Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

Sat. - Jan 6 ------ 262.25
Sun. - Jan 7 ------ 262.75
Mon. - Jan 8 ------ 262.00
Tues. - an 9 ------ 261.50
Wed. - Jan 10 ---- 260.50
Thurs. - Jan 11 --- 259.25
Fri. - Jan 12 ------ 258.50
Sat. - Jan 13------ 257.50
Sun. - Jan 14 ----- 255.00
Mon. - Jan 15 ----- 253.25
Tues. - Jan 16 ---- 252.75

Todays Weight Loss - .50 Lbs.

Weight Loss Last 7 Days - 8.75 Lbs.:)
8th- 162.6
9th- no scale
10th- 162.6
11th- 163.6
12th- 162.8 Hmmm...
13th- 162.4
14th- 162
15th- 161.8
16th- no scale today
Jan 2 -216.2
Jan 3 -214.2
Jan 4 -214.8
Jan 5 -214.6
Jan 6 -214.6
Jan 7 -215.6*UGH* I really gotta start exercising agian...
Jan 8 -215.4
Jan 9 -215.8 *GRUMBLE* LOL
Jan 10 -215.6
Jan 11 -216.0 *AAARRRGGG!!!* Ive been exercising my butt off!!! My eating has pretty much been dead on as well...Hopefully I will recieve a big loss soon...
Jan.12 -215.4 -.6
Jan.13 -214.0!!! -1.4...total... -2...finally, LOL
Jan.14 -215 :(:(:(WTF...
Jan.15 -215:(
Jan.16 -215:( Im totally loosing my focus...anyone have any ideas/thoughts/whatever that might try to help me, Im exercising like crazy eating well mostly and not loosing,Im actually gianing as you can see...Im frustrated and ready to give up...

Cerella, maybe you just need a shakeup. A different type of exercise altogether. If you're exercising everyday, take a day or two off, then start again.

If you give up now, all your hard work will have been for nothing, and you've done so much!!
1/10 -- 163.6
1/11 -- 162.6
1/12 -- 164
1/13 -- 164
1/14 -- 164
1/15 -- 164
1/16 -- 164 -- I'm sensing a pattern. *laugh*

Way to go Trout and DQ! Keep up the great work.
Hi, I'd like to join this thread, if that's okay. :) The last time I lost a lot of weight, weighing myself every day is what helped me stay focused.

Here was my weight this morning: 189 lbs. I binged earlier tonight, so I'm not looking too forward to my weigh in tomorrow. But on the plus side, I'm now motivated to stay up and exercise.
HALLELUJAH! Finally a weighing club that I will be able to do. I joined a once a week club a few months ago and that became my demise, because I'd be so down on myself that I couldn't NOT weight in until the given day. I finally gave uo and soon after gave up dieting. I had lost 16 lbs up to that point gained it all back over the fall and Christmas -- SO, I'm back on the boards sticking to my 1200 cals, writing down everything I eat and posting on the boards. And now I'm going to a part of this club where I won't feel guilty about my morningly (compulisive) weight ins!! Like the person above said, It really keeps me motivated!!

Here's my weight from the past few days--
1/13 - 139
1/14 - 138
1/15 - 137
1/16 - 136!!

I need to update my ticker. :) This is my first week so I'll lose quite a bit. But it's so encouraging to see the numbers going lower each and every day!

Happy weighing everyone!
Jan 2 -216.2
Jan 3 -214.2
Jan 4 -214.8
Jan 5 -214.6
Jan 6 -214.6
Jan 7 -215.6*UGH* I really gotta start exercising agian...
Jan 8 -215.4
Jan 9 -215.8 *GRUMBLE* LOL
Jan 10 -215.6
Jan 11 -216.0 *AAARRRGGG!!!* Ive been exercising my butt off!!! My eating has pretty much been dead on as well...Hopefully I will recieve a big loss soon...
Jan.12 -215.4 -.6
Jan.13 -214.0!!! -1.4...total... -2...finally, LOL
Jan.14 -215 WTF...
Jan.15 -215
Jan.16 -215 Im totally loosing my focus...anyone have any ideas/thoughts/whatever that might try to help me, Im exercising like crazy eating well mostly and not loosing,Im actually gianing as you can see...Im frustrated and ready to give up...

Jan.17 -213.4!!! Im not gettin excited last time I was I gained a lb back the next day...
Hi All! When I started trying to loose weight at the end of last month it was easy for me to not look at the scale evey day, mainly because I was terrified that I hadn't lost any weight. But, I have developed a new outlook on me loosing weight, and that is a proactive outlook. So, I basically have been looking at the scale ever day. I want to know if I gain an extra pound so that day I can work hard to loose it! I won't be able to post here on the weekends, but I'll catch it up on Mondays.

Beginning Weight as of 12/27/06 - 261 lbs.

1/16/07 - 256.4
1/17/07 - 255.4

Total lost to date - 5.6 lbs
Goal by 1/26/07 - 253
8th- 162.6
9th- no scale
10th- 162.6
11th- 163.6
12th- 162.8
13th- 162.4
14th- 162
15th- 161.8
16th- no scale today
17th- 161.2 Woo hoo!
Last edited:
Sat. - Jan 6 ------ 262.25
Sun. - Jan 7 ------ 262.75
Mon. - Jan 8 ------ 262.00
Tues. - an 9 ------ 261.50
Wed. - Jan 10 ---- 260.50
Thurs. - Jan 11 --- 259.25
Fri. - Jan 12 ------ 258.50
Sat. - Jan 13------ 257.50
Sun. - Jan 14 ----- 255.00
Mon. - Jan 15 ----- 253.25
Tues. - Jan 16 ---- 252.75
Wed. - Jan 17 ---- 251.75

Todays Weight Loss - 1.00 Lbs.

Weight Loss Last 7 Days - 8.75 Lbs.:)
Sat. - Jan 6 ------ 262.25
Sun. - Jan 7 ------ 262.75
Mon. - Jan 8 ------ 262.00
Tues. - an 9 ------ 261.50
Wed. - Jan 10 ---- 260.50
Thurs. - Jan 11 --- 259.25
Fri. - Jan 12 ------ 258.50
Sat. - Jan 13------ 257.50
Sun. - Jan 14 ----- 255.00
Mon. - Jan 15 ----- 253.25
Tues. - Jan 16 ---- 252.75
Wed. - Jan 17 ---- 251.75

Todays Weight Loss - 1.00 Lbs.

Weight Loss Last 7 Days - 8.75 Lbs.:)

Wow troutman, you are about to break the 250s! I am so envious!