Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

7/30 - 198 lbs
7/31 - 197 lbs
8/1 - 195 lbs
8/2 - 193 lbs
8/3 - 193 lbs
8/4 - 194 lbs
8/5 - 193 lbs
1 days without binge

Hey Tom, I know your walking is a struggle now. But you are trying and that's what's important. Does it cool off enough over night to let you do an early morning walk? Only about 6 weeks of the worst of the heat left, I think that's right for your neck of the woods.

Good for you!!

For me a problem with the low carb diet is that it can't last forever and ending it is hard. I think you should do what feels best for you, however I think not bingeing is more important than carbs or weight. I know it is for me.
Over night, it gets into the lower to mid 80s. I usually get to sleep about 2am when it gets cool enough. In the morning, I'm really tired, but I do try and go for a walk. Then I try for another around noon and then another in the afternoon. Yesterday, I skipped the afternoon. it was hard to breathe. My nephew is back now and I'm going to try and walk to the store this morning. That'll give me about 3k so today should be a little better depending on how things go. In the mornings, I'm exhausted from sleeping. I don't sleep well these days - night sweats, nightmares, other fun stuff like that.
Here's our forecast for the next 10 days or so. In June, we got less than an inch of rain. In July, we got less than an inch of rain. August (our hottest month) isn't looking too good either.

Oh, yuk to that hot & humid weather. Here's me complaining about the cold & rain :(

"Cold and rain"...are you sure you aren't in the UK Cate :) iirc Australia's summer is roughly when we (UK & USA etc) have winter, and your winter is when we have summer? Such a huge country too, I bet there's a big variation in weather between different areas (like the USA)?

August 1st : 230.8
August 4th : 228.2
August 5th : 228.4
August 6th : 227.4
(5 days without a binge)

Another day not doing low carbs, most importantly (quite right @alligatorob ) no binge, and i've lost a bit so it looks like i'm going to ditch the low carb diet atleast for now. I keep thinking of the parable with the hare and the tortoise having a race...
Over night, it gets into the lower to mid 80s. I usually get to sleep about 2am when it gets cool enough. In the morning, I'm really tired, but I do try and go for a walk. Then I try for another around noon and then another in the afternoon. Yesterday, I skipped the afternoon. it was hard to breathe. My nephew is back now and I'm going to try and walk to the store this morning. That'll give me about 3k so today should be a little better depending on how things go. In the mornings, I'm exhausted from sleeping. I don't sleep well these days - night sweats, nightmares, other fun stuff like that.

I feel for you Tom, my sleeping hours are a bit all over the place too but thankfully nights aren't hot here.

Here's our forecast for the next 10 days or so. In June, we got less than an inch of rain. In July, we got less than an inch of rain. August (our hottest month) isn't looking too good either.

View attachment 55496

Wow just wow....
"Cold and rain"...are you sure you aren't in the UK Cate :) iirc Australia's summer is roughly when we (UK & USA etc) have winter, and your winter is when we have summer? Such a huge country too, I bet there's a big variation in weather between different areas (like the USA)?
There is a huge variation. We live close to the Antarctic & Trusylver for example lives in the tropical North.
Tomorrow’s forecast here- 2-14oC
Where she is-10-22oC.
Our average Summer temperature, where I live, is 22oC. I’m quite happy about that!
08/01/23 - 248.7 (+0.0) 1753 Calories, 104F, 110+oz, 900 steps
08/02/23 - 249.5 (+0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, 130+ oz, 1579 steps
08/03/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, 098+ oz, 526 steps
08/04/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 105F, 105 oz, 3510 steps
08/05/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 104F, 132 oz, 2877 steps
08/06/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, ??? oz, 4101 steps

Walked to the little store yesterday morning, and went to the grocery store yesterday afternoon so got out a little bit.
7/30 - 198 lbs
7/31 - 197 lbs
8/1 - 195 lbs
8/2 - 193 lbs
8/3 - 193 lbs
8/4 - 194 lbs
8/5 - 193 lbs
8/6 - 192 lbs
2 days without binge
Here's our forecast for the next 10 days or so. In June, we got less than an inch of rain. In July, we got less than an inch of rain. August (our hottest month) isn't looking too good either.
Wow, what part of Texas do you live in? I was thinking near Dallas, but that sounds too dry for Dallas. Sure hope the heat breaks for you, and soon.
5 days without a binge

I keep thinking of the parable with the hare and the tortoise having a race...
Congrats on the 5 days, hope you stay ahead of me for a long time.

Yep, no hares here...
There is a huge variation. We live close to the Antarctic & Trusylver for example lives in the tropical North.
Tomorrow’s forecast here- 2-14oC
Where she is-10-22oC.
Our average Summer temperature, where I live, is 22oC. I’m quite happy about that!
I like the sound of your summer temps as well. I think your winters are cool, but not real cold, is that right? A nice temperate

We have had several 100+ degree days yet on August 6 I can still see a little snow on the mountain no more than about a mile in a strait line from here. Smaller patch, will be gone soon, but this year I suspect there will be snow fields that make it all summer.
4101 steps

Walked to the little store yesterday morning, and went to the grocery store yesterday afternoon so got out a little bit.
Good for you getting the walk and steps in with your heat!
August 1st : 230.8
August 5th : 228.4
August 6th : 227.4
August 7th : 228.6
(6 days without a binge)

