Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

08/01/23 - 248.7 (+0.0) 1753 Calories, 104F, 110+oz, 900 steps
08/02/23 - 249.5 (+0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, 130+ oz, 1579 steps
08/03/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, 098+ oz, 526 steps
08/04/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 105F, 105 oz, 3510 steps
08/05/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 104F, 132 oz, 2877 steps
08/06/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, ??? oz, 4101 steps
08/07/23 - 250.1 (+0.6) 0000 Calories, 103F, ??? oz, 1598 steps
08/08/23 - 250.1 (+0.0) 1835 Calories, 102F, 114 oz, 4613 steps
08/09/23 - 250.7 (+0.6) 0000 Calories, 103F, 130??, 5135 steps
08/10/23 - 251.5 (+0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, ????, 14 steps
08/11/23 - 250.7 (-0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, ????, 3152 steps
08/12/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 107F, ???, 2935 steps
08/13/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, ???, 3306 steps
08/14/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, lots, 346 steps
08/15/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 99F, Tons, 2121 steps
99oF, a reprieve from the heat? :svengo: Wowsers!
It did only get to 99F yesterday. Broke the 21 day over 100 streak. And broke a record streak of most days over 80F for a low. Going to be about 95F today, 97F on Wednesday and then back to something between 106F - 109F Thursday and will be over 100 the rest of the month. Have to wait until September for a real cool down.
7/30 - 198 lbs
8/10 - 195 lbs
8/11 - 194 lbs
8/12 - 192 lbs
8/13 - 193 lbs
8/14 - 192 lbs
8/16 - 196 lbs
1 days without binge

I suspect most of the gain is water from a sugar binge on Monday...
(2 days without a binge)
Good for you! Now you're in the lead.
It did only get to 99F yesterday. Broke the 21 day over 100 streak. And broke a record streak of most days over 80F for a low. Going to be about 95F today, 97F on Wednesday and then back to something between 106F - 109F Thursday and will be over 100 the rest of the month. Have to wait until September for a real cool down.
At those temperatures without rain I am surprised you have any lawn to mow... If we didn't irrigate we'd have nothing but dirt. Glad its down a little, but sounds like a short reprieve.
August 1st : 230.8
August 14th : 229.6
August 15th : 228.6
August 16th : 228
(3 days without a binge)

I've come down with something this morning, I have a slightly sore throat and feel a little unwell. My brother has a full on cold or flu that he's kindly passed onto me! I'll try my best today diet wise but alot will depend on how I feel, when i feel rough i tend to eat badly.
08/01/23 - 248.7 (+0.0) 1753 Calories, 104F, 110+oz, 900 steps
08/02/23 - 249.5 (+0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, 130+ oz, 1579 steps
08/03/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, 098+ oz, 526 steps
08/04/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 105F, 105 oz, 3510 steps
08/05/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 104F, 132 oz, 2877 steps
08/06/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, ??? oz, 4101 steps
08/07/23 - 250.1 (+0.6) 0000 Calories, 103F, ??? oz, 1598 steps
08/08/23 - 250.1 (+0.0) 1835 Calories, 102F, 114 oz, 4613 steps
08/09/23 - 250.7 (+0.6) 0000 Calories, 103F, 130??, 5135 steps
08/10/23 - 251.5 (+0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, ????, 14 steps
08/11/23 - 250.7 (-0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, ????, 3152 steps
08/12/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 107F, ???, 2935 steps
08/13/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, ???, 3306 steps
08/14/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, lots, 346 steps
08/15/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 99F, Tons, 2121 steps
08/16/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 94F, Tons, 3361 steps
last day of coolness and then the miserable heatup. hopefully, the last one of the summer as it approaches september.


  • weather.jpg
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08/01/23 - 248.7 (+0.0) 1753 Calories, 104F, 110+oz, 900 steps
08/02/23 - 249.5 (+0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, 130+ oz, 1579 steps
08/03/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, 098+ oz, 526 steps
08/04/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 105F, 105 oz, 3510 steps
08/05/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 104F, 132 oz, 2877 steps
08/06/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, ??? oz, 4101 steps
08/07/23 - 250.1 (+0.6) 0000 Calories, 103F, ??? oz, 1598 steps
08/08/23 - 250.1 (+0.0) 1835 Calories, 102F, 114 oz, 4613 steps
08/09/23 - 250.7 (+0.6) 0000 Calories, 103F, 130??, 5135 steps
08/10/23 - 251.5 (+0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, ????, 14 steps
08/11/23 - 250.7 (-0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, ????, 3152 steps
08/12/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 107F, ???, 2935 steps
08/13/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, ???, 3306 steps
08/14/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, lots, 346 steps
08/15/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 99F, Tons, 2121 steps
08/16/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 94F, Tons, 3361 steps
08/17/23 - 253.1 (+2.4) 0000 Calories, 97F, Tons, 799 steps

