Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Hey Tom, you have lost a good bit of weight and not regained, that is an accomplishment you should feel good about, more important than a temporary plateau!

I can think of two possible reasons for your plateau. The one I still think most likely is that you are losing fat, but retaining some water so not seeing it on the scale. I think I have told you that I can have weight swings up to 20+ pounds not fat related, maybe the same is true for you. Assuming this is the case you will get off that plateau by just keeping at what you are doing.

The other reason is you may not be in the calorie deficit you think you are. Calorie intake and burn estimates are never 100% accurate and it does not take much systematic underestimating food calories, and over estimating burned calories to make a difference. I think most people, myself included tend to underestimate calories, see Calorie counting: Americans tend to underestimate the number in food . The way I try to control this is by careful weighing and measuring, and when in doubt on a prepared dish try to count the ingredients individually. You will still need to do some guessing, but trying to be as honest as possible usually helps. I don't do this all the time, but at least part of the time for calibration. As to burned calories I think these are even harder to determine, they can vary so much person to person. My solution to this is just not to subtract them from my daily calories, I just see the exercise burn as a kind of bonus. You might try some of the precision counting for a while just to better understand how good your estimates are.

Either way you have nothing to be too worried about, you are getting there!

Nothing new on my weight here today, which is ok with me.
  • July 2020, entered maintenance at 167 lbs, after both my doctor and trainer said I needed to lose no more.
  • August began daily weighing, ranged 163 to 159.
  • September began 160, ended 158, ranged 160 to 154.
  • October began 159, ended 158, ranged from 155 to 162.
  • November began 160, ended 153, ranged from 153 to 164.
  • December averaged 156 and ranged from 151 to 159.
  • January 2021 averaged 155 and ranged from 149 to 160.
  • February averaged 156 but ranged wildly 145 to 166.
  • March averaged 147, ranged from 143 to 153, the high just the one day after surgery.
  • April was not a great month, averaged 157 but ended at 164..., ranged from 147 to 166.
  • May was not-so-great , I averaged 156 and ranged from 149 to 165, unfortunately I ended the month with a binge and up into the 160s
  • June was not too great either, averaged 160 and ranged 155 to a one day peak of 172.
July 2021
  • 1 - 162 lbs
  • 2 - 162 lbs
After losing about 160 lbs I began maintenance in July 2020 and am trying to stay somewhere in or close to the 150s. May rethink this one...
Good Morning All :) Hope Everyone has a great day!

Previous Monthly Readings:

04/25/21 268.8 Started
05/30/21 255.8
06/30/21 252.0

Month of May down: -13.7 lbs
Month of June down: -3.8 lbs

Current Daily Readings:

06/30/21 252.0
07/01/21 252.0 (Mowed yesterday)
07/02/21 252.0
Hey Tom, you have lot a good bit of weight and not regained, that is an accomplishment you should feel good about, more important than a temporary plateau!

I can think of two possible reasons for your plateau. The one I still think most likely is that you are losing fat, but retaining some water so not seeing it on the scale. I think I have told you that I can have weight swings up to 20+ pounds not fat related, maybe the same is true for you. Assuming this is the case you will get off that plateau by just keeping at what you are doing.

The other reason is you may not be in the calorie deficit you think you are. Calorie intake and burn estimates are never 100% accurate and it does not take much systematic underestimating food calories, and over estimating burned calories to make a difference. I think most people, myself included tend to underestimate calories, see Calorie counting: Americans tend to underestimate the number in food . The way I try to control this is by careful weighing and measuring, and when in doubt on a prepared dish try to count the ingredients individually. You will still need to do some guessing, but trying to be as honest as possible usually helps. I don't do this all the time, but at least part of the time for calibration. As to burned calories I think these are even harder to determine, they can vary so much person to person. My solution to this is just not to subtract them from my daily calories, I just see the exercise burn as a kind of bonus. You might try some of the precision counting for a while just to better understand how good your estimates are.

Either way you have nothing to be too worried about, you are getting there!

Thanks. I do pretty much what you do. 1) I weigh everything and get calories from everything I eat. I don't like dealing with pre-done stuff that I have no idea what's in it, but if it is the case then like you I try and sort everything out by individual item. For the most part, the way I eat, I haven't had to do that. 2) I never count exercise calories. So if something tells me that I burned 500 calories yesterday, I don't add them back in.

