Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

07/27/23 - 248.1 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 100F, 92 oz, 2814 steps
07/28/23 - 248.1 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 100F, 87 oz, 3305 steps
07/29/23 - 248.1 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 101F, 73 oz, 3281 steps
07/30/23 - 248.1 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 102F, 94 oz, 3024 steps
07/31/23 - 248.7 (+0.6) 1852 Calories, 103F, 110+oz, 4492 steps
08/01/23 - 248.7 (+0.0) 1753 Calories, 104F, 110+oz, 900 steps
08/02/23 - 249.5 (+0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, 130+ oz, 1579 steps

Binged on ice cream. I normally don't do ice cream due to allergies, but desperate for anything cold. I drank a ton of water yesterday. I'm not sure the final count. And yeah, besides a little gatorade, it was mostly water.
Thanks Tom, yes back to it, it's the only way :) I wasn't perfect diet wise yesterday but didn't binge so it's a good start to the month, I lost a little.

I keep an eye on the weather reports for your part of the world and they say (the BBC) you're having unprecedented prolonged heat. Here July has been the cool and the wettest on record after us having the hottest June on record, the weather is a little of whack of late. They say it's climate change due to global warming.

August 1st : 230.8
August 2nd : 230
(1 day without a binge)
They said at first that our summer was going to be cooler than normal, but they blew that forecast. My nephew went on a trip and where he is at, the temp is only about 85F. He is so used to the 100F+ that he had to go to a walmart and buy a flannel shirt lol.🤣🤣
August 1st : 230.8
August 2nd : 230
August 3rd : 229.8
(2 day without a binge)

Only a small loss but I seem to have stopped the constant gains of recent days/weeks, I ate far from perfectly yesterday but again no binge. I'll take that at the moment.
They said at first that our summer was going to be cooler than normal, but they blew that forecast. My nephew went on a trip and where he is at, the temp is only about 85F. He is so used to the 100F+ that he had to go to a walmart and buy a flannel shirt lol.🤣🤣
lol 85F is still hot! it's about 68F here and has been for a while now, i like this sort of temp, alot of rain though.
07/29/23 - 248.1 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 101F, 073 oz, 3281 steps
07/30/23 - 248.1 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 102F, 094 oz, 3024 steps
07/31/23 - 248.7 (+0.6) 1852 Calories, 103F, 110+oz, 4492 steps
08/01/23 - 248.7 (+0.0) 1753 Calories, 104F, 110+oz, 900 steps
08/02/23 - 249.5 (+0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, 130+ oz, 1579 steps
08/03/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, 098+ oz, 526 steps

Eating wise I did decent yesterday. I need to get out and walk some to sweat off some extra water though. It's just been so hot. it's hard to do anything away from a fan.
August 1st : 230.8
August 2nd : 230
August 3rd : 229.8
August 4th : 228.2
(3 days without a binge)

Pleased with that loss and it was quite unexpected as, again, i didn't diet perfectly yesterday. I'm learning I don't have be absolutely without fault everyday diet wise. My usual pattern these last month or 2 was to cheat in a small way then think "ah well fug it" and have a full blown binge. These last few days i've cheated a little but it hasn't developed into a binge, I see this as progress.
07/29/23 - 248.1 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 101F, 073 oz, 3281 steps
07/30/23 - 248.1 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 102F, 094 oz, 3024 steps
07/31/23 - 248.7 (+0.6) 1852 Calories, 103F, 110+oz, 4492 steps
08/01/23 - 248.7 (+0.0) 1753 Calories, 104F, 110+oz, 900 steps
08/02/23 - 249.5 (+0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, 130+ oz, 1579 steps
08/03/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, 098+ oz, 526 steps

Eating wise I did decent yesterday. I need to get out and walk some to sweat off some extra water though. It's just been so hot. it's hard to do anything away from a fan.

I see your steps are varying an awful lot there Tom, is that because of the heat? I've been averaging around 3000 per day for a while now. I try to include a 10-15 minute walk with my dog (in his doggy pram) once a day.
7/30 - 198 lbs
7/31 - 197 lbs
8/1 - 195 lbs
8/2 - 193 lbs
8/3 - 193 lbs
8/4 - binge... 194 lbs
0 days without binge
Well done, I'm right behind you in number of binge free days....who's going to give in 1st!? Let's hope it's neither of us...
Unfortunately it was me... but today is another day!
08/01/23 - 248.7 (+0.0) 1753 Calories, 104F, 110+oz, 900 steps
08/02/23 - 249.5 (+0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, 130+ oz, 1579 steps
08/03/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, 098+ oz, 526 steps
08/04/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 105F, 105 oz, 3510 steps
I see your steps are varying an awful lot there Tom, is that because of the heat? I've been averaging around 3000 per day for a while now. I try to include a 10-15 minute walk with my dog (in his doggy pram) once a day.

