Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

09/03/2013 11st1.8 i.e. 155.8 pounds
10/03/2013 11st2.0 i.e. 156.0 pounds
11/03/2013 11st2.0 i.e. 156.0 pounds
12/03/2013 11st1.8 i.e. 155.8 pounds --- getting a bit sick of this :toetap05:
13/03/2013 11st0.6 i.e. 154.6 pounds --- ate salmon - a new low since the house move :hurray:
14/03/2013 11st0.8 i.e. 154.8 pounds --- slight fluctuation
15/03/2013 10st13.8 i.e. 153.8 pounds --- new low since the house move - ate salmon :hurray:
=== under 11 stone :party:
16/03/2013 11st0.0 i.e. 154.0 pounds --- I always fluctuate a bit
17/03/2013 11st0.0 i.e. 154.0 pounds ---
18/03/2013 11st0.0 i.e. 154.0 pounds ---
19/03/2013 11st0.0 i.e. 154.0 pounds ---
20/03/2013 10st13.8 i.e. 153.8 pounds --- still fluctuating at much the same place...
21/03/2013 10st13.8 i.e. 153.8 pounds
22/03/2013 10st13.8 i.e. 153.8 pounds
23/03/2013 10st13.8 i.e. 153.8 pounds
24/03/2013 10st13.8 i.e. 153.8 pounds
25/03/2013 10st11.8 i.e. 151.8 pounds --- at long last... :hurray:
26/03/2013 10st13.2 i.e. 153.2 pounds --- and back up... :(
27/03/2013 10st13.6 i.e. 153.6 pounds --- and higher :(
28/03/2013 10st13.4 i.e. 153.4 pounds
29/03/2013 11st2.8 i.e. 156.8 pounds --- Indian meal out with Andy
30/03/2013 10st13.8 i.e. 153.8 pounds --- water water everywhere...
05/04/2013 11st2.8 i.e. 156.8 pounds --- Easter... :blush5:
06/04/2013 11st2.2 i.e. 156.2 pounds
Having a sort of off day (eating just over 1500 calories) today because we're having visitors, and I made homemade butterfly buns yesterday. I can't restrict myself so much that I can't eat my yummy baking! So I'm going to have two. And we're having Korma tonight for dinner. Fatty fatty fatty. But saying that, I'll have eaten about 1559 calories overall. Not TOO bad....

Today's weight: 142.2.
142.2 again today.

I've also started the 30 day squat challenge, and decided to log things in a . I think it really helps!
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I weighed in at 176.0... still losing a little too much from being sick. Ugh.

April 11th: Weighed 175.6.
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Well done everyone... I really need to get back into the habit of posting...

09/03/2013 11st1.8 i.e. 155.8 pounds
10/03/2013 11st2.0 i.e. 156.0 pounds
11/03/2013 11st2.0 i.e. 156.0 pounds
12/03/2013 11st1.8 i.e. 155.8 pounds --- getting a bit sick of this :toetap05:
13/03/2013 11st0.6 i.e. 154.6 pounds --- ate salmon - a new low since the house move :hurray:
14/03/2013 11st0.8 i.e. 154.8 pounds --- slight fluctuation
15/03/2013 10st13.8 i.e. 153.8 pounds --- new low since the house move - ate salmon :hurray:
=== under 11 stone :party:
16/03/2013 11st0.0 i.e. 154.0 pounds --- I always fluctuate a bit
17/03/2013 11st0.0 i.e. 154.0 pounds ---
18/03/2013 11st0.0 i.e. 154.0 pounds ---
19/03/2013 11st0.0 i.e. 154.0 pounds ---
20/03/2013 10st13.8 i.e. 153.8 pounds --- still fluctuating at much the same place...
21/03/2013 10st13.8 i.e. 153.8 pounds
22/03/2013 10st13.8 i.e. 153.8 pounds
23/03/2013 10st13.8 i.e. 153.8 pounds
24/03/2013 10st13.8 i.e. 153.8 pounds
25/03/2013 10st11.8 i.e. 151.8 pounds --- at long last... :hurray:
26/03/2013 10st13.2 i.e. 153.2 pounds --- and back up... :(
27/03/2013 10st13.6 i.e. 153.6 pounds --- and higher :(
28/03/2013 10st13.4 i.e. 153.4 pounds
29/03/2013 11st2.8 i.e. 156.8 pounds --- Indian meal out with Andy
30/03/2013 10st13.8 i.e. 153.8 pounds --- water water everywhere...
05/04/2013 11st2.8 i.e. 156.8 pounds --- Easter... :blush5:
06/04/2013 11st2.2 i.e. 156.2 pounds
12/04/2013 11st0.0 i.e. 154.0 pounds --- gradually eradicating those Easter gains
09/03/2013 11st1.8 i.e. 155.8 pounds
10/03/2013 11st2.0 i.e. 156.0 pounds
11/03/2013 11st2.0 i.e. 156.0 pounds
12/03/2013 11st1.8 i.e. 155.8 pounds --- getting a bit sick of this :toetap05:
13/03/2013 11st0.6 i.e. 154.6 pounds --- ate salmon - a new low since the house move :hurray:
14/03/2013 11st0.8 i.e. 154.8 pounds --- slight fluctuation
15/03/2013 10st13.8 i.e. 153.8 pounds --- new low since the house move - ate salmon :hurray:
=== under 11 stone :party:
16/03/2013 11st0.0 i.e. 154.0 pounds --- I always fluctuate a bit
17/03/2013 11st0.0 i.e. 154.0 pounds ---
18/03/2013 11st0.0 i.e. 154.0 pounds ---
19/03/2013 11st0.0 i.e. 154.0 pounds ---
20/03/2013 10st13.8 i.e. 153.8 pounds --- still fluctuating at much the same place...
21/03/2013 10st13.8 i.e. 153.8 pounds
22/03/2013 10st13.8 i.e. 153.8 pounds
23/03/2013 10st13.8 i.e. 153.8 pounds
24/03/2013 10st13.8 i.e. 153.8 pounds
25/03/2013 10st11.8 i.e. 151.8 pounds --- at long last... :hurray:
26/03/2013 10st13.2 i.e. 153.2 pounds --- and back up... :(
27/03/2013 10st13.6 i.e. 153.6 pounds --- and higher :(
28/03/2013 10st13.4 i.e. 153.4 pounds
29/03/2013 11st2.8 i.e. 156.8 pounds --- Indian meal out with Andy
30/03/2013 10st13.8 i.e. 153.8 pounds --- water water everywhere...
05/04/2013 11st2.8 i.e. 156.8 pounds --- Easter... :blush5:
06/04/2013 11st2.2 i.e. 156.2 pounds
12/04/2013 11st0.0 i.e. 154.0 pounds --- gradually eradicating those Easter gains
13/04/2013 11st0.8 i.e. 154.8 pounds --- or not...
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174 lbs today... Tried to eat a little bit more today so I'm not losing so much weight every day.

Tuesday, April 16th, 2013: Still stuck at 174.8lbs... but it's probably a good thing since after being sick I'm not losing so much weight every day and technically I should be losing 1 lb a week. :banghead:
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Monday- 202.3
Tuesday- 200.4
Wednesday- 197.8
Today- 193.8

I don't understand what's going on this week but I'll take it! I feel great! :hurray:
I'm back to start weighing regularly (hopefully!) been stuck around 139-142 for ages now. Hopefully I'll get to 138 soon!

Today's weight: 140.8.
It was my birthday yesterday so I've had a weekend of foul eating habits. I'm scared to weigh myself!