Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Today: 134.0 lbs
28.0% body fat
50.5% water

Yay! 1 lb away from that 1 hour professional back massage my husband promised me! :)
I've not been on the pc lately, I have too many things to keep up with when I turn it on, so I just avoid it! lol
Here's my weight for the past few days. I got really frustrated when I had gained a bit... I've only lost about a lb in 3 days. I've gotten addicted to losing at least a half a lb a day, so to see it staying the same or even up is aggrivating!!

(the first few days I didn't mark down the tenths, so I didn't lose as much as it may look)

1/13 - 139
1/14 - 138
1/15 - 137
1/16 - 136
1/17 - 135.6
1/18 - 136.0 :(
1/19 - 135.4 :cool:
1/20 - 134.6:D
1/21 - 134.6 :confused:
1/10-279.6!! YAY! Finally in the 270s
1/11-280.4...talk about heartbreak...I thought I wouldnt see those again, however I think I may be retaining water, thanks to TOM.
1/12-282.7! Definetely has to be TOM!! I hope!
1/16-285 I REALLY HOPE this is TOM...gah...i am getting so discouraged...if its not TOM...i am gonna be so upset...and still wont know for another week til TOM is gone...
1/18-280 YEY!!! Its going down, hopefully it will be lower by the end of the week...
1/20-279 or so! YAY
1/21-280, dont worry itll go down :D

G'day All... I am alittle confused.. After the last couple of weeks, of excercing every second I get.. whether it's stairs (running up and down) or doing situps.. or curls with books.. whatever it is.. But every free second I try to do a excercise.. Even driving.. I have a 2lb weight in the car.. I do curls.. But I started excecising a week ago last friday.. (been doing stairs since I quit smoking November 8th 2006) Anyways I weighed myself week ago friday.. I was 220 pounds.. then I weighed myself the following monday.. 231 pounds.. and then just this last friday.. I weighed in at 241.. Nothing is tight on me.. (checked 2 different scales, exact same numbers for weighing in on) Just a little confused in all this.. Don't have a lot of weight on me.. Basically all in my stomach..and that is where I want to loose it.. think I am too old to have a 6 pack.. but like a smaller tummy.. :rolleyes:

Wow, you work out a lot. How are you eating? How many calories are you having & how many should you be having? Most likely your eating to many calories.

Wow, you work out a lot. How are you eating? How many calories are you having & how many should you be having? Most likely your eating to many calories.


G'day Chip..
I'm not sure of all this stuff.. Calorie intake.. I am 6'5 and am 45 years old.. How much Calories should i be taking in.. I understand the diary thing.. and will be starting that today.. I try and workout every spare second.. could be only for a min or so.. or could be 10 mins.. I just wanna get back in shape so bad.. Feel 110% better since I started to excercise.. But wanna look good to..
Jan.17 -213.4!!! Im not gettin excited last time I was I gained a lb back the next day..
Jan 18 -213.4 - well Im a lil surprized, managed to get by with a stay the same...
Jan. 19 -213.4
Jan. 20 -213.4
Jan. 21 -213.2!!! WOW it moved a tiny bit, however, it is time of month and my eating was bad on Friday and better yesturday however I had a piece of bday cake and a donut...weight loss is so strange and frustrating...
Jan. 22 -213!!! I started eating more, who woulda know...
I'm sorry I didn't check in the last few days. I was in a really bad wreck on Friday so I have been recovering...but I am determined to get back on track. I didn't eat very well this weekend and I didn't exercise, but I was surprised I only gained .6 lbs back...my goal this week is to loose 1.8 lbs by Friday.

Beginning Weight as of 12/27/06 - 261 lbs.

1/16/07 - 256.4
1/17/07 - 255.4
1/18/07 - 254
1/19/07 - 254.2
1/20/07 - ???
1/21/07 - ???
1/22/07 - 254.8

Total lost to date - 6.2 lbs
Goal by 1/26/07 - 253
I'm sorry I didn't check in the last few days. I was in a really bad wreck on Friday so I have been recovering...but I am determined to get back on track. I didn't eat very well this weekend and I didn't exercise, but I was surprised I only gained .6 lbs back...my goal this week is to loose 1.8 lbs by Friday.

Beginning Weight as of 12/27/06 - 261 lbs.

1/16/07 - 256.4
1/17/07 - 255.4
1/18/07 - 254
1/19/07 - 254.2
1/20/07 - ???
1/21/07 - ???
1/22/07 - 254.8

Total lost to date - 6.2 lbs
Goal by 1/26/07 - 253

I'm glad you're ok Charlie B.
11th- 163.6
12th- 162.8
13th- 162.4
14th- 162
15th- 161.8
16th- no scale today
17th- 161.2
18th- 160.6
19th- 160.2
20th- 160.6
21st- 161 And no, it's not water weight...I had a not so good weekend. :(
Today: 133.8 lbs
28.5 % body fat
50% water
So it looks like I may have lost it in water. Oh well, it looks good on the scale. lol
1/13 - 139
1/14 - 138
1/15 - 137
1/16 - 136
1/17 - 135.6
1/18 - 136.0 :eek:
1/19 - 135.4
1/20 - 134.6 :D
1/21 - 134.6 :confused:
1/22 - 133.4 :happy dance!!:

I cut carbs out yesterday and lost just shy of a whole lb! Thing is I'm afriad to weight tomorrow since I'm eating moderate carbs again today -- will I just gain it right back? :eek:

Total weight lose since yesterday 0.8 lb - total for 7 days: 6.6 lbs!!
Thurs. - Jan 11 --- 259.25
Fri. - Jan 12 ------ 258.50
Sat. - Jan 13------ 257.50
Sun. - Jan 14 ----- 255.00
Mon. - Jan 15 ----- 253.25
Tues. - Jan 16 ---- 252.75
Wed. - Jan 17 ---- 251.75
Thurs. - Jan 18 --- 252.25 :mad:
Fri. - Jan 19 ------ 249.75 :eek:
Sat. - Jan 20 ----- 248.00 :cool:
Sun. - Jan 21 ----- 247.75
Mon. - Jan 22 ----- 246.50 :)

Todays Weight Loss - 1.25 Lbs. :D

Weight Loss Last 7 Days - 6.75 Lbs. :)

Yesterday: 189.5 lbs
Today: 189 lbs

I keep going back and forward with these two weights. Maybe I should play the lotto with these numbers. ;)
Just don't get discouraged if your weight stays the same or even goes up one day as your bodyweight can fluctuate due to how hydrated you are, certain foods consumed the day before, etc...and it usually has nothing to do with fat loss unless your diet is not dialed in correctly.
Beginning Weight as of 12/27/06 - 261 lbs.

1/16/07 - 256.4
1/17/07 - 255.4
1/18/07 - 254
1/19/07 - 254.2
1/20/07 - ???
1/21/07 - ???
1/22/07 - 254.8
1/23/07 - 252.4

Total lost to date - 8.6 lbs
Goal by 1/26/07 - 253 <-----Hehe :p , I already got there! I am so pumped!
Jan.17 -213.4!!! Im not gettin excited last time I was I gained a lb back the next day..
Jan 18 -213.4 - well Im a lil surprized, managed to get by with a stay the same...
Jan. 19 -213.4
Jan. 20 -213.4
Jan. 21 -213.2!!! WOW it moved a tiny bit, however, it is time of month and my eating was bad on Friday and better yesturday however I had a piece of bday cake and a donut...weight loss is so strange and frustrating...
Jan. 22 -213!!! I started eating more, who woulda know...
Jan. 23 -212.6!!! WooHoo - I seem to have finally broken my rut!!!