The cool weather is gone. now up to 108F today through Monday.
August 1st : 230.8
August 15th : 228.6
August 16th : 228
August 18th : 227
(5 days without a binge)

Nothing like an illness (flu/covid) to help the weightloss! My appetite has almost completely gone. Feel slightly better than yesterday, i basically slept for the last 2 days, today i'm lying in bed watching tv. If we can put a man on the moon then why can't we defeat the flu!
7/30 - 198 lbs
8/10 - 195 lbs
8/11 - 194 lbs
8/12 - 192 lbs
8/13 - 193 lbs
8/14 - 192 lbs
8/16 - 196 lbs
8/17 - 197 lbs (not sure that was right, but can't remember now)
8/18 - 193 lbs
3 days without binge
(5 days without a binge)
Good for you! Hope that flu passes quickly.
The cool weather is gone. now up to 108F today through Monday.
Wow! I had a load of firewood delivered yesterday had to do some chopping and stacking, it was probably 90 and I thought it was hot!
08/01/23 - 248.7 (+0.0) 1753 Calories, 104F, 110+oz, 900 steps
08/02/23 - 249.5 (+0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, 130+ oz, 1579 steps
08/03/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, 098+ oz, 526 steps
08/04/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 105F, 105 oz, 3510 steps
08/05/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 104F, 132 oz, 2877 steps
08/06/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, ??? oz, 4101 steps
08/07/23 - 250.1 (+0.6) 0000 Calories, 103F, ??? oz, 1598 steps
08/08/23 - 250.1 (+0.0) 1835 Calories, 102F, 114 oz, 4613 steps
08/09/23 - 250.7 (+0.6) 0000 Calories, 103F, 130??, 5135 steps
08/10/23 - 251.5 (+0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, ????, 14 steps
08/11/23 - 250.7 (-0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, ????, 3152 steps
08/12/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 107F, ???, 2935 steps
08/13/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, ???, 3306 steps
08/14/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, lots, 346 steps
08/15/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 99F, Tons, 2121 steps
08/16/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 94F, Tons, 3361 steps
08/17/23 - 253.1 (+2.4) 0000 Calories, 97F, Tons, 799 steps
08/18/23 - 254.8 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 109F, Tons and Tons, 3202 steps

Ugh weight is out of control. I know it's almost all water weight but still. 109F yesterday. It'll be this hot until Tuesday.
August 1st : 230.8
August 15th : 228.6
August 16th : 228
August 18th : 227
(5 days without a binge)

Nothing like an illness (flu/covid) to help the weightloss! My appetite has almost completely gone. Feel slightly better than yesterday, i basically slept for the last 2 days, today i'm lying in bed watching tv. If we can put a man on the moon then why can't we defeat the flu!
That is a good benefit, for us anyway, but I hate to get sick. Get to feeling better! I'm loafing around today. We're under a heat advisory, air quality alert, and pollen alert. Not a good combo for me.
7/30 - 198 lbs

Good for you! Hope that flu passes quickly.

Wow! I had a load of firewood delivered yesterday had to do some chopping and stacking, it was probably 90 and I thought it was hot!
Yeah, it just sucks right now. It's hard to concentrate on anything other than this heat.
7/30 - 198 lbs
8/18 - 193 lbs
3 days without binge

Good for you! Hope that flu passes quickly.
Doing well i see, keep it up! I'm starting to recover now thanks, i'm still feeling it but less so.

That is a good benefit, for us anyway, but I hate to get sick. Get to feeling better! I'm loafing around today. We're under a heat advisory, air quality alert, and pollen alert. Not a good combo for me.
Yes it's miserable being ill, but i couldn't imagine how bad it would be feeling ill plus the prolonged intense heat you're experiencing.

August 1st : 230.8
August 16th : 228
August 18th : 227
August 19th : 227
(6 days without a binge)
08/01/23 - 248.7 (+0.0) 1753 Calories, 104F, 110+oz, 900 steps
08/02/23 - 249.5 (+0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, 130+ oz, 1579 steps
08/03/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, 098+ oz, 526 steps
08/04/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 105F, 105 oz, 3510 steps
08/05/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 104F, 132 oz, 2877 steps
08/06/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, ??? oz, 4101 steps
08/07/23 - 250.1 (+0.6) 0000 Calories, 103F, ??? oz, 1598 steps
08/08/23 - 250.1 (+0.0) 1835 Calories, 102F, 114 oz, 4613 steps
08/09/23 - 250.7 (+0.6) 0000 Calories, 103F, 130??, 5135 steps
08/10/23 - 251.5 (+0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, ????, 14 steps
08/11/23 - 250.7 (-0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, ????, 3152 steps
08/12/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 107F, ???, 2935 steps
08/13/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, ???, 3306 steps
08/14/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, lots, 346 steps
08/15/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 99F, Tons, 2121 steps
08/16/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 94F, Tons, 3361 steps
08/17/23 - 253.1 (+2.4) 0000 Calories, 97F, Tons, 799 steps
08/18/23 - 254.8 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 109F, Tons and Tons, 3202 steps
08/19/23 - 253.6 (-1.2) 0000 Calories, 109F, Tons and Tons and then some, 3330
August 1st : 230.8
August 18th : 227
August 19th : 227
August 20th : 226.6
(7 days without a binge)

