Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

oscarsbaby - why dont you do what I do and post in both stones and pounds and as pounds alone. That way most of us understand your weight. It looks like we are of a similar weight!

As far as goal weight goes - mine was just a weight where I seemed to remember feeling quite comfortable when I was young. I freely admit that it could be wide of the mark for me now. I will review the goal weight if I think it appropriate as I get nearer. Lets put it like this - at 21 stone it was pretty obvious that almost any other weight than that would be a lot more appropriate for a 5ft 3ins woman with a small frame.

Recent weights:

11/01/2008 12st0.0 i.e. 168.0 pounds
12/01/2008 12st0.0 i.e. 168.0 pounds
13/01/2008 11st13.0 i.e. 167.0 pounds first day under 12 stone
14/01/2008 11st12.4 i.e. 166.4 pounds
15/01/2008 11st12.6 i.e. 166.6 pounds
16/01/2008 11st12.6 i.e. 166.6 pounds
17/01/2008 11st12.0 i.e. 166.0 pounds
18/01/2008 11st11.4 i.e. 165.4 pounds
19/01/2008 11st12.2 i.e. 166.2 pounds --- spicy pasta - I am always punished
20/01/2008 11st11.2 i.e. 165.2 pounds
21/01/2008 11st11.8 i.e. 165.8 pounds
22/01/2008 11st10.8 i.e. 164.8 pounds
23/01/2008 11st10.4 i.e. 164.4 pounds
24/01/2008 11st10.0 i.e. 164.0 pounds

Jan 04 - 233.6
Jan 08 - 233.2
Jan 09 - 233.0
Jan 10 - 233.4 ???
Jan 11 - 233.2 -better than nothing right direction
Jan.13 - 233.0
Jan.15 - 233.6 - need to work out - havent been
Jan.18 - 234.0
Jan.22 - 231.2
Jan.23 - 229.0!!!
Jan.24 - 229.2 - I had crackers and cookies before bed - LOL - shame on me...
Jan 14: 90.0kg/198.1lb
Jan 15: 89.6kg/197.53lb
Jan 16: 90.2.kg/198.85lb - I had a beer last night and two rissoles, although I don't think that counts for much, the lack of exercise the last two days does.
Jan 17: 91.1kg/200.81b - Either my scales are a piece of crap, or I'm doing something really wrong. So not in a good mood.
Jan 18: 90.2kg/198.85lb - Betterer.
Jan 19: 90.7kg/199.95lb - Eh?
Jan 20: 90.5kg/199.52lb
Jan 21: 90.2kg/198.85lb
Jan 22: 90.1kg/198.64lb - So close to < 90kg for good, but yet so far!
Jan 23: 89.4kg/197.09lb - Birthday present!
Jan 24: 89.2kg/196.65lb - I'm confused. I had my proper birthday dinner and had a steak and beer.
Jan 25: 90.0kg/198.1lb - Must be the steak and beer catching up?

Starting weight: 94kg/207.23
Goal: 68kg/150lb
01/17 138.4
01/18 138.4
01/19 138.0
01/20 137.6
01/21 139.4
01/22 139.2
01/23 137.2
01/24 136.6

I picked the weight I did as my goal because it was exactly 70 pounds lower than my start weight. It's a good margin heavier than I was when I was having to maintain unhealthily (due to too low of a goal) as a teenager, and right about in the middle of the ranges generally suggested for my height and frame. My plan is to get there and practice maintaining for awhile before I consider fine-tuning it.
After my exercise (AND after dinner) I'm still weighing in at my lowest ever of 88.8kg or 195.77lb. Let's see how I weigh tomorrow morning? :)
Jan 04 - 233.6
Jan 08 - 233.2
Jan 09 - 233.0
Jan 10 - 233.4 ???
Jan 11 - 233.2 -better than nothing right direction
Jan.13 - 233.0
Jan.15 - 233.6 - need to work out - havent been
Jan.18 - 234.0
Jan.22 - 231.2
Jan.23 - 229.0!!!
Jan.24 - 229.2 - I had crackers and cookies before bed - LOL - shame on me...
Jan.25 - 229.0:D:D:D
Thanks for the advice joeyscotland - gave the chocolate to my boyfriend (one of those irritating ppl who is permanently stick like).

Weight this morning was 165.345lb - around 11st 8

VVVVV Happy!! seeing as I just had my bday, this has me very motivated!

I have a question thou - how to you guys decide on a goal weight? I looked at BMI but i understand that this is not a very good way of determining a healthy weight???

Your welcome. And go for you for giving away the choccies!

For me determining my goal was was determined mainly by picking a weight that I think I would feel and look great at. My goal weight is 125 (I'm 5'3), I gained all my weight in the last four years, four years ago I was 115 pounds so I figured 125 would be a good weight. But who knows, maybe I'll get to 135 and decide I feel and look just fine. When I reach my goal weight I plan on lowering my body fat and replacing it with lots of lean muscle but, I won't be so worried with the scale then (muscle weighs twice as much as fat).
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Mon 7th Jan- 159 lbs
Tue 8th Jan- 157 lbs
Wed 9th Jan- 157 lbs
Thur 10th Jan- 156 lbs
Fri 11th Jan- 155 lbs
Sat 12th Jan- 152 lbs -I drank some alcohol last night.
Sun 13th Jan- 157 lbs
Mon 14th Jan- 157 lbs
Sat 19th Jan- 154.5 lbs
Sun 20th Jan- 154.5 lbs
Mon 21st Jan- 156.5 lbs
Tue 22nd Jan- 155 lbs
Wed 23rd Jan- 153.5 lbs
Thur 24th Jan- 153.5 lbs
Fri 25th Jan- 155 lbs- Time of month
2 weeks update!

