Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

I have been 166.2 everyday since my last post, until today. 167.4. Crap. I guess the holiday pig-out is finally catching up with me.
12/27 181.2 lbs
12/28 181.2 lbs
21st- 166.6
22nd- 167.2
23rd- 165
24th- 164.2
25th- day off, cuz I wasn't at home
26th- 163.4
27th- 163.4
28th- 163
I think my Christmas wish came true...
i'm suprised with all the red wine that was consumed - but i take comfort in the fact that it was good red wine and not overly sugared up gallo :D

weight didn't budge this morning holding steady at 276 which was a nice suprise because yesterday's lunch was a huge sammich...

Dec 21 - 280
Dec 22 - 279
Dec 23 - 279
Dec 24 - Away
Dec 25 - Away
Dec 26 - Away
Dec 27 - Away
Dec 28 - 276
Dec 29 - 276
I also weigh in every day, but only update my stats and ticker on my official day, Monday. I forgot to weigh in this morning, but I will join you all tomorrow. :)
24th- 164.2
25th- day off, cuz I wasn't at home
26th- 163.4
27th- 163.4
28th- 163
29th- 163.6
30th- 164.4
31st- 164.2
well i think i am going to go buy a scale for the house. i think that will make me think again about overeating. i do most of my secret or stressfull or bordem eating at home. i would like to weight everyday.
12/30/06: 243.6
12/31/06 242.0

(Probably because of different weigh times hehe oops! It's so hard to find a perfect time to weigh yourself when you work shift work!)
For a link to this spreadsheet and other tips that work for me, etc., check out my ! It's a blog about my current weight loss experience with lots of tips and motivational stuff that's helped me a lot. Check it out and good luck!!

Great resource, thanks! I downloaded it and modified it for my use. Wouldn't have known about your blog except for this post. Excellent job!