I guess what bummed me out more than anything was where I had went to a website and entered everything in and it basically said I could lose 2 lbs a week on 1800 calories with 3 to 5 times a week of moderate exercise. Another website, said you should shoot for 150 minutes a week of moderate exercise, basically 30 mins a day 5 days a week. I had 75 mins yesterday so I'm probably getting twice the 150 a week. I had 225 mins in the last 2-3 days. And I'm counting trips to the grocery store or anything like that. I only count times I actually intentionally exercise or do yard work.

But at any rate, I did some soul searching yesterday, binged, and did more research. For BMR, I found a couple of websites and they all said something different. Anywhere from 1950 to 2200 calories per day. Well if I"m 1950 and I'm shooting for 1800 that isn't much of a deficit calorie wise. Instead of just starving, I was shooting for a 500 a day deficit from calories and 500 from exercise (which admittedly is hard to do). And also, I found a much better (more accurate maybe?) of estimates of what I burn from different exercise and what the exercise load is considered. But like you said, it can really vary.

So what I'm going to do is: relax (I'm too stressed), make sure I really track my calories good, make sure I really track my exercise and document, try to estimate my deficit by the calories and exercise and then compare it to my actual results. Knowing that - my BP meds can cause water gain, I could retain water for whatever reason, or any other host of reasons I may not appear to be losing weight according to the scales.
Tom, it sounds like you are doing things right, counting calories as well as possible. If you use the 3500 calorie per pound rule of thumb a 500 calorie deficit would mean losing 1 pound a week. You lost almost 4 pounds in June, pretty close to that. Keep at it and I am sure you'll see the weight come off.

Back into the 150s this morning, no good reason for it except that I have probably lost some water weight.
  • July 2020, entered maintenance at 167 lbs, after both my doctor and trainer said I needed to lose no more.
  • August began daily weighing, ranged 163 to 159.
  • September began 160, ended 158, ranged 160 to 154.
  • October began 159, ended 158, ranged from 155 to 162.
  • November began 160, ended 153, ranged from 153 to 164.
  • December averaged 156 and ranged from 151 to 159.
  • January 2021 averaged 155 and ranged from 149 to 160.
  • February averaged 156 but ranged wildly 145 to 166.
  • March averaged 147, ranged from 143 to 153, the high just the one day after surgery.
  • April was not a great month, averaged 157 but ended at 164..., ranged from 147 to 166.
  • May was not-so-great , I averaged 156 and ranged from 149 to 165, unfortunately I ended the month with a binge and up into the 160s
  • June was not too great either, averaged 160 and ranged 155 to a one day peak of 172.
July 2021
  • 1 - 162 lbs
  • 2 - 162 lbs
  • 3 - 159 lbs
After losing about 160 lbs I began maintenance in July 2020 and am trying to stay somewhere in or close to the 150s. May rethink this one...
Good Morning All :) Hope Everyone has a great day!

Previous Monthly Readings:

04/25/21 268.8 Started
05/30/21 255.8
06/30/21 252.0

Month of May down: -13.7 lbs
Month of June down: -3.8 lbs

Current Daily Readings:

06/30/21 252.0
07/01/21 252.0 (Mowed yesterday)
07/02/21 252.0
07/03/21 250.5
Good Morning All :) Hope Everyone has a great day!

Previous Monthly Readings:

04/25/21 268.8 Started
05/30/21 255.8
06/30/21 252.0

Month of May down: -13.7 lbs
Month of June down: -3.8 lbs

Current Daily Readings:

06/30/21 252.0
07/01/21 252.0 (Mowed yesterday)
07/02/21 252.0
07/03/21 250.5
07/04/21 254.4

Doesn't make any sense at all. I was especially careful watching calories yesterday. I got in 1 hour of exercise as usual. I sweated a bunch as usual. And on top of it all, I only drank about 1/2 the water that I normally do so it shouldn't have been water weight. I checked the other scales also. So I was expecting to be in the 240's this morning. Because even if I was only losing 1 pound a week, I would weigh about 248 today. This basically erases the last 5 weeks of effort. I don't care if it is only temporary weight.

And that's why I hate trying to lose weight. If you want to gain 200 pounds, nothing with stop you. You'll get plenty of help. But if you want to lose, it's an entirely different story.
Hey Tom, I believe the new lows are real, and mean more than (water probably) bounces back up. You are losing weight, and will continue to do so. Keep at this and you will be in the 240s and below!

