Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

well, not sure if my diet will remain good right now. 1.5 hours ago i was doing some yard work, i bent over holding a heavy bucket of water and have done a mischief to my lower back. immediate severe pain and although it's lessened since i'm still in alot of pain. this will be a test of my resolve!
well, not sure if my diet will remain good right now. 1.5 hours ago i was doing some yard work, i bent over holding a heavy bucket of water and have done a mischief to my lower back. immediate severe pain and although it's lessened since i'm still in alot of pain. this will be a test of my resolve!

I feel for ya! I've done that too. It's amazing to me, I can pick up a refrigerator practically and nothing to my back, but if I bend over then bam....ugh. Hopefully it will ease up. Do you have any muscle relaxing cream or anything to put on it? I've mowed the past 2 days and if it isn't raining much today, I need to do the weed eating.
I feel for ya! I've done that too. It's amazing to me, I can pick up a refrigerator practically and nothing to my back, but if I bend over then bam....ugh. Hopefully it will ease up. Do you have any muscle relaxing cream or anything to put on it? I've mowed the past 2 days and if it isn't raining much today, I need to do the weed eating.
no muscle relaxant no but i do have ibuprofen which may have worked as the pain is still there but it's eased. if this recovers in a few days i'll count myself lucky and be more careful of how i lift things in future!
Hopefully it will
thanks, it's much better this morning, just a slight twinge if i move the wrong way, looks like i've got away with it really.
but i comfort ate yesterday evening and i'm up 1.4 lbs, over 220 again. i'm drawing a line in the sand now, i will be back below 220 tomorrow (for the 4th time lol) and this time it will be be permanent, i'm adamant on it!

march 15th : 220.2 (+1.4)
March 16th : 219.2 (-1.0)

I'm under 220 and i'm never going above it again. had a drama this morning, my poor dog had an hour long what i think was a panic attack due to a very loud alarm going off right next to him, it was stressful to watch and obviously much worse for him. i haven't felt any need to comfort eat and my dog is calm now. i want sub 210 by 21st april which is 1 year exactly dieting, if i make it that'll be atleast 90 lbs weight loss in 1 year, not bad. i can do this!
March 16th : 219.2 (-1.0)

I'm under 220 and i'm never going above it again. had a drama this morning, my poor dog had an hour long what i think was a panic attack due to a very loud alarm going off right next to him, it was stressful to watch and obviously much worse for him. i haven't felt any need to comfort eat and my dog is calm now. i want sub 210 by 21st april which is 1 year exactly dieting, if i make it that'll be atleast 90 lbs weight loss in 1 year, not bad. i can do this!

Sounds like a good plan. Our dogs have always panicked over storms and fireworks. Today we have a chance of storms. it will be interesting to see. Sounds like a good plan for weight. it's starting to warm up here so hopefully I will get back into the groove. It's just been hard with all of the drama. At least, I'm hanging close to my low (239. I'm 242.9) so it's not like I have to start over again.
Sounds like a good plan. Our dogs have always panicked over storms and fireworks. Today we have a chance of storms. it will be interesting to see. Sounds like a good plan for weight. it's starting to warm up here so hopefully I will get back into the groove. It's just been hard with all of the drama. At least, I'm hanging close to my low (239. I'm 242.9) so it's not like I have to start over again.
Well done for hanging in there, i'm close to my low too, i was 217.8 dec 18th, gonna go lower very soon hopefully.
March 19th : 217.4 (-0.8)

That's the lightest i've been since my diet started. Plenty of temptation (chocolates) around me right now as it's Mothers Day today here in the UK.
March 22nd : 216 (-3.0)

It'll be mostly water weight lost but i'm not complaining, here comes sub 210, hopefully no more yo-yo'ing for a while.
March 22nd : 216 (-3.0)

It'll be mostly water weight lost but i'm not complaining, here comes sub 210, hopefully no more yo-yo'ing for a while.
very good sir!!!!!!