Weigh Yourself Everyday (or frequently) Club

24/01/08 - 165.345lb - 11st 8
25/01/08 - 166.0lb - 11st 9
26/01/08 - 166.0lb - 11st 9
27/01/08 - 166lb - 11st 9

not really going down, or really moving up, cant really complain.
Jan 14: 90.0kg/198.1lb
Jan 15: 89.6kg/197.53lb
Jan 16: 90.2.kg/198.85lb - I had a beer last night and two rissoles, although I don't think that counts for much, the lack of exercise the last two days does.
Jan 17: 91.1kg/200.81b - Either my scales are a piece of crap, or I'm doing something really wrong. So not in a good mood.
Jan 18: 90.2kg/198.85lb - Betterer.
Jan 19: 90.7kg/199.95lb - Eh?
Jan 20: 90.5kg/199.52lb
Jan 21: 90.2kg/198.85lb
Jan 22: 90.1kg/198.64lb - So close to < 90kg for good, but yet so far!
Jan 23: 89.4kg/197.09lb - Birthday present!
Jan 24: 89.2kg/196.65lb - I'm confused. I had my proper birthday dinner and had a steak and beer.
Jan 25: 90.0kg/198.1lb - Must be the steak and beer catching up?
Jan 26: 89.5kg/197.31lb
Jan 27: 89.5kg/197.31lb

Starting weight: 94kg/207.23
Goal: 68kg/150lb
Phoebe - thanks. I am jealous of you - you are so near to goal.

oscarsbaby - there are 14 pounds in a stone so 11 stone is 14 * 11 = 154 pounds.
That means that 11st 9 lbs is 163 pounds. There is no need to make yourself appear to be heavier than you are. I only noticed because our weights are so similar.
Margaret, you started out much heavier than I am - you'll get there soon! (I think you're also losing faster than I did when I was your weight.)
Fri 11th Jan- 155 lbs
Sat 12th Jan- 152 lbs -I drank some alcohol last night.
Sun 13th Jan- 157 lbs
Mon 14th Jan- 157 lbs
Sat 19th Jan- 154.5 lbs
Sun 20th Jan- 154.5 lbs
Mon 21st Jan- 156.5 lbs
Tue 22nd Jan- 155 lbs
Wed 23rd Jan- 153.5 lbs
Thur 24th Jan- 153.5 lbs
Fri 25th Jan- 155 lbs- T.O.M
Sat 26th Jan- 155 lbs- T.O.M
Sun 27th Jan- 153.5 lbs- T.O.M
Jan 04 - 233.6
Jan 08 - 233.2
Jan 09 - 233.0
Jan 10 - 233.4 ???
Jan 11 - 233.2 -better than nothing right direction
Jan.13 - 233.0
Jan.15 - 233.6 - need to work out - havent been
Jan.18 - 234.0
Jan.22 - 231.2
Jan.23 - 229.0!!!
Jan.24 - 229.2 - I had crackers and cookies before bed - LOL - shame on me...
Jan.25 - 229.0
Jan.26 - 228.4
Jan.27 - 228.2
01/22/08: 276lbs
01/23/08: 274lbs
01/24/08: 275lbs
01/25/08: 274lbs
01/26/08: 274lbs....I think 274 likes me!! :p
01/27/08: 275lbs...maybe not
14/01/08: 90.0kg/198.1lb
15/01/08: 89.6kg/197.53lb
16/01/08: 90.2.kg/198.85lb - I had a beer last night and two rissoles, although I don't think that counts for much, the lack of exercise the last two days does.
17/01/08: 91.1kg/200.81b - Either my scales are a piece of crap, or I'm doing something really wrong. So not in a good mood.
18/01/08: 90.2kg/198.85lb - Betterer.
19/01/08: 90.7kg/199.95lb - Eh?
20/01/08: 90.5kg/199.52lb
21/01/08: 90.2kg/198.85lb
22/01/08: 90.1kg/198.64lb - So close to < 90kg for good, but yet so far!
23/01/08: 89.4kg/197.09lb - Birthday present!
24/01/08: 89.2kg/196.65lb - I'm confused. I had my proper birthday dinner and had a steak and beer.
25/01/08: 90.0kg/198.1lb - Must be the steak and beer catching up?
26/01/08: 89.5kg/197.31lb
27/01/08: 89.5kg/197.31lb
28/01/08: 89.2kg/196.65lb

Starting weight: 94kg/207.23
Goal: 68kg/150lb
Fri 11th Jan- 155 lbs
Sat 12th Jan- 152 lbs -I drank some alcohol last night.
Sun 13th Jan- 157 lbs
Mon 14th Jan- 157 lbs
Sat 19th Jan- 154.5 lbs
Sun 20th Jan- 154.5 lbs
Mon 21st Jan- 156.5 lbs
Tue 22nd Jan- 155 lbs
Wed 23rd Jan- 153.5 lbs
Thur 24th Jan- 153.5 lbs
Fri 25th Jan- 155 lbs- T.O.M
Sat 26th Jan- 155 lbs- T.O.M
Sun 27th Jan- 153.5 lbs- T.O.M
Mon 28th Jan- 155 lbs- T.O.M

I'm going on a little vacation to Georgia today so I probably won't be online until Fri/Sat.