Bounced up a pound this morning, no real change.
Back into the 150s this morning, no good reason for it except that I have probably lost some water weight.
  • July 2020, entered maintenance at 167 lbs, after both my doctor and trainer said I needed to lose no more.
  • August began daily weighing, ranged 163 to 159.
  • September began 160, ended 158, ranged 160 to 154.
  • October began 159, ended 158, ranged from 155 to 162.
  • November began 160, ended 153, ranged from 153 to 164.
  • December averaged 156 and ranged from 151 to 159.
  • January 2021 averaged 155 and ranged from 149 to 160.
  • February averaged 156 but ranged wildly 145 to 166.
  • March averaged 147, ranged from 143 to 153, the high just the one day after surgery.
  • April was not a great month, averaged 157 but ended at 164..., ranged from 147 to 166.
  • May was not-so-great , I averaged 156 and ranged from 149 to 165, unfortunately I ended the month with a binge and up into the 160s
  • June was not too great either, averaged 160 and ranged 155 to a one day peak of 172.
July 2021
  • 1 - 162 lbs
  • 2 - 162 lbs
  • 3 - 159 lbs
  • 4 - 160 lbs
After losing about 160 lbs I began maintenance in July 2020 and am trying to stay somewhere in or close to the 150s. May rethink this one...
Hey Tom, I believe the new lows are real, and mean more than (water probably) bounces back up. You are losing weight, and will continue to do so. Keep at this and you will be in the 240s and below!

Bounced up a pound this morning, no real change.
Back into the 150s this morning, no good reason for it except that I have probably lost some water weight.
  • July 2020, entered maintenance at 167 lbs, after both my doctor and trainer said I needed to lose no more.
  • August began daily weighing, ranged 163 to 159.
  • September began 160, ended 158, ranged 160 to 154.
  • October began 159, ended 158, ranged from 155 to 162.
  • November began 160, ended 153, ranged from 153 to 164.
  • December averaged 156 and ranged from 151 to 159.
  • January 2021 averaged 155 and ranged from 149 to 160.
  • February averaged 156 but ranged wildly 145 to 166.
  • March averaged 147, ranged from 143 to 153, the high just the one day after surgery.
  • April was not a great month, averaged 157 but ended at 164..., ranged from 147 to 166.
  • May was not-so-great , I averaged 156 and ranged from 149 to 165, unfortunately I ended the month with a binge and up into the 160s
  • June was not too great either, averaged 160 and ranged 155 to a one day peak of 172.
July 2021
  • 1 - 162 lbs
  • 2 - 162 lbs
  • 3 - 159 lbs
  • 4 - 160 lbs
After losing about 160 lbs I began maintenance in July 2020 and am trying to stay somewhere in or close to the 150s. May rethink this one...

You are a true inspiration! Congrats to a year on maintenance! That is incredible. I know you talk about not necessary feeling well sometimes, and binges. Now that you have been on maintenance for a year, is it harder than you thought it would be? Every time I've lost weight in the past, I gained it all back so big kudos to you Sir!
Hey Tom, thanks for the kind words, hard to imagine myself as an inspiration, but if my experiences help you that is great. Everyone's help me, knowing I am not alone in this is real comfort.
Now that you have been on maintenance for a year, is it harder than you thought it would be?
Difficult question, I knew it would be hard, I knew that from the experiences of others here, and the fact that like you every time I lost weight in the past it came right back. It has been different, but not sure harder than I imagined, but I did imagine it would be hard. I think there are 2 things that make it hard, one is that when losing weight I got a lot of reinforcement from seeing the weight drop, that source of positive reinforcement quickly went away and so far I have found nothing to replace it. And second though my body has changed I have not. I am still a naturally compulsive overeater, I want to eat everything I can get my hands on. Somehow I imagined that would go away or lessen with the loss, but it has not. So I am still fighting the same demon, but without the one big tool, the positive reinforcement of seeing the weight go down. I could go on, but that covers the big ones. I am now doing my best to find a way to fight this, and I guess I have had some success, not what I wanted, but a whole lot better than I have done in the past.