Sorry for the wall of text.

It has dropped down considerably due to the heat. It's a lot of factors really. My nephew has been gone all week, which is a tremendous thing. He had cancer a while back and never left the house for like 10 years. He went on a vacation with some friends to another state! That is huge. We were watching my dad for years and neither me nor my nephew ever went anywhere. At one point, I had only left the house once or twice in two years. So now we are able to get out a little more. Since he was gone this week, that left just me to stay at home and watch things and the dog (it's a full time job nearly lol. I hate dogs lol). I call her Hurricane Harper. She destroys everyting lol. Normally with him here, I can walk up to a convenience store and that's 3000 steps alone. But with the heat also, it is hard. Our pipes are bad so we drink bottled water and with my sister without work due to a car wreck (not her fault), it has disrupted everything. And with it being as hot as it is, we're trying not to over stress our bodies and get dehydrated. We sweat a lot and always have. I get up sweating, I sweat all day, I go to bed sweating, I sweat during the night. There's no relief. I'm exhausted. In the afternoons, the air quality tanks and it's harder to breathe. It's 8:25AM. Right now conditions are 6 - Moderate for outdoor activity. Conditions are fair. By this afternoon, it will be 8 or 9 - avoid outdoor activity. The house is 90F plus inside so there's not a lot of comfort anywhere. It's not like I can go outside and walk and then come back into a cool house. It's miserable. My nephew should get home Saturday and then I will be able to at least walk up to the little store again With this heat, even walking the 3000 steps, I don't feel very well when I am done. Yesterday, I told my sister I may walk up to the store. She immediately said be sure to only walk in the morning, take plenty of water, and walk slowly. It's sad. Conditions aren't really favorable for much of anything. I know it's an excuse, but it's hard right now. I'm in preservation mode. I was doing about 6000 steps a day. Now, trying to get back to 3000-4000. I'm working on taking mini walks of a 1000 steps at a time, three or four times a day. I had 3500 yesterday.
Sorry for the wall of text.

It has dropped down considerably due to the heat. It's a lot of factors really. My nephew has been gone all week, which is a tremendous thing. He had cancer a while back and never left the house for like 10 years. He went on a vacation with some friends to another state! That is huge. We were watching my dad for years and neither me nor my nephew ever went anywhere. At one point, I had only left the house once or twice in two years. So now we are able to get out a little more. Since he was gone this week, that left just me to stay at home and watch things and the dog (it's a full time job nearly lol. I hate dogs lol). I call her Hurricane Harper. She destroys everyting lol. Normally with him here, I can walk up to a convenience store and that's 3000 steps alone. But with the heat also, it is hard. Our pipes are bad so we drink bottled water and with my sister without work due to a car wreck (not her fault), it has disrupted everything. And with it being as hot as it is, we're trying not to over stress our bodies and get dehydrated. We sweat a lot and always have. I get up sweating, I sweat all day, I go to bed sweating, I sweat during the night. There's no relief. I'm exhausted. In the afternoons, the air quality tanks and it's harder to breathe. It's 8:25AM. Right now conditions are 6 - Moderate for outdoor activity. Conditions are fair. By this afternoon, it will be 8 or 9 - avoid outdoor activity. The house is 90F plus inside so there's not a lot of comfort anywhere. It's not like I can go outside and walk and then come back into a cool house. It's miserable. My nephew should get home Saturday and then I will be able to at least walk up to the little store again With this heat, even walking the 3000 steps, I don't feel very well when I am done. Yesterday, I told my sister I may walk up to the store. She immediately said be sure to only walk in the morning, take plenty of water, and walk slowly. It's sad. Conditions aren't really favorable for much of anything. I know it's an excuse, but it's hard right now. I'm in preservation mode. I was doing about 6000 steps a day. Now, trying to get back to 3000-4000. I'm working on taking mini walks of a 1000 steps at a time, three or four times a day. I had 3500 yesterday.

It doesn't come across as an excuse at all, what you're dealing with there i think anyone would struggle, i know i would.
We had just a few 100F'ish days here last year and it was totally debilitating, i know some people love the sun but i honestly would rather have it very cold than very hot.

