Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

2nd March: 76.1kg
3rd March: 76.1kg (hmmmm strange)
4th March: 75.6kg (weighed myself when i woke up before my morning exercise, right now im 75.2, almost a kg in one day :confused: )
5th March:
6th March:
7th March:
8th March:
9th March:
10th March:
11th March:
12th March:

i am doing it for a period of 10 days to see my progress.
Feb.22 -207.0 OMFG!!!
Feb.23 -207.4 Long day no exercise ate dinner late
Feb.24 -207.8 - going in the wrong direction - Ive had no time or energy to exercise these last few days and have eaten late dinners out - time to correct this
Feb.25 -207.8
Feb.26 -207.4 Finally moved the damn scale back down - LOL
Feb.27 -208.4 and up it went - Im hopin it is sodium over load - Ive been so busy with work I havent even been able to drink my 92 + oz of water a day or have the energy or time to exercise as much as usual
Feb.28 -207 - finally back here - time to find 206
Mar.1 -206.6
March 2 -206.4
March 3 -206.8 - Onderland isnt coming without a fight
March 4 -206.2 - come on 205 - LOL
what kind of scales are you guys using? I am pretty sure my scale sucks, it is very unreliable. I can step on it once and it will tell me one thing, and then step on again and it will tell me I am 2lbs heavier. Also I notice that yall's scales have like .2 .4 .6 etc... When I went to buy a scale I tried to get one in the middle price range (though I may have erred on the cheaper side), but would anyone mind telling me what kind of scale you are using?
20th- 155
21st- 155
22nd- 155.8
23rd- 154.8
24th- 154.2
25th- 153.6
26th- 152.8
27th- 152.2
28th- no scale
1st- 151.2
2nd- 151.8
3rd- 153.2 *darn those salty McDonald's fries
4th- 152.8
what kind of scales are you guys using? I am pretty sure my scale sucks, it is very unreliable. I can step on it once and it will tell me one thing, and then step on again and it will tell me I am 2lbs heavier. Also I notice that yall's scales have like .2 .4 .6 etc... When I went to buy a scale I tried to get one in the middle price range (though I may have erred on the cheaper side), but would anyone mind telling me what kind of scale you are using?

I got a Weight Watchers brand, digital scale. I think it works great. It was about $40 Canadian. :)
I bought my new scale from a medical supply store (we needed one that weighed up to 450 pounds) anyway, the brand name is Tanita. It works great! It has 5 seperate toe touch buttons that allows up to 5 different people to keep track of their weight. So I press my button and the display shows me what I weighed last time I was on the scale and my new weight. It's great!
2nd March: 76.1kg
3rd March: 76.1kg
4th March: 75.6kg
5th March: 75.3kg
6th March:
7th March:
8th March:
9th March:
10th March:
11th March:
12th March:

i am doing it for a period of 10 days to see my progress.
ok i weighed my self today and iv gained 2lb...... this is so annoying as iv been hungry and living on rabbit food all week :(
granted i only weighed my self for the first time on friday but to gain 2lb since then is really depressing.
my period is due anyday i hope thats the reason cos this has put me on a major downer

weight 269lb :(
Feb.22 -207.0 OMFG!!!
Feb.23 -207.4 Long day no exercise ate dinner late
Feb.24 -207.8 - going in the wrong direction - Ive had no time or energy to exercise these last few days and have eaten late dinners out - time to correct this
Feb.25 -207.8
Feb.26 -207.4 Finally moved the damn scale back down - LOL
Feb.27 -208.4 and up it went - Im hopin it is sodium over load - Ive been so busy with work I havent even been able to drink my 92 + oz of water a day or have the energy or time to exercise as much as usual
Feb.28 -207 - finally back here - time to find 206
Mar.1 -206.6
March 2 -206.4
March 3 -206.8 - Onderland isnt coming without a fight
March 4 -206.2 - come on 205 - LOL
March 5 -205.6:D:D:D
Cerella, way to go!