Back down into the 150s this morning, felt good.
  • July 2020, entered maintenance at 167 lbs, after both my doctor and trainer said I needed to lose no more.
  • August began daily weighing, ranged 163 to 159.
  • September began 160, ended 158, ranged 160 to 154.
  • October began 159, ended 158, ranged from 155 to 162.
  • November began 160, ended 153, ranged from 153 to 164.
  • December averaged 156 and ranged from 151 to 159.
  • January 2021 averaged 155 and ranged from 149 to 160.
  • February averaged 156 but ranged wildly 145 to 166.
  • March averaged 147, ranged from 143 to 153, the high just the one day after surgery.
  • April was not a great month, averaged 157 but ended at 164..., ranged from 147 to 166.
  • May was not-so-great , I averaged 156 and ranged from 149 to 165, unfortunately I ended the month with a binge and up into the 160s
  • June was not too great either, averaged 160 and ranged 155 to a one day peak of 172.
July 2021
  • 1 - 162 lbs
  • 2 - 162 lbs
  • 3 - 159 lbs
  • 4 - 160 lbs
  • 5 - 158 lbs
After losing about 160 lbs I began maintenance in July 2020 and am trying to stay somewhere in or close to the 150s. May rethink this one...
Good Morning All :) Hope Everyone has a great day!

Previous Monthly Readings:

04/25/21 268.8 Started
05/30/21 255.8
06/30/21 252.0

Month of May down: -13.7 lbs
Month of June down: -3.8 lbs

Current Daily Readings:

06/30/21 252.0
07/01/21 252.0 (Mowed yesterday)
07/02/21 252.0
07/03/21 250.5
07/04/21 254.4
07/05/21 254.4 (Mowed yesterday)
Hey Tom, thanks for the kind words, hard to imagine myself as an inspiration, but if my experiences help you that is great. Everyone's help me, knowing I am not alone in this is real comfort.

Difficult question, I knew it would be hard, I knew that from the experiences of others here, and the fact that like you every time I lost weight in the past it came right back. It has been different, but not sure harder than I imagined, but I did imagine it would be hard. I think there are 2 things that make it hard, one is that when losing weight I got a lot of reinforcement from seeing the weight drop, that source of positive reinforcement quickly went away and so far I have found nothing to replace it. And second though my body has changed I have not. I am still a naturally compulsive overeater, I want to eat everything I can get my hands on. Somehow I imagined that would go away or lessen with the loss, but it has not. So I am still fighting the same demon, but without the one big tool, the positive reinforcement of seeing the weight go down. I could go on, but that covers the big ones. I am now doing my best to find a way to fight this, and I guess I have had some success, not what I wanted, but a whole lot better than I have done in the past.

The mental aspect is I'd imagine the hardest. I know it is for me. And I agree with the positive reinforcement. That's why I'm struggling so much right now.
The mental aspect is I'd imagine the hardest.
In some ways it is the only part that's hard. I think we all know what a good diet is, more or less, but getting ourselves to follow it is another issue...

At 162 this am after bingeing last night. Did not want to do this post, but I know I need to...
Good Morning All :) Hope Everyone has a great day!

Previous Monthly Readings:

04/25/21 268.8 Started
05/30/21 255.8
06/30/21 252.0

Month of May down: -13.7 lbs
Month of June down: -3.8 lbs

Current Daily Readings:

06/30/21 252.0
07/01/21 252.0 (Mowed yesterday)
07/02/21 252.0
07/03/21 250.5
07/04/21 254.4
07/05/21 254.4 (Mowed yesterday)
07/06/21 253.4 (Over 2 hrs of yard work)

I overate yesterday (about 300-400) calories. I've been really hungry lately. But, doing tons of exercise also so I dunno.
Back from camping & catching up...

