Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

4/1/23 246.2 (+1.4)
3/28 - 195 lbs
4/1 - 187 lbs

Always feels good to see the weight drop after ending a binge spree, even though I know it has to be mostly water and clearing my system.
same and I'm glad.
I know that feeling Tom. How have you been?
April 1st : 222.4 (+4.2)

No that's not an April Fools joke lol! Ah well.
It happens, and I suspect you may know why. Can't be fat, or mostly fat, you can't eat enough to gain 4+ pounds of fat in a day. You know how to make it go away, just have to do it!
3/28 - 195 lbs
4/1 - 187 lbs

Always feels good to see the weight drop after ending a binge spree, even though I know it has to be mostly water and clearing my system.

I know that feeling Tom. How have you been?

It happens, and I suspect you may know why. Can't be fat, or mostly fat, you can't eat enough to gain 4+ pounds of fat in a day. You know how to make it go away, just have to do it!

Trying to get better. Lots of drama and stress since my dad died. Trying to get on the bandwagon to lose weight again. The temperature is rising and that's when I lost all of my weight last year. Just been trying to maintain during this time and haven't done too bad. Up about 5 lbs or so. I'll take it. At least, I don't have to start totally over again.
Trying to get better. Lots of drama and stress since my dad died. Trying to get on the bandwagon to lose weight again.
I understand, and losing a parent is always sad and stressful. Sorry for your loss.

I have found that no matter what else is happening in life if I can stick to good eating habits the stress is less. Wish I could say I have always practiced it. Easier to give than take advice I guess.

Jump on the bandwagon!
Hey Jojo, you must be new to the weigh every day group. Although I have not been here real consistently.

Congrats on the weight loss, good for you! You know it can continue, and I hope yours does too.

Hello yes just joined !

I am trying not to weigh myself everyday ......its difficult not to do so ! I use to do it several times a day lol

But i will come on here once in awhile even if i gained .........

Thanks ........yea me too

Congrats to you too
I am trying not to weigh myself everyday ......its difficult not to do so ! I use to do it several times a day lol
I understand, but I have found the daily weigh ins helpful. Once you get used to the ups and downs of it I think it helps you better understand your body and weight. But I know it doesn't work for all. We'll be glad to see you here, daily or weekly or whenever!
It happens, and I suspect you may know why. Can't be fat, or mostly fat, you can't eat enough to gain 4+ pounds of fat in a day. You know how to make it go away, just have to do it!
Ah it was a 4.2 lbs gain since the last time i weighed which was a few days before, even so you're correct of course, it was mostly water weight gained, and i've just lost alot of it in 1 day :) I'll start adding my previous weigh-in to my posts so it's clearer. Good to see your weight coming down.

April 1st : 222.4
April 2nd : 218.6
April 4th : 216.8
Good for you, that 200 mark is getting closer!

3/28 - 195 lbs
4/1 - 187 lbs
4/2 - 186 lbs
4/3 - 186 lbs
4/4 - 186 lbs