Icebunny, how many calories are you taking in? If you're mostly eating rabbit food, it's not enough.
20th- 155
21st- 155
22nd- 155.8
23rd- 154.8
24th- 154.2
25th- 153.6
26th- 152.8
27th- 152.2
28th- no scale
1st- 151.2
2nd- 151.8
3rd- 153.2 *darn those salty McDonald's fries
4th- 152.8
5th- 152.8
Cerella, way to go!

Icebunny, how many calories are you taking in? If you're mostly eating rabbit food, it's not enough.

well im actually on about 1000-1200 depending what im having that day.. im not totally on rabbit food just feels that way lol

Sorry, but that's not nearly enough food. No wonder you feel like you're eating nothing but rabbit food! 1200 calories is minimum, but it doesn't work for everyone...it's not a set in stone number. I would suggest you check out some of the threads in the Harsh Truth section to figure stuff out. :)
hello everyone, i couldnt post this morning cause i had school but i know what i weighed this morning.

2nd March: 76.1kg
3rd March: 76.1kg
4th March: 75.6kg
5th March: 75.3kg
6th March: 74.8kg
7th March:
8th March:
9th March:
10th March:
11th March:
12th March:

i am losing weight too quickly, i have started eating the reccommended amount, its just i couldnt help but eating very little, im so excited about getting to my goal weight of 70kg that i am practicly starving myself, but i read its very unhealthy and after you do lose the weight in most cases you put it all back on, so ive decided to eat the reccommended amount which will make me lose weight alot more slowly but in the end it will be for the best. On 5th March i had only 500 calories! But today i had about 1000 or so, i know i still need to increase the calories but what if im full with those 1000 calories, do i really need to force myself to eat?
23rd- 154.8
24th- 154.2
25th- 153.6
26th- 152.8
27th- 152.2
28th- no scale
1st- 151.2
2nd- 151.8
3rd- 153.2 *darn those salty McDonald's fries
4th- 152.8
5th- 152.8
6th- 152.4
i am losing weight too quickly, i have started eating the reccommended amount, its just i couldnt help but eating very little, im so excited about getting to my goal weight of 70kg that i am practicly starving myself, but i read its very unhealthy and after you do lose the weight in most cases you put it all back on, so ive decided to eat the reccommended amount which will make me lose weight alot more slowly but in the end it will be for the best. On 5th March i had only 500 calories! But today i had about 1000 or so, i know i still need to increase the calories but what if im full with those 1000 calories, do i really need to force myself to eat?[/QUOTE]

Yes, you do. My son probably eats the same amount of calories as you , and he's only 8 months old, and weighs less than 20 lbs.
i am losing weight too quickly, i have started eating the reccommended amount, its just i couldnt help but eating very little, im so excited about getting to my goal weight of 70kg that i am practicly starving myself, but i read its very unhealthy and after you do lose the weight in most cases you put it all back on, so ive decided to eat the reccommended amount which will make me lose weight alot more slowly but in the end it will be for the best. On 5th March i had only 500 calories! But today i had about 1000 or so, i know i still need to increase the calories but what if im full with those 1000 calories, do i really need to force myself to eat?

I honestly think it also depends on wether or not you want to loose it nad keep it off or loose it quickly and eventually gain it back - slow and steady wins the race and it also gaurantees it is done right
Feb.22 -207.0 OMFG!!!
Feb.23 -207.4 Long day no exercise ate dinner late
Feb.24 -207.8 - going in the wrong direction - Ive had no time or energy to exercise these last few days and have eaten late dinners out - time to correct this
Feb.25 -207.8
Feb.26 -207.4 Finally moved the damn scale back down - LOL
Feb.27 -208.4 and up it went - Im hopin it is sodium over load - Ive been so busy with work I havent even been able to drink my 92 + oz of water a day or have the energy or time to exercise as much as usual
Feb.28 -207 - finally back here - time to find 206
Mar.1 -206.6
March 2 -206.4
March 3 -206.8 - Onderland isnt coming without a fight
March 4 -206.2 - come on 205 - LOL
March 5 -205.6
March 6 -206.6 - LOL - damn chips (bedtime snack)