JAN 06 Dexa scan: 28.6% body fat
JAN 01-07: 244.5__31.9%__N/A____30.9%__167.8_76.8__1811
JAN 08-14: 239.9__32.6%__27.4%__28.8%__169.3_70.6__2190
JAN 15-21: 236.3__31.9%__27.3%__27.4%__169.0_67.3__1834
JAN 22-28: 234.4__30.6%__26.0%__26.4%__170.3_64.1__1884
JAN 29-F4: 231.4__30.3%__25.9%__25.5%__169.5_61.9__2103
FEB 05-11: 229.1__29.1%__24.7%__25.3%__169.3_59.8__2268
FEB 12-18: 226.8__27.9%__24.0%__25.4%__168.6_58.2__2488
FEB 19-25: 225.3__27.4%__23.4%__24.9%__168.7_56.6__2704
FEB 26-M4: 221.1__27.6%__22.9%__24.0%__166.7_54.5__2376
MAR 05-11: 220.0__26.9%__23.9%__23.0%__166.9_53.1__2722
MAR 12-18: 216.9__26.3%__23.1%__22.6%__165.6_51.3__3086
MAR 19-25: 220.2__25.6%__21.9%__22.9%__168.8_51.4__3880
MAR 26-A1: 217.5__25.6%__21.6%__22.1%__167.9_49.6__3080
APR 02 Dexa scan: 21.0% body fat
APR 02-08: 215.6__25.7%__21.7%__21.0%__167.4_48.2__3086
APR 09-15: 214.7__25.4%__21.4%__20.5%__167.5_47.2__3363
APR 16-22: 212.6__24.8%__21.3%__19.5%__167.3_45.2__3430
APR 23-29: 212.4__24.1%__20.9%__19.4%__167.8_44.6__3761
APR 30-M6: 210.3__24.1%__20.6%__18.8%__167.0_43.3__3835
MAY 07-13: 209.5__24.0%__20.4%__18.2%__167.2_42.3__3776
MAY 14-20: 206.9__23.9%__20.6%__18.1%__165.2_41.7__4261
MAY 21-27: 210.3__23.6%__20.1%__18.6%__167.7_42.5__3857
MAY 28-J3: 207.3__23.4%__19.6%__18.0%__166.3_41.0__3184
JUN 04-10: 203.6__22.5%__19.4%__16.4%__165.5_38.0__3547
JUN 11-17: 202.6__22.5%__19.4%__15.9%__165.4_37.3__3789
JUN 18-24: 201.8__22.5%__19.5%__15.7%__164.8_37.0__3637
JUN 25-J1: 200.0__21.8%__18.4%__14.5%__165.4_34.6__2977
Day Weight highBIA lowBIA NavyBF% Lean _Fat Deficit
28 197.8 _ 22.0% _ 19.0% _14.2% _ 163.5 _34.3 724
29 200.8 _ 20.5% _ 19.0% _14.5% _ 166.4 _34.4 858
30 201.2 _ 21.5% _ 19.0% _14.5% _ 166.3 _34.9 844
01 200.4 _ 22.0% _ 19.0% _
13.9% _ 165.9 _34.5 994
02 200.2 _ 20.5% _
17.0% _14.2% _ 167.2 _33.0 786
03 199.0 _
20.0% _ 17.0% _13.6% _ 167.0 _32.0 887
04 201.2 _ 20.0% _ 18.5% _13.9% _ 167.8 _33.4 930
05 201.0 _ 20.0% _ 18.0% _14.2% _ 167.6 _33.4 290
06 202.6 _
19.0% _ 16.5% _15.5% _ 168.9 _33.7 TBD
Good to see you back Err, how was camping? Where did you go and what kind of camping? Been thinking about camping a lot lately. Tom, a few hundred calories over one day doesn't make much difference, its the longer term average that matters. You are doing fine.

Back down into the 150s this morning, felt good.
  • July 2020, entered maintenance at 167 lbs, after both my doctor and trainer said I needed to lose no more.
  • August began daily weighing, ranged 163 to 159.
  • September began 160, ended 158, ranged 160 to 154.
  • October began 159, ended 158, ranged from 155 to 162.
  • November began 160, ended 153, ranged from 153 to 164.
  • December averaged 156 and ranged from 151 to 159.
  • January 2021 averaged 155 and ranged from 149 to 160.
  • February averaged 156 but ranged wildly 145 to 166.
  • March averaged 147, ranged from 143 to 153, the high just the one day after surgery.
  • April was not a great month, averaged 157 but ended at 164..., ranged from 147 to 166.
  • May was not-so-great , I averaged 156 and ranged from 149 to 165, unfortunately I ended the month with a binge and up into the 160s
  • June was not too great either, averaged 160 and ranged 155 to a one day peak of 172.
July 2021
  • 1 - 162 lbs
  • 2 - 162 lbs
  • 3 - 159 lbs
  • 4 - 160 lbs
  • 5 - 158 lbs
  • 6 - 162 lbs, just after the binge
  • 7 - 159 lbs
After losing about 160 lbs I began maintenance in July 2020 and am trying to stay somewhere in or close to the 150s. May rethink this one...
Back from camping & catching up...

