I know I am late to the party on this thread.
But I just wanted to make one small comment that may help some of you - in case you had not heard it before.
The scales have only limited value when trying to lose weight.
They can mislead you.
The MIRROR is the only honest way to evaluate weight loss.
Why do I say this?
If you are following a fitness plan that combines diet, resistance training and cardio.
It is quite possible you will add lean muscle mass at the same time as you lose body fat.
Muscle is far more dense than fat.
The result ?
You could lose considerable fat, gain muscle, look better in the mirror --- BUT, the scale would lead you to believe nothing has improved.
So when just getting started, the scale is certainly a good tool.
But as you move down the road and start making better improvements -- you may be wise to rely on the scale less and the mirror more
Good luck
Michael Spitzer
FITNESS at 40,50,60 and BEYOND