Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

I love this concept. Weighing in every day may not be for everyone, but it's what keeps me on track. It helps me set goals for each day. It's when I hide from the scale for a few days or a week that I get into trouble!

I don't get upset by the fluctuations either. It shows that your body is constantly changing. Could be sodium, water intake, your period. As long as the overall trend is down.

I weigh myself at my lowest each day, on the scale in the morning. Log in the lowest weight of the week on the table here at WLF.
Todays weight

My weight today (6/6/07)

236.6! :rotflmao:
I love this concept. Weighing in every day may not be for everyone, but it's what keeps me on track. It helps me set goals for each day. It's when I hide from the scale for a few days or a week that I get into trouble!

I don't get upset by the fluctuations either. It shows that your body is constantly changing. Could be sodium, water intake, your period. As long as the overall trend is down.

I weigh myself at my lowest each day, on the scale in the morning. Log in the lowest weight of the week on the table here at WLF.

It keeps me on track as well - I have a routine - I weight myself first thing maked - lol - and then I reweight myself in my clkothes as a starting weight for the day and go based of that and I usually weight myself whenI get home and naked agian when I gt my jammies on - and it isnt an obsessive thing that is how I keep track for me ...
It is time to get serious agian - weighing in daily...

May 24 - 211.2
May 25 - 211.4
May 26 - 212.4 -wrong direction sodium I am guessing ...
May 27 - 210.0!!!
May 28 - 210.4
May 29 - 210.4
May 30 - 210.2
May 31 - 210.0!!!
June 1 - 212.0 - well lol - sodium...
June 2 - 210.8 - nothing a bunch of water cant change
June 3 - 210.0 !!!
June 4 - 212.2 - god damn sodium - ham ham ham - ouch!!!
June 5 - 212.0 - need to drink more and more and more water - flush the sodium out and smarten up !!!
June 6 - 209.6 !!!
It is time to get serious agian - weighing in daily...

May 24 - 211.2
May 25 - 211.4
May 26 - 212.4 -wrong direction sodium I am guessing ...
May 27 - 210.0!!!
May 28 - 210.4
May 29 - 210.4
May 30 - 210.2
May 31 - 210.0!!!
June 1 - 212.0 - well lol - sodium...
June 2 - 210.8 - nothing a bunch of water cant change
June 3 - 210.0 !!!
June 4 - 212.2 - god damn sodium - ham ham ham - ouch!!!
June 5 - 212.0 - need to drink more and more and more water - flush the sodium out and smarten up !!!
June 6 - 209.6 !!!
June 7 - 209.6...
24th- 147 May is finishing with a bang, but not in a good way
26th- 145.6
27th- 145.4
28th- 146.2
29th- 146.2
30th- 145.4
31st- 146 this had better be sodium
1st- 145 Happy Dance!!!
2nd- no scale, but I'm afraid...very afraid. Camping food...Need I say more?
3rd- 144.6 WTF?
4th- 145.2
5th- 145.8
6th- 144.6
7th- 144:)
I'm right there with you. I weigh in everyday and then post it up for the world to see
TODAY 248(ish)

Ya know what also helps. Not lying to ourselves when we can't fit into the skinny clothes. Instead of that (and the scale) being the sign we need to change what we are doing, we grab those next sized clothes in the closet, and continue on down that horrible path of unhealthyness.

Good luck to you all today on reaching your goals:)
24th- 147 May is finishing with a bang, but not in a good way
26th- 145.6
27th- 145.4
28th- 146.2
29th- 146.2
30th- 145.4
31st- 146 this had better be sodium
1st- 145 Happy Dance!!!
2nd- no scale, but I'm afraid...very afraid. Camping food...Need I say more?
3rd- 144.6 WTF?
4th- 145.2
5th- 145.8
6th- 144.6
7th- 144
8th- 144.2
It is time to get serious agian - weighing in daily...

May 24 - 211.2
May 25 - 211.4
May 26 - 212.4 -wrong direction sodium I am guessing ...
May 27 - 210.0!!!
May 28 - 210.4
May 29 - 210.4
May 30 - 210.2
May 31 - 210.0!!!
June 1 - 212.0 - well lol - sodium...
June 2 - 210.8 - nothing a bunch of water cant change
June 3 - 210.0 !!!
June 4 - 212.2 - god damn sodium - ham ham ham - ouch!!!
June 5 - 212.0 - need to drink more and more and more water - flush the sodium out and smarten up !!!
June 6 - 209.6 !!!
June 7 - 209.6...
June 8 - 209.0 :D:D:D!!!
24th- 147 May is finishing with a bang, but not in a good way
26th- 145.6
27th- 145.4
28th- 146.2
29th- 146.2
30th- 145.4
31st- 146 this had better be sodium
1st- 145 Happy Dance!!!
2nd- no scale, but I'm afraid...very afraid. Camping food...Need I say more?
3rd- 144.6 WTF?
4th- 145.2
5th- 145.8
6th- 144.6
7th- 144
8th- 144.2
9th- 143.4
weighing every day?!
daily fluctuations usually occur due to water in your body
so... I really wouldn't get too hung up on this
once a week should suffice, then if you have gone down you will feel really good, whereas in the space of a day you could actually go up
Some of us don't get bugged by the fluctuations (mine are very slight, and don't happen all the time)...we take the overall, average loss anyway. This helps me feel more in control.
6-1: 184.0
6-2: 183.6
6-3: 183.4
6-4: 183.4
6-5: 183.4
6-6: forgot to weigh
6-7: 183.2
6-8: 183.6 Stupid sodium
6-9: 183.6
weighing every day?!
daily fluctuations usually occur due to water in your body
so... I really wouldn't get too hung up on this
once a week should suffice, then if you have gone down you will feel really good, whereas in the space of a day you could actually go up

To each his own. I say do what works for you.

For some of us it helps to weight daily to catch things before it gets too far the wrong way. It can be great motivation. & yes fluctuations happen daily due to many reasons. The over all picture can help to see the effects of the lil things.
weighing every day?!
daily fluctuations usually occur due to water in your body
so... I really wouldn't get too hung up on this
once a week should suffice, then if you have gone down you will feel really good, whereas in the space of a day you could actually go up

This is your personal opinion...wether we weigh orurselves daily or not - should have no bearing on you...plus we also shouldnt have to explain why we weigh ourselves daily it is what we do - who cares if you dont agree - lol
Some of us don't get bugged by the fluctuations (mine are very slight, and don't happen all the time)...we take the overall, average loss anyway. This helps me feel more in control.

And it makes sence as along as we are eating well and drinking our water we continue to slowly go down...it is damn good incentive and proves that staying on track and eatign well allows you to loose daily in small amounts which is the way to do it...