Have a good week all! :)
Jan 04 - 233.6
Jan 08 - 233.2
Jan 09 - 233.0
Jan 10 - 233.4 ???
Jan 11 - 233.2 -better than nothing right direction
Jan.13 - 233.0
Jan.15 - 233.6 - need to work out - havent been
Jan.18 - 234.0
Jan.22 - 231.2
Jan.23 - 229.0!!!
Jan.24 - 229.2 - I had crackers and cookies before bed - LOL - shame on me...
Jan.25 - 229.0
Jan.26 - 228.4
Jan.27 - 228.2
Jan.28 - 229.0 - I deserve it - lol - I indulged a little yesturday.Had some Pringles,licorice,a little chocolate and even some Starburst - ha ha ha - plus pork roast for dinner.
Recent weights:

15/01/2008 11st12.6 i.e. 166.6 pounds
16/01/2008 11st12.6 i.e. 166.6 pounds
17/01/2008 11st12.0 i.e. 166.0 pounds
18/01/2008 11st11.4 i.e. 165.4 pounds
19/01/2008 11st12.2 i.e. 166.2 pounds --- spicy pasta - I am always punished
20/01/2008 11st11.2 i.e. 165.2 pounds
21/01/2008 11st11.8 i.e. 165.8 pounds
22/01/2008 11st10.8 i.e. 164.8 pounds
23/01/2008 11st10.4 i.e. 164.4 pounds
24/01/2008 11st10.0 i.e. 164.0 pounds
25/01/2008 11st10.0 i.e. 164.0 pounds
26/01/2008 11st9.4 i.e. 163.4 pounds BMI less than 29
27/01/2008 11st8.6 i.e. 162.6 pounds
28/01/2008 11st9.4 i.e. 163.4 pounds

14/01/08: 90.0kg/198.1lb
15/01/08: 89.6kg/197.5lb
16/01/08: 90.2.kg/198.9lb - I had a beer last night and two rissoles, although I don't think that counts for much, the lack of exercise the last two days does.
17/01/08: 91.1kg/200.8b - Either my scales are a piece of crap, or I'm doing something really wrong. So not in a good mood.
18/01/08: 90.2kg/198.9lb - Betterer.
19/01/08: 90.7kg/199.95lb - Eh?
20/01/08: 90.5kg/199.5lb
21/01/08: 90.2kg/198.9lb
22/01/08: 90.1kg/198.6lb - So close to < 90kg for good, but yet so far!
23/01/08: 89.4kg/197lb - Birthday present!
24/01/08: 89.2kg/196.7lb - I'm confused. I had my proper birthday dinner and had a steak and beer.
25/01/08: 90.0kg/198.1lb - Must be the steak and beer catching up?
26/01/08: 89.5kg/197.3lb
27/01/08: 89.5kg/197.3lb
28/01/08: 89.2kg/196.7lb
29/01/08: 89.4kg/197lb

Starting weight: 94kg/207.2lb
Goal: 68kg/150lb
Jan 04 - 233.6
Jan 08 - 233.2
Jan 09 - 233.0
Jan 10 - 233.4 ???
Jan 11 - 233.2 -better than nothing right direction
Jan.13 - 233.0
Jan.15 - 233.6 - need to work out - havent been
Jan.18 - 234.0
Jan.22 - 231.2
Jan.23 - 229.0!!!
Jan.24 - 229.2 - I had crackers and cookies before bed - LOL - shame on me...
Jan.25 - 229.0
Jan.26 - 228.4
Jan.27 - 228.2
Jan.28 - 229.0 - I deserve it - lol - I indulged a little yesturday.Had some Pringles,licorice,a little chocolate and even some Starburst - ha ha ha - plus pork roast for dinner.
Jan.29 - 229.8 - Ate spicey food - I guess it retains water ?
Jan.30 - 229.6
hi all

I usually weigh myself every day in the morning when I wake up at the same time. My start weight was 162 on 01/02/08 My current weight is 153.7 My goal weight is 128 by April 30,2008. I 23 and i am around 5'5 small framed looking to lose weight I gained from my 3 pregnancies. I didnt lose weight between my pregnancies My kids are 3 yr boy, 2 yr boy and 6 month girl.

Lost 8.3 Pounds so far Only 25.7 Pounds to go till my goal weight.

01/27/08- 155.6
01/28/08- 155.5
01/29/08- 154.8
01/30/08- 153.7

Oh my gosh...Have I abandoned this thread or what!!

01/22/08: 276lbs
01/23/08: 274lbs
01/24/08: 275lbs
01/25/08: 274lbs
01/26/08: 274lbs....I think 274 likes me!!
01/27/08: 275lbs...maybe not
01/28/07: 276 Whatt!!
01/29/07: 279:svengo: so I ate really good today and went to bed upset at the world that I could not have fast food.
01/30/07: 275 :nopity: