Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

I'm in...I just bought a scale!!!!AHHH....lol...Well I have to face it right? Will post up weight on Monday....Fridays weight was 218....yuk!...oh well...
It is time to get serious agian - weighing in daily...

May 24 - 211.2
May 25 - 211.4
May 26 - 212.4 -wrong direction sodium I am guessing ...
May 27 - 210.0!!!
May 28 - 210.4
May 29 - 210.4
May 30 - 210.2
May 31 - 210.0!!!
June 1 - 212.0 - well lol - sodium...
June 2 - 210.8 - nothing a bunch of water cant change
June 3 - 210.0 !!!
14th- 146.6
15th- 146.2
16th- 146
17th- 144.6
18th- 146.2
19th- 145.8
20th- 146.6
24th- 147 May is finishing with a bang, but not in a good way
26th- 145.6
27th- 145.4
28th- 146.2
29th- 146.2
30th- 145.4
31st- 146 this had better be sodium
1st- 145 Happy Dance!!!
2nd- no scale, but I'm afraid...very afraid. Camping food...Need I say more?
3rd- 144.6 WTF?:eek: :eek: :eek:

Todays weight...
my mini goal is 220...maybe then I can wear the only jeans i own! I refuse to buy a bigger size...hopefull by the end of he month!
24th- 147 May is finishing with a bang, but not in a good way
26th- 145.6
27th- 145.4
28th- 146.2
29th- 146.2
30th- 145.4
31st- 146 this had better be sodium
1st- 145 Happy Dance!!!
2nd- no scale, but I'm afraid...very afraid. Camping food...Need I say more?
3rd- 144.6 WTF?
4th- 145.2

So I did so well yesterday...its not even funny, but today when I step on te scale I have gone up a pound!!!!! I dont deserve that pound! I ate salted popcorm yesterday and started my period today. I heard that menustrating can cause the scale to show more than there really is...is that true??? I hope so.:mad:
It is time to get serious agian - weighing in daily...

May 24 - 211.2
May 25 - 211.4
May 26 - 212.4 -wrong direction sodium I am guessing ...
May 27 - 210.0!!!
May 28 - 210.4
May 29 - 210.4
May 30 - 210.2
May 31 - 210.0!!!
June 1 - 212.0 - well lol - sodium...
June 2 - 210.8 - nothing a bunch of water cant change
June 3 - 210.0 !!!
June 4 - 212.2 - god damn sodium - ham ham ham - ouch!!!
1th- 177.4
2nd- No scale
3rd- No scale
4th- 182.7 ....that's what happens when ya party 2 nights in a row...
1th- 177.4
2nd- No scale
3rd- No scale
4th- 182.7 ....that's what happens when ya party 2 night in a row...
5th- 180.3
24th- 147 May is finishing with a bang, but not in a good way
26th- 145.6
27th- 145.4
28th- 146.2
29th- 146.2
30th- 145.4
31st- 146 this had better be sodium
1st- 145 Happy Dance!!!
2nd- no scale, but I'm afraid...very afraid. Camping food...Need I say more?
3rd- 144.6 WTF?
4th- 145.2
5th- 145.8

:rotflmao: So I weighed myself today and all is well...down to 238! I know it isn't much, but I am pretty happy to be in the 230's again! I havn't been there in a while...:cool: :jump:
It is time to get serious agian - weighing in daily...

May 24 - 211.2
May 25 - 211.4
May 26 - 212.4 -wrong direction sodium I am guessing ...
May 27 - 210.0!!!
May 28 - 210.4
May 29 - 210.4
May 30 - 210.2
May 31 - 210.0!!!
June 1 - 212.0 - well lol - sodium...
June 2 - 210.8 - nothing a bunch of water cant change
June 3 - 210.0 !!!
June 4 - 212.2 - god damn sodium - ham ham ham - ouch!!!
June 5 - 212.0 - need to drink more and more and more water - flush the sodium out and smarten up !!!
1th- 177.4
2nd- No scale
3rd- No scale
4th- 182.7 ....that's what happens when ya party 2 night in a row...
5th- 180.3
6th- 179.4 (my mom's scale)
24th- 147 May is finishing with a bang, but not in a good way
26th- 145.6
27th- 145.4
28th- 146.2
29th- 146.2
30th- 145.4
31st- 146 this had better be sodium
1st- 145 Happy Dance!!!
2nd- no scale, but I'm afraid...very afraid. Camping food...Need I say more?
3rd- 144.6 WTF?
4th- 145.2
5th- 145.8
6th- 144.6