11 jan 08 - 159.5
12 jan 08 - 159.75 (+0.25)
13 jan 08 - 159.5 (-0.25)
14 jan 08 - 160 (+0.5)
15 jan 08 - 159.5 (-0.5)
16 jan 08 - 159(-0.5)
17 jan 08 - 158(-1)
18 jan 08 - 158
19 jan 08 - 158.5 (+0.5)
20 jan 08 - 158.25 (-0.25)
21 jan 08 - 158.5 (+0.25)
22 jan 08 - 157.75 (-0.75) bust that plateau
23 jan 08 - 156.5 (-1.25) new low
24 jan 08 - 155.5 (-1) another new low
25 jan 08 - 155 (-0.5) and another new low!!!

total lost = 4.5
Jan 14: 90.0kg/198.1lb
Jan 15: 89.6kg/197.53lb
Jan 16: 90.2.kg/198.85lb - I had a beer last night and two rissoles, although I don't think that counts for much, the lack of exercise the last two days does.
Jan 17: 91.1kg/200.81b - Either my scales are a piece of crap, or I'm doing something really wrong. So not in a good mood.
Jan 18: 90.2kg/198.85lb - Betterer.
Jan 19: 90.7kg/199.95lb - Eh?
Jan 20: 90.5kg/199.52lb
Jan 21: 90.2kg/198.85lb
Jan 22: 90.1kg/198.64lb - So close to < 90kg for good, but yet so far!
Jan 23: 89.4kg/197.09lb - Birthday present!
Jan 24: 89.2kg/196.65lb - I'm confused. I had my proper birthday dinner and had a steak and beer.
Jan 25: 90.0kg/198.1lb - Must be the steak and beer catching up?
Jan 26: 89.5kg/197.31lb
24/01/08 - 165.345lb - 11st 8
25/01/08 - 166.0lb - 11st 9
26/01/08 - 166.0lb - 11st 9

moved up 0.655lb - dnt think that is much to worry about. Have twisted the tendons below my knee, can't put any weight on it - so cant do any form of exercise!! gonna have to look around for some chair exercises.
OUCH!!! Hope you feel better so soon Oscarsbaby :grouphug:

01/22/08: 276lbs
01/23/08: 274lbs
01/24/08: 275lbs
01/25/08: 274lbs
01/26/08: 274lbs....I think 274 likes me!!:p
Jan 04 - 233.6
Jan 08 - 233.2
Jan 09 - 233.0
Jan 10 - 233.4 ???
Jan 11 - 233.2 -better than nothing right direction
Jan.13 - 233.0
Jan.15 - 233.6 - need to work out - havent been
Jan.18 - 234.0
Jan.22 - 231.2
Jan.23 - 229.0!!!
Jan.24 - 229.2 - I had crackers and cookies before bed - LOL - shame on me...
Jan.25 - 229.0
Jan.26 - 228.4
Thur 10th Jan- 156 lbs
Fri 11th Jan- 155 lbs
Sat 12th Jan- 152 lbs -I drank some alcohol last night.
Sun 13th Jan- 157 lbs
Mon 14th Jan- 157 lbs
Sat 19th Jan- 154.5 lbs
Sun 20th Jan- 154.5 lbs
Mon 21st Jan- 156.5 lbs
Tue 22nd Jan- 155 lbs
Wed 23rd Jan- 153.5 lbs
Thur 24th Jan- 153.5 lbs
Fri 25th Jan- 155 lbs- Time of month
Sat 26th Jan- 155 lbs- Time of month
Recent weights:

13/01/2008 11st13.0 i.e. 167.0 pounds first day under 12 stone :hurray:
14/01/2008 11st12.4 i.e. 166.4 pounds
15/01/2008 11st12.6 i.e. 166.6 pounds
16/01/2008 11st12.6 i.e. 166.6 pounds
17/01/2008 11st12.0 i.e. 166.0 pounds
18/01/2008 11st11.4 i.e. 165.4 pounds
19/01/2008 11st12.2 i.e. 166.2 pounds --- spicy pasta - I am always punished
20/01/2008 11st11.2 i.e. 165.2 pounds
21/01/2008 11st11.8 i.e. 165.8 pounds
22/01/2008 11st10.8 i.e. 164.8 pounds
23/01/2008 11st10.4 i.e. 164.4 pounds
24/01/2008 11st10.0 i.e. 164.0 pounds
25/01/2008 11st10.0 i.e. 164.0 pounds
26/01/2008 11st9.4 i.e. 163.4 pounds BMI less than 29 :hurray:

Last edited:
Recent weights:

14/01/2008 11st12.4 i.e. 166.4 pounds
15/01/2008 11st12.6 i.e. 166.6 pounds
16/01/2008 11st12.6 i.e. 166.6 pounds
17/01/2008 11st12.0 i.e. 166.0 pounds
18/01/2008 11st11.4 i.e. 165.4 pounds
19/01/2008 11st12.2 i.e. 166.2 pounds --- spicy pasta - I am always punished
20/01/2008 11st11.2 i.e. 165.2 pounds
21/01/2008 11st11.8 i.e. 165.8 pounds
22/01/2008 11st10.8 i.e. 164.8 pounds
23/01/2008 11st10.4 i.e. 164.4 pounds
24/01/2008 11st10.0 i.e. 164.0 pounds
25/01/2008 11st10.0 i.e. 164.0 pounds
26/01/2008 11st9.4 i.e. 163.4 pounds BMI less than 29
27/01/2008 11st8.6 i.e. 162.6 pounds