I enjoyed my 1st roast dinner since April 2022 yesterday hence the weight gain (I think). No binge though, although didn't I "diet" either.
08/01/23 - 248.7 (+0.0) 1753 Calories, 104F, 110+oz, 900 steps
08/02/23 - 249.5 (+0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, 130+ oz, 1579 steps
08/03/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, 098+ oz, 526 steps
08/04/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 105F, 105 oz, 3510 steps
08/05/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 104F, 132 oz, 2877 steps
08/06/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, ??? oz, 4101 steps
08/07/23 - 250.1 (+0.6) 0000 Calories, 103F, ??? oz, 1598 steps

not really feeling it. woke up yesterday with headache and fluid in my ears. felt really off balance. same this morning with lots of sinus drainage. gonna take it easy today and see if I can clear my sinuses up some.
Wow, what part of Texas do you live in? I was thinking near Dallas, but that sounds too dry for Dallas. Sure hope the heat breaks for you, and soon.
I do live in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area, right smack in between them. It's just really dry this summer. Could be our 3rd hottest summer on record depending on how it goes. Doesn't look like much relief on the horizon.
August 1st : 230.8
August 6th : 227.4
August 7th : 228.6
August 8th : 229
(7 days without a binge)

I'm not happy with just more or less maintaining my weight, I want to lose.
Last edited:
7/30 - 198 lbs
7/31 - 197 lbs
8/1 - 195 lbs
8/2 - 193 lbs
8/3 - 193 lbs
8/4 - 194 lbs
8/5 - 193 lbs
8/6 - 192 lbs
8/7 - 193 lbs
8/8 - 194 lbs
4 days without binge
I'm not happy with just more or less maintaining my weight, I want to lose.
Keep it up, if you can not binge I think you will lose the weight. I feel the same sometimes, right now I think the way I have been eating I should be losing weight, just need to keep reminding myself its more important not to binge.
I do live in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area, right smack in between them. It's just really dry this summer. Could be our 3rd hottest summer on record depending on how it goes. Doesn't look like much relief on the horizon.
Did not know it could be so dry there, you have gotten less rain this summer than we have, and we are officially in a desert. Maybe the humidity is the difference, we have almost none.
Did not know it could be so dry there, you have gotten less rain this summer than we have, and we are officially in a desert. Maybe the humidity is the difference, we have almost none.
Summers here can be pretty brutal. Unless something changes, this one looks like it will be in the top 10 worst ones at least. Last summer was the 4th hottest so two very hot summers in a row now.
08/01/23 - 248.7 (+0.0) 1753 Calories, 104F, 110+oz, 900 steps
08/02/23 - 249.5 (+0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, 130+ oz, 1579 steps
08/03/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, 098+ oz, 526 steps
08/04/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 105F, 105 oz, 3510 steps
08/05/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 104F, 132 oz, 2877 steps
08/06/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, ??? oz, 4101 steps
08/07/23 - 250.1 (+0.6) 0000 Calories, 103F, ??? oz, 1598 steps
08/08/23 - 250.1 (+0.0) 1835 Calories, 102F, 114 oz, 4613 steps

feeling better today. a little cooler, supposed to be around 103 and then pick back up to about 107 for the next 5 days. The next 8 to 10 days looks to be the hottest of the summer so far.
Last edited:
7/30 - 198 lbs
7/31 - 197 lbs
8/1 - 195 lbs
8/2 - 193 lbs
8/3 - 193 lbs
8/4 - 194 lbs
8/5 - 193 lbs
8/6 - 192 lbs
8/7 - 193 lbs
8/8 - 194 lbs
8/9 - 195 lbs
0 days without binge, oh well...
Summers here can be pretty brutal. Unless something changes, this one looks like it will be in the top 10 worst ones at least. Last summer was the 4th hottest so two very hot summers in a row now.

Just saw this apparently there are other hazards in Texas lawnmowing.

Texas woman injured after hawk drops snake on her
August 1st : 230.8
August 7th : 228.6
August 8th : 229
August 9th : 228.8
(8 days without a binge)

Keep it up, if you can not binge I think you will lose the weight. I feel the same sometimes, right now I think the way I have been eating I should be losing weight, just need to keep reminding myself its more important not to binge.
Yeh i've been winning the binge battle this month, just not really losing weight. Just have to be a bit more strict with what i eat without going OTT, then failing, feeling bad and bingeing.
0 days without binge, oh well...

Texas woman injured after hawk drops snake on her

Get straight back on the horse! I hope today is good for you.

Yes i seen that news story this morning lol!
7/30 - 198 lbs
7/31 - 197 lbs
8/1 - 195 lbs
8/2 - 193 lbs
8/3 - 193 lbs
8/4 - 194 lbs
8/5 - 193 lbs
8/6 - 192 lbs
8/7 - 193 lbs
8/8 - 194 lbs
8/9 - 195 lbs
0 days without binge, oh well...


Just saw this apparently there are other hazards in Texas lawnmowing.

Texas woman injured after hawk drops snake on her
Funny. I just saw and read that article last night. Ugh. Also, saw where a guy was convicted for letting his pet cobra get loose in our city. Ugh, don't need that. The escape was 2 years ago. Hopefully, it's not with us any more. We don't need a population of those hanging around.
08/01/23 - 248.7 (+0.0) 1753 Calories, 104F, 110+oz, 900 steps
08/02/23 - 249.5 (+0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, 130+ oz, 1579 steps
08/03/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, 098+ oz, 526 steps
08/04/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 105F, 105 oz, 3510 steps
08/05/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 104F, 132 oz, 2877 steps
08/06/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, ??? oz, 4101 steps
08/07/23 - 250.1 (+0.6) 0000 Calories, 103F, ??? oz, 1598 steps
08/08/23 - 250.1 (+0.0) 1835 Calories, 102F, 114 oz, 4613 steps
08/09/23 - 250.7 (+0.6) 0000 Calories, 103F, 130??, 5135 steps

The more I walk, the more I sweat, the more I drink, the more my weight creeps up. at least, it's fairly consistent. Gotta stay hydrated.