Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

It is time to get serious agian - weighing in daily...

May 24 - 211.2
May 25 - 211.4
May 26 - 212.4 -wrong direction sodium I am guessing ...
May 27 - 210.0!!!
May 28 - 210.4
14th- 146.6
15th- 146.2
16th- 146
17th- 144.6
18th- 146.2
19th- 145.8
20th- 146.6
24th- 147 May is finishing with a bang, but not in a good way
26th- 145.6
27th- 145.4
28th- 146.2
It is time to get serious agian - weighing in daily...

May 24 - 211.2
May 25 - 211.4
May 26 - 212.4 -wrong direction sodium I am guessing ...
May 27 - 210.0!!!
May 28 - 210.4
May 29 - 210.4
14th- 146.6
15th- 146.2
16th- 146
17th- 144.6
18th- 146.2
19th- 145.8
20th- 146.6
24th- 147 May is finishing with a bang, but not in a good way
26th- 145.6
27th- 145.4
28th- 146.2
29th- 146.2
14th- 146.6
15th- 146.2
16th- 146
17th- 144.6
18th- 146.2
19th- 145.8
20th- 146.6
24th- 147 May is finishing with a bang, but not in a good way
26th- 145.6
27th- 145.4
28th- 146.2
29th- 146.2
30th- 145.4
It is time to get serious agian - weighing in daily...

May 24 - 211.2
May 25 - 211.4
May 26 - 212.4 -wrong direction sodium I am guessing ...
May 27 - 210.0!!!
May 28 - 210.4
May 29 - 210.4
May 30 - 210.2
14th- 146.6
15th- 146.2
16th- 146
17th- 144.6
18th- 146.2
19th- 145.8
20th- 146.6
24th- 147 May is finishing with a bang, but not in a good way
26th- 145.6
27th- 145.4
28th- 146.2
29th- 146.2
30th- 145.4
31st- 146 this had better be sodium:mad:
It is time to get serious agian - weighing in daily...

May 24 - 211.2
May 25 - 211.4
May 26 - 212.4 -wrong direction sodium I am guessing ...
May 27 - 210.0!!!
May 28 - 210.4
May 29 - 210.4
May 30 - 210.2
May 31 - 210.0!!!
14th- 146.6
15th- 146.2
16th- 146
17th- 144.6
18th- 146.2
19th- 145.8
20th- 146.6
24th- 147 May is finishing with a bang, but not in a good way
26th- 145.6
27th- 145.4
28th- 146.2
29th- 146.2
30th- 145.4
31st- 146 this had better be sodium
1st- 145 Happy Dance!!!
It is time to get serious agian - weighing in daily...

May 24 - 211.2
May 25 - 211.4
May 26 - 212.4 -wrong direction sodium I am guessing ...
May 27 - 210.0!!!
May 28 - 210.4
May 29 - 210.4
May 30 - 210.2
May 31 - 210.0!!!
June 1 - 212.0 - well lol - sodium...
It is time to get serious agian - weighing in daily...

May 24 - 211.2
May 25 - 211.4
May 26 - 212.4 -wrong direction sodium I am guessing ...
May 27 - 210.0!!!
May 28 - 210.4
May 29 - 210.4
May 30 - 210.2
May 31 - 210.0!!!
June 1 - 212.0 - well lol - sodium...
June 2 - 210.8 - nothing a bunch of water cant change :):):)
14th- 146.6
15th- 146.2
16th- 146
17th- 144.6
18th- 146.2
19th- 145.8
20th- 146.6
24th- 147 May is finishing with a bang, but not in a good way
26th- 145.6
27th- 145.4
28th- 146.2
29th- 146.2
30th- 145.4
31st- 146 this had better be sodium
1st- 145 Happy Dance!!!
2nd- no scale, but I'm afraid...very afraid. Camping food...Need I say more?
She was up 2 lbs the day before because of too much sodium, so she drank a bunch of water. That fixed the problem. :)

:) Yes and more water will get rid of that last 8 oz and get me back to were I was before allt he sodium