Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

24th- 164.2
25th- day off, cuz I wasn't at home
26th- 163.4
27th- 163.4
28th- 163
29th- 163.6
30th- 164.4
31st- 164.2
1st- 164.8
166.4 this morning.
27th- 163.4
28th- 163
29th- 163.6
30th- 164.4
31st- 164.2
1st- 164.8
2nd- 164.4 (at least I've stopped going up:eek: )
So *clears throat* confession time...I gained 5 lbs, I guess drinking and eating junk will do that too you...and not stepping on a scale to monitor your weight, LOL...

todays weigh in 216.2

I really like this idea!!!! I dont have the power to weigh once a week, its like a couple times everyday, lol. can we say obsessive? Anyways, so, yea, i would love to join! I will start tomorrow, although, I may not have access to the computer everyday, I will try! Throughout the week, I should have access, so I guess we will see :D Everybody have a wonderful day!!

oh by the way, if i weigh everyday, should I change my ticker everyday, or just once a week???? Let me kno, please, thanks!!!
Dec 21 - 280
Dec 22 - 279
Dec 23 - 279
Dec 24 - Away
Dec 25 - Away
Dec 26 - Away
Dec 27 - Away
Dec 28 - 276
Dec 29 - 276
Dec 30 - Away
dec 31 - Away
Jan 1 - 275
Jan 2 - 276
Hey guess what! I'm still at 167.5---only an entire freakin' month of absolute stagnation---lucky me. :<
--There is one plus side to having the flu. I'm down another pound today.

Jan 3 - 132

Now if only this would sustain!
I'm in!

I definately am a weigh once a day type of person.... I hate suspense and love instant gratification!!!!! I also hope that weighing in once a day will keep me motivated. Since I weigh myself first thing in the morning, if I see the number go up from yesterday, I know I have to buckle down today (even if it's just a random fluctuation). If I see it go down, it'll help make me see its worth it not to have that twizzler, or hershey bar, or latte or......

So I am on my way.. wish me luck!!!

Hi, Theresa and welcome! I think everyone here understands the instant gratification thing with weighing daily. I'm similar to you in that weighing daily tends to motivate me instead of dampen my spirits. It just keeps me going. Good luck to you!
Hi Ellen. Instant gratification is good but probably what helped me get into this mess to begin with !!! LOL!!! Now I'm just hoping it can be the cure as well.

Thanks for the welcome!
Hello everybody today was 282.7 :) Off to change the ticker, it has been like that for about a week now. Well, ttyl, bye~~