JAN 06 Dexa scan: 28.6% body fat
JAN 01-07: 244.5__31.9%__N/A____30.9%__167.8_76.8__1811
JAN 08-14: 239.9__32.6%__27.4%__28.8%__169.3_70.6__2190
JAN 15-21: 236.3__31.9%__27.3%__27.4%__169.0_67.3__1834
JAN 22-28: 234.4__30.6%__26.0%__26.4%__170.3_64.1__1884
JAN 29-F4: 231.4__30.3%__25.9%__25.5%__169.5_61.9__2103
FEB 05-11: 229.1__29.1%__24.7%__25.3%__169.3_59.8__2268
FEB 12-18: 226.8__27.9%__24.0%__25.4%__168.6_58.2__2488
FEB 19-25: 225.3__27.4%__23.4%__24.9%__168.7_56.6__2704
FEB 26-M4: 221.1__27.6%__22.9%__24.0%__166.7_54.5__2376
MAR 05-11: 220.0__26.9%__23.9%__23.0%__166.9_53.1__2722
MAR 12-18: 216.9__26.3%__23.1%__22.6%__165.6_51.3__3086
MAR 19-25: 220.2__25.6%__21.9%__22.9%__168.8_51.4__3880
MAR 26-A1: 217.5__25.6%__21.6%__22.1%__167.9_49.6__3080
APR 02 Dexa scan: 21.0% body fat
APR 02-08: 215.6__25.7%__21.7%__21.0%__167.4_48.2__3086
APR 09-15: 214.7__25.4%__21.4%__20.5%__167.5_47.2__3363
APR 16-22: 212.6__24.8%__21.3%__19.5%__167.3_45.2__3430
APR 23-29: 212.4__24.1%__20.9%__19.4%__167.8_44.6__3761
APR 30-M6: 210.3__24.1%__20.6%__18.8%__167.0_43.3__3835
MAY 07-13: 209.5__24.0%__20.4%__18.2%__167.2_42.3__3776
MAY 14-20: 206.9__23.9%__20.6%__18.1%__165.2_41.7__4261
MAY 21-27: 210.3__23.6%__20.1%__18.6%__167.7_42.5__3857
MAY 28-J3: 207.3__23.4%__19.6%__18.0%__166.3_41.0__3184
JUN 04-10: 203.6__22.5%__19.4%__16.4%__165.5_38.0__3547
JUN 11-17: 202.6__22.5%__19.4%__15.9%__165.4_37.3__3789
JUN 18-24: 201.8__22.5%__19.5%__15.7%__164.8_37.0__3637
JUN 25-J1: 200.0__21.8%__18.4%__14.5%__165.4_34.6__2977
Day Weight highBIA lowBIA NavyBF% Lean _Fat Deficit
28 197.8 _ 22.0% _ 19.0% _14.2% _ 163.5 _34.3 724
29 200.8 _ 20.5% _ 19.0% _14.5% _ 166.4 _34.4 858
30 201.2 _ 21.5% _ 19.0% _14.5% _ 166.3 _34.9 844
01 200.4 _ 22.0% _ 19.0% _
13.9% _ 165.9 _34.5 994
02 200.2 _ 20.5% _
17.0% _14.2% _ 167.2 _33.0 786
03 199.0 _
20.0% _ 17.0% _13.6% _ 167.0 _32.0 887
04 201.2 _ 20.0% _ 18.5% _13.9% _ 167.8 _33.4 930
05 201.0 _ 20.0% _ 18.0% _14.2% _ 167.6 _33.4 290
06 202.6 _
19.0% _ 16.5% _15.5% _ 168.9 _33.7 TBD

Hope you had a great time!
Good Morning All :) Hope Everyone has a great day!

Previous Monthly Readings:

04/25/21 268.8 Started
05/30/21 255.8
06/30/21 252.0

Month of May down: -13.7 lbs
Month of June down: -3.8 lbs

Current Daily Readings:

06/30/21 252.0
07/01/21 252.0 (Mowed yesterday)
07/02/21 252.0
07/03/21 250.5
07/04/21 254.4
07/05/21 254.4 (Mowed yesterday)
07/06/21 253.4 (Over 2 hrs of yard work)
07/07/21 252.1

Probably going to take time off today. I'm allergic to grass and have been spending way too much time doing yard work. Started getting vertigo last night. Had to take a pill.
Hi, Tom. It probably would give your immune system a bit of a breather to take that day off yard work.
Just something I have been meaning to say but keep forgetting. Do you want to have your actual ticker in your signature? If so, copy the BB code & paste it into the sig, rather than the address.