Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

boy was this a nice surprise this morning. it''s been months since i last weighed myself. not sure how it started, but the longer i went,the bigger my concern got and the easier it was to ignore it ... i didn't want to look. i haven't had any clues like clothes getting more snug, though my waistline does feel like it varies from day to day.

i kept thinking that i wouldn't get upset if i saw a number in the 180's ... then this.


big exhale... :)

still not my best normal in the mid 160's, but this weight seems so much easier to maintain, especially during the shorter day winters. i definitely don't get out as much this time of year. the other downside is that 173 is only about 5 lbs short of falling out of a normal BMI edging into overweight. always feel better when there is a bigger cushion.

still only using intermittent fasting for maintenance... i probably slip up one or two days a month and i probably have 3-4 12/12 days, but most days i'm on a 16/8 schedule with a few 18/6 days.
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still only using intermittent fasting for maintenance...
How long have you been in maintenance? A long time I think, as long as I have been here. I think that's very impressive, wish I could go months without weighing...

3/1 - 190 lbs
3/2 - 188 lbs
3/3 - 187 lbs
3/4 - 186 lbs
3/5 - 185 lbs
How long have you been in maintenance? A long time I think, as long as I have been here. I think that's very impressive, wish I could go months without weighing...
it was an unsettling feeling. my scale is in the garage/ basement by my washer/ dryer and it was a matter of ambivalence every time i looked at it. i kept saying... ok, i'll be REALLY good for a week or so THEN i'll step on the scale again... but it never seemed to happen.

i have a feeling IF is taking care of my diet simply because i don't have enough time to overeat. hunger still hits occasionally during fasting times and it''s never easy to ignore except that i know by now the feeling will fade eventually. as i said earlier... tougher during the winter months (yes, i''m aware the San Diego winter is nowhere near what most people think about winter)... shorter days, etc.

i'd still like to see if i can wander down to the mid 160's again.
maybe i'll give that a shot.
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not sure of weight im reluctant to weigh, had some unexpected stress and have eaten badly for several days, my 75 year old mother fell breaking her shoulder and dislocating it, ended up in hospital, still needs scans etc to fully assess damage and may need surgery, she's home now and i'm looking after her. will try to be on point today diet wise.
not sure of weight im reluctant to weigh, had some unexpected stress and have eaten badly for several days, my 75 year old mother fell breaking her shoulder and dislocating it, ended up in hospital, still needs scans etc to fully assess damage and may need surgery, she's home now and i'm looking after her. will try to be on point today diet wise.

So sorry to hear that. Hang in there. Praying that she gets better soon.
Saturday March 14th : 221.8 (+3.4)

3.4 lbs gained over the past week. No point beating myself up over it it's been a bad week.
March 13th : 219.8 (-0.6)

3rd time i've dipped under 220 now, need to make it stick this time.
april 21st will be 1 year since i started this diet, would really like to be near or below 210 by then.
March 14th : 218.8 (-1.0)