Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Great job Dariqueen!

Chip, you're taking it off soooo fast! That's awesome, dude. How are going doing it? I'm taying at 1200 cals a day, but I don't seem to have the energy to work out, plus it's coming off fairly quickly for me also. I think the main reason I've been putting off working out is because I have this number in my head. Last time I was losing weight and well on my way to that number, I added workouts to low cals and plateaued for like a month. I knew in my mind that it was from gaining muscule but that number is so elusive it makes me sick. lol

So, my weight in was successful - almost half a lb!

1/13 - 139
1/14 - 138
1/15 - 137
1/16 - 136
Today - 135.6 (and it might have been more, but I can't remember the tenths of a lb from days ago. :)

Total weight loss in five day - 4.4 lbs!

Everyone is going great! Have a wonderful day.
I weigh myself every day but I don't record it every day... once a week suffices for me. I'm have pretty terrible pms too so I tend to gain upwards of 6-8lbs when that week or two of the month rolls around... so if I weigh myself everday it can get pretty depressing :(
Today I'm 189.5 lbs, up half a pound from yesterday. (Darn binge!)

Some of you are losing weight so fast. Very impressive!
8th- 162.6
9th- no scale
10th- 162.6
11th- 163.6
12th- 162.8
13th- 162.4
14th- 162
15th- 161.8
16th- no scale today
17th- 161.2
18th- 160.6 Almost there!__________________ :) :) :) :)
Beginning Weight as of 12/27/06 - 261 lbs.

1/16/07 - 256.4
1/17/07 - 255.4
1/18/07 - 254 :)

Total lost to date - 7 lbs
Goal by 1/26/07 - 253
Jan.17 -213.4!!! Im not gettin excited last time I was I gained a lb back the next day..
Jan 17 -213.4 - well Im a lil surprized, managed to get by with a stay the same...
Hi! :) can I join? I was in FSD but now that I am down to my last 10 lbs I want to start weighing myself everyday. My scale tells weight, body fat percentage and water percentage so that's what I'll post.

Today: 134.4 lbs
body fat: 29.5%
water: 49.5%
Yay everyone!!! Cerella and Blackwdw, I knew my crossed fingers would work this week! Just waiting for Kaitie to check in now...
Mon. - Jan 8 ------ 262.00
Tues. - an 9 ------ 261.50
Wed. - Jan 10 ---- 260.50
Thurs. - Jan 11 --- 259.25
Fri. - Jan 12 ------ 258.50
Sat. - Jan 13------ 257.50
Sun. - Jan 14 ----- 255.00
Mon. - Jan 15 ----- 253.25
Tues. - Jan 16 ---- 252.75
Wed. - Jan 17 ---- 251.75
Thurs. - Jan 18 --- 252.25 :mad:

Todays Weight Gain - + .50 Lbs.:(

Weight Loss Last 7 Days - 7.00 Lbs.:)

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Thanks, DQ! You are doing so awsome. I can't wait for the 150's and I'm sure you can't either. I think I'm gonna have myself a little party when I get there.
I'm a believer in weighing yourself every day to- as when i was in my 130s i weighed myself every day. And then, while at college I didn't have a scale and well, didn't check in regularly and know if i had I wouldn't have gained the weight.

So, I digress, great idea to have this thread!

My weight today 158.
This morning my weight was back to its usual 189 lbs. I'm getting so sick of this number. I exercised for three hours today and did good with my eating (1,200 calories), so I'm hoping to lose a pound tomorrow.
1/10-279.6!! YAY! Finally in the 270s
1/11-280.4...talk about heartbreak...I thought I wouldnt see those again, however I think I may be retaining water, thanks to TOM.
1/12-282.7! Definetely has to be TOM!! I hope!
1/16-285 I REALLY HOPE this is TOM...gah...i am getting so discouraged...if its not TOM...i am gonna be so upset...and still wont know for another week til TOM is gone...
1/18-280 YEY!!! Its going down, hopefully it will be lower by the end of the week...

Tues. - an 9 ------ 261.50
Wed. - Jan 10 ---- 260.50
Thurs. - Jan 11 --- 259.25
Fri. - Jan 12 ------ 258.50
Sat. - Jan 13------ 257.50
Sun. - Jan 14 ----- 255.00
Mon. - Jan 15 ----- 253.25
Tues. - Jan 16 ---- 252.75
Wed. - Jan 17 ---- 251.75
Thurs. - Jan 18 --- 252.25 :mad:
Fri. - Jan 19 ------ 249.75 :eek:

Todays Weight Loss - 2.50 Lbs. :(

Weight Loss Last 7 Days - 8.75 Lbs.:)

8th- 162.6
9th- no scale
10th- 162.6
11th- 163.6
12th- 162.8
13th- 162.4
14th- 162
15th- 161.8
16th- no scale today
17th- 161.2
18th- 160.6
19th- 160.2
Gained a pound from yesterday. Up to 190 lbs now. I don't where I'm going wrong here, after exercsing so much and eating so sensibly. I even checked my waist measurement, just in case the scale 'lied', but that was the wrong move to make - I gained 3/4 of an inch in my waist. Three weeks of dieting and this is what I have to show for it. And to top it all of, my hubby told me today that I wasn't trying hard enough to lose the weight. Bah humbug.
Gained a pound from yesterday. Up to 190 lbs now. I don't where I'm going wrong here, after exercsing so much and eating so sensibly. I even checked my waist measurement, just in case the scale 'lied', but that was the wrong move to make - I gained 3/4 of an inch in my waist. Three weeks of dieting and this is what I have to show for it. And to top it all of, my hubby told me today that I wasn't trying hard enough to lose the weight. Bah humbug.

First off, RELAX. You didn't gain all of the weight overnight, and it's not going to come off that fast either. Patience is your friend. Now, are you drinking enough water? Eating enough? (Yes, I said enough.) Working out too much? Getting enough sleep? Did you have a salty meal? Is it that time of the month? There are a million things that affect your day-to-day weight. However, if you maintain a healthy diet and exercise plan, the weight will eventually come off and stay off. If I were you, I would take a deep breath, have a glass of water, a healthy snack, and kick my husband in the a**. He sounds like a jerk.