Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

March 6 -206.6 - LOL - damn chips (bedtime snack)
March 7 -205.8 - come out 204 - come out to play :p:p:p
March 8 -205!!! Come on Onderland
March 9 - 205.2
March 10 -204.0!!! Onderland I am patiently awaiting :D:D:D
2/24 - 182.0
2/25 - 181.0
2/26 - 181.2
2/27 - 181.2
2/28 - 181.0
3/1 - 181.4
3/2 - 180.8
(away from the scale - unable to weigh)
3/7 - 181.8
3/8 - 182.4
3/9 - 181.0
today - 180.4
2nd March: 76.1kg
3rd March: 76.1kg
4th March: 75.6kg
5th March: 75.3kg
6th March: 74.8kg
7th March: 74.7kg
8th March: 74.7kg
9th March: 74.6kg
10th March: 74.2kg
11th March: 73.7kg
12th March:

something weird is happening, im losing weight quickly again, but im not getting under the reccommended amount of calories...
1st- 151.2
2nd- 151.8
3rd- 153.2 *darn those salty McDonald's fries
4th- 152.8
5th- 152.8
6th- 152.4
7th- 152.4
8th- 152
9th- 151.2
10th- 151.6
11th- 152.2 wtf is going on?
Don't worry Dari...it's only .6 of a pound!

That's the problem with these scales that weigh so accurately, even a .10 of a pound seems like OMH! but really, it's only a little and I'm sure it'll go back down soon.

156.2 today, come back 155, come back! :)
March 6 -206.6 - LOL - damn chips (bedtime snack)
March 7 -205.8 - come out 204 - come out to play :p:p:p
March 8 -205!!! Come on Onderland
March 9 - 205.2
March 10 -204.0!!! Onderland I am patiently awaiting
March 11 -205.2 - LOL :(:(:( French fries, chicken burger,sushi and tempura - yummy salty soya sauce and icecream - I was expecting to be up
2/24 - 182.0
2/25 - 181.0
2/26 - 181.2
2/27 - 181.2
2/28 - 181.0
3/1 - 181.4
3/2 - 180.8
(away from the scale - unable to weigh)
3/7 - 181.8
3/8 - 182.4
3/9 - 181.0
3/10 - 180.4
today - 180.4
2nd March: 76.1kg
3rd March: 76.1kg
4th March: 75.6kg
5th March: 75.3kg
6th March: 74.8kg
7th March: 74.7kg
8th March: 74.7kg
9th March: 74.6kg
10th March: 74.2kg
11th March: 73.7kg
12th March: 73.6kg

wooooooooo 2.5kg in 10 days thats roughly six pounds woooooooooooo.
March 6 -206.6 - LOL - damn chips (bedtime snack)
March 7 -205.8 - come out 204 - come out to play :p:p:p
March 8 -205!!! Come on Onderland
March 9 - 205.2
March 10 -204.0!!! Onderland I am patiently awaiting
March 11 -205.2 - LOL French fries, chicken burger,sushi and tempura - yummy salty soya sauce and icecream - I was expecting to be up
March 12 -206.8 What can I say _ um enjoyed my weekend - iu havent gone up liek that in a looong time even over a weekend - oh well new day - new week
1st- 151.2
2nd- 151.8
3rd- 153.2
4th- 152.8
5th- 152.8
6th- 152.4
7th- 152.4
8th- 152
9th- 151.2
10th- 151.6
11th- 152.2
12th- 150.8 :) :) :) :) :)
12th - 227 (I got on the scale this weekend and it was 230 and I was so bumed so I was happy to at least be back down to my 227 this morning.
2/24 - 182.0
2/25 - 181.0
2/26 - 181.2
2/27 - 181.2
2/28 - 181.0
3/1 - 181.4
3/2 - 180.8
(away from the scale - unable to weigh)
3/7 - 181.8
3/8 - 182.4
3/9 - 181.0
3/10 - 180.4
3/11 - 180.4
today - 180.8 was really hoping to see 170something soon... hopefully tomorrow... either way I'm just glad I'm down 13 lbs from where I started! :)
2nd March: 76.1kg
3rd March: 76.1kg
4th March: 75.6kg
5th March: 75.3kg
6th March: 74.8kg
7th March: 74.7kg
8th March: 74.7kg
9th March: 74.6kg
10th March: 74.2kg
11th March: 73.7kg
12th March: 73.6kg
13th March: 73.5kg
14th March:
15th March:
16th March:
17th March:
18th March:
19th March:
20th March:
21th March:
22th March:
23th March:

well i might aswell keep going, for another ten days... :D
March 6 -206.6 - LOL - damn chips (bedtime snack)
March 7 -205.8 - come out 204 - come out to play :p:p:p
March 8 -205!!! Come on Onderland
March 9 - 205.2
March 10 -204.0!!! Onderland I am patiently awaiting
March 11 -205.2 - LOL French fries, chicken burger,sushi and tempura - yummy salty soya sauce and icecream - I was expecting to be up
March 12 -206.8 What can I say _ um enjoyed my weekend - iu havent gone up liek that in a looong time even over a weekend - oh well new day - new week
March 13 - 205.6 - *wiping the sweat from my brow* LOL
1st- 151.2
2nd- 151.8
3rd- 153.2
4th- 152.8
5th- 152.8
6th- 152.4
7th- 152.4
8th- 152
9th- 151.2
10th- 151.6
11th- 152.2
12th- 150.8
13th- 150.2
2/24 - 182.0
2/25 - 181.0
2/26 - 181.2
2/27 - 181.2
2/28 - 181.0
3/1 - 181.4
3/2 - 180.8
(away from the scale - unable to weigh)
3/7 - 181.8
3/8 - 182.4
3/9 - 181.0
3/10 - 180.4
3/11 - 180.4
3/12 - 180.8
today - 181.4 ... dang it! thats what I get for hoping to join the 170s club today so badly! My body will not be forced into submission. :) One day.
Your gettin there anyday now - Im so excited waiting to see those numbers lol!!!

I tried not to get my hopes up this morning. LOL! We'll see what tomorrow brings....