Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

165lbs! I'm so excited!!! :D

[May 14, 2013]
[May 16]
[May 24]
[May 25]
[May 27]
[May 28]
164.8lbs (so tired of seeing these crazy fluctuations)
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Okay I'm in, I'm new to the forums, but I like this idea. So today is the first day of the rest of my life. I weigh 174.6 gawd that is terrible.
173.2 walked 2 miles, ate less than 1200 calories, and worked my butt off at work, very labor intensive job. Feeling good.
Okay I'm in, I'm new to the forums, but I like this idea. So today is the first day of the rest of my life. I weigh 174.6 gawd that is terrible.

I like that saying Tannarra, that's how people must start thinking. And, always keeping moving forward towards that goal.

Ugh. I can't believe it has come to this... Again. My weight has gotten outta control. At the highest it's ever been. I have never felt so crappy. I have recently started to pick myself yup and dust off again.

Starting weight (mid may) 227
May 30 224
June 6 220.4
Today is my first day and I weigh 195 lb. Oh that's sooo.. bad!

Still the longest journey starts with the first step.
Great Advice

I agree with the weigh yourself everyday advice, I do the same,I get excited and motivated to see the numbers drop, and get motivated more when they don't!!
April of 2012 I weighed in at a all time high of 296 lbs!! I freaked!! legs hips joints etc hurt popped and cracked!! I was facing surgery on my back for August 2012, Do to a accident, and I looked terrible, so I somewhat half motivated started to be more alert to my eating habits, By surgery I had dropped too 278, after surgery In Dec.2012 my doctor did not like the sound of my heart, during a reg. check up, sent me for more tests, and found I had a heart attack, some where along after surgery, and had to get a stent, to clear a blockage, Dec.18th 2012, All my family came for xmas and after they left I reviewed photos, and was shocked!! to see the Old Fat Guy!!! So I declared war on this Killer!! In Dec I had went back up to 289 lbs.46'' waist, I did my home work and created a diet for my self, and Also became aware Of my lack of fluids intake, I like crystal Light, so I started drinking every time I felt like eating, I parked my Golf cart, and walked everywhere I went, Took all fruits off my eat list and replaced with straw berries, Black Berries,Blue Berries etc. Took all red meats off my list and replaced with Fish and some chicken, took all potatoes off the list, replaced with green veggies, salads with tuna fish packed in water, Today I weighed in at 204Lbs and have a 34'' waist, goal is to get below 200 and maintain, I'am 6'3'' Looking at weight charts helped motivate me as well ,I was determined to get to the healthy weight area,for my height so I have lost 92lbs from my highest weight, at 200 will be a whopping 100 lb loss, I have freaked all my doc's and family out!! I told my doctors, That I felt with all they were doing to get me fixed up, The least I could do was to keep a freakin fork outta my Mouth!!
161.0lbs :D

[June 22]
[June 26]
160.0!!! (I can practically feel like I'm 159 already!) :D
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