I know what you mean about dogs can be full time jobs! As i think i've mentioned before my dog is very old now and is poorly, i have to constantly keep an eye on him/tend to him and i'm losing sleep over it. But i love him to bits, he's been my best mate for 18 years so i'm ok with doing this for him.

When he finally passes I have plans I want to put into action, there's a 24/7 gym that has opened nearby to where I live that i hope to attend. I also don't go out much at the moment. I went for a coffee with an old friend i hadn't seen in a long time a few days ago and it was really nice, in time i hope to do more things like this.
Last edited:
Unfortunately it was me... but today is another day!

I hope you got right back on track...

August 1st : 230.8
August 3rd : 229.8
August 4th : 228.2
August 5th : 228.4
(4 days without a binge)

Again another day where i ate lots of carbs but i didn't punish myself for it, then feel bad and binge. Maybe this is the way it'll be for me for the forseeable future. Maybe my low carb dieting days are not right for me at the moment. It'll mean smaller day to day weight loss but hopefully a more consistent longterm weight loss, instead of yo-yo'ing.
7/30 - 198 lbs
7/31 - 197 lbs
8/1 - 195 lbs
8/2 - 193 lbs
8/3 - 193 lbs
8/4 - 194 lbs
8/5 - 193 lbs
1 days without binge
I'm working on taking mini walks of a 1000 steps at a time, three or four times a day. I had 3500 yesterday.
Hey Tom, I know your walking is a struggle now. But you are trying and that's what's important. Does it cool off enough over night to let you do an early morning walk? Only about 6 weeks of the worst of the heat left, I think that's right for your neck of the woods.
(4 days without a binge)
Good for you!!
Again another day where i ate lots of carbs but i didn't punish myself for it, then feel bad and binge. Maybe this is the way it'll be for me for the forseeable future. Maybe my low carb dieting days are not right for me at the moment. It'll mean smaller day to day weight loss but hopefully a more consistent longterm weight loss, instead of yo-yo'ing.
For me a problem with the low carb diet is that it can't last forever and ending it is hard. I think you should do what feels best for you, however I think not bingeing is more important than carbs or weight. I know it is for me.
08/01/23 - 248.7 (+0.0) 1753 Calories, 104F, 110+oz, 900 steps
08/02/23 - 249.5 (+0.8) 0000 Calories, 107F, 130+ oz, 1579 steps
08/03/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 106F, 098+ oz, 526 steps
08/04/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 105F, 105 oz, 3510 steps
08/05/23 - 249.5 (+0.0) 0000 Calories, 104F, 132 oz, 2877 steps
It doesn't come across as an excuse at all, what you're dealing with there i think anyone would struggle, i know i would.
We had just a few 100F'ish days here last year and it was totally debilitating, i know some people love the sun but i honestly would rather have it very cold than very hot.

I know what you mean about dogs can be full time jobs! As i think i've mentioned before my dog is very old now and is poorly, i have to constantly keep an eye on him/tend to him and i'm losing sleep over it. But i love him to bits, he's been my best mate for 18 years so i'm ok with doing this for him.

When he finally passes I have plans I want to put into action, there's a 24/7 gym that has opened nearby to where I live that i hope to attend. I also don't go out much at the moment. I went for a coffee with an old friend i hadn't seen in a long time a few days ago and it was really nice, in time i hope to do more things like this.
Thanks. I feel like sometimes I just can't get my act together. My sister is trying to lose weight also and is struggling. I've always told her how difficult it was for me, now she sees it. People at work are helping her. They can't understand why we aren't losing weight. I know we retain water, but have to drink a lot of water under the circumstances also.

I say I hate dogs, but I really like my sister's new dog. I am allergic, still, maybe if I had a dog of my own. I feel for you though. I have a friend whose dog is up there and he's just basically waiting for the time to put her down or she passes away. He cares for her a lot like you do. But when you love somebody you do what you have to do. It's still hard.

The gym sounds good. I gave up on that a long time ago, but I'm wanting to get out more. My nephew came back home last night so I plan on walking to the store in a little bit. That's about 3000 steps. I get a pick 3. It's gambling, but I only spend like a dollar or two once in a while and I'm up.
I hope you got right back on track...

August 1st : 230.8
August 3rd : 229.8
August 4th : 228.2
August 5th : 228.4
(4 days without a binge)

Again another day where i ate lots of carbs but i didn't punish myself for it, then feel bad and binge. Maybe this is the way it'll be for me for the forseeable future. Maybe my low carb dieting days are not right for me at the moment. It'll mean smaller day to day weight loss but hopefully a more consistent longterm weight loss, instead of yo-yo'ing.
Still, you have done so very well! I envy you. I really do.