When this flu is gone i think like you Tom i'm going to start recording my number of steps per day for the days i wear my watch, i don't wear it everyday as sometimes i get a rash on my arm from it for some reason.
08/01/23 - 248.7 (+0.0) 1753 Calories, 104F, 110+oz, 900 steps
08/02/23 - 249.5 (+0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, 130+ oz, 1579 steps
08/03/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, 098+ oz, 526 steps
08/04/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 105F, 105 oz, 3510 steps
08/05/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 104F, 132 oz, 2877 steps
08/06/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, ??? oz, 4101 steps
08/07/23 - 250.1 (+0.6) 0000 Calories, 103F, ??? oz, 1598 steps
08/08/23 - 250.1 (+0.0) 1835 Calories, 102F, 114 oz, 4613 steps
08/09/23 - 250.7 (+0.6) 0000 Calories, 103F, 130??, 5135 steps
08/10/23 - 251.5 (+0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, ????, 14 steps
08/11/23 - 250.7 (-0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, ????, 3152 steps
08/12/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 107F, ???, 2935 steps
08/13/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, ???, 3306 steps
08/14/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, lots, 346 steps
08/15/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 99F, Tons, 2121 steps
08/16/23 - 250.7 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 94F, Tons, 3361 steps
08/17/23 - 253.1 (+2.4) 0000 Calories, 97F, Tons, 799 steps
08/18/23 - 254.8 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 109F, Tons and Tons, 3202 steps
08/19/23 - 253.6 (-1.2) 0000 Calories, 109F, Tons and Tons and then some, 3330
08/20/23 - 253.6 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 108F, Tons and Tons and Tons and Them some more, 591 steps
August 1st : 230.8
August 18th : 227
August 19th : 227
August 20th : 226.6
(7 days without a binge)

When this flu is gone i think like you Tom i'm going to start recording my number of steps per day for the days i wear my watch, i don't wear it everyday as sometimes i get a rash on my arm from it for some reason.
I think it helps recording your steps. I usually just use my phone and it's in my pocket. I hate rashes. Right now, I'm fighting a couple of different ones especially under the arms. Get to feeling better. I'm drinking too much water, but it's hard not to with this heat. I'm going to try and knock it down a little bit today and move around more. When I sit a lot, I retain water in my legs so regardless of the heat, I need to walk more. Today, I'm going to try and do 4 mini walks of about a 1000 steps each time. That'll help. Supposed to get up to around 108F today.
I think it helps recording your steps. I usually just use my phone and it's in my pocket. I hate rashes. Right now, I'm fighting a couple of different ones especially under the arms. Get to feeling better. I'm drinking too much water, but it's hard not to with this heat. I'm going to try and knock it down a little bit today and move around more. When I sit a lot, I retain water in my legs so regardless of the heat, I need to walk more. Today, I'm going to try and do 4 mini walks of about a 1000 steps each time. That'll help. Supposed to get up to around 108F today.
I confirmed at 4AM this morning I have covid, couldn't sleep and decided to use a covid test kit i had. Ah well.

Yeh recording steps should help. I take my watch off to go to bed and i'm up in the night quite alot with seeing to my dog, going to the loo, and maybe getting a drink, so the recorded steps might be a little lower than their true value.

August 1st : 230.8
August 19th : 227 lbs
August 20th : 226.6 lbs
August 21st : 227 lbs / 3896 steps
(8 days without a binge)
Last edited:
7/30 - 198 lbs
8/10 - 195 lbs
8/11 - 194 lbs
8/12 - 192 lbs
8/13 - 193 lbs
8/14 - 192 lbs

8/16 - 196 lbs
8/17 - 197 lbs
8/18 - 193 lbs
binge break...
8/21 - 194 lbs
2 days without binge

I think it helps recording your steps. I usually just use my phone and it's in my pocket. I hate rashes. Right now, I'm fighting a couple of different ones especially under the arms. Get to feeling better. I'm drinking too much water, but it's hard not to with this heat. I'm going to try and knock it down a little bit today and move around more. When I sit a lot, I retain water in my legs so regardless of the heat, I need to walk more. Today, I'm going to try and do 4 mini walks of about a 1000 steps each time. That'll help. Supposed to get up to around 108F today.
Tom, do you have a mall or some place you could walk indoors? With AC? Recording always helps.
I confirmed at 4AM this morning I have covid, couldn't sleep and decided to use a covid test kit i had. Ah well.
Sorry to hear that, I hope it passes quickly. Have you been vaccinated? I have been but got covid anyway a while back. It wasn't too bad, I think the vaccine helped.
(8 days without a binge)
Good for you!