gotta start exercising agian...
Jan 8 -215.4
Jan 9 -215.8 *GRUMBLE* LOL
Last edited:
Yesterdays Weight - 262.50
Todays Weight - - - 261.75

Weight Loss Today - .75
