Weight-Loss Water - Let Thirst be Your Guide!

I saw this posted over on the BL boards today too.

In reguards to blancita, Hix isn't even drinking that much water to begin with. One litre is about 32 oz, so she is drinking about 48 oz a day, if she is drinking one and one half jug a day. Our bodies in good condition require 64 oz a day. People that are overweight should drink even more than that.

Take it from me, I drink a lot of water (as recommended by my doctor because of my excess weight and how much I work out) and as long as you don't drink it all at once it is completely safe.

Don't worry hix, your appetite will return. Enjoy this while it lasts and keep pluckin away on those jugs :)

ps. I have the same jugs... I drink 3-4 a day :)
I don't know? Do I? :rotflmao:

Guess you were a lucky one and wasn't brain washed that everyone needs
8X8 - 8 Glasses 8 oz. of water per day.

Is this brain washing or do we need it?

Just found this:

:confused: What is the correct answer?

I drink about 90-120oz of water a day. I have heard that you should drink half of your weight in water--so a 200lb person would drink 100oz a day. Whenever you increase your water consumption you'll pee frequently until your body adjusts to it. Also, drinking water is good for weight loss b/c when your body is dehydrated it holds onto water, worried that it has to--hence water retention.
WOW! You go gurl! :cool:

I can't even imagine that right now..Makes me want ta pee just thinkin' about it! :rotflmao:

Small steps lead to bigger steps.. ;)
It's not something I've heard before really. Especially since you aren't drinking all that much water relatively speaking.
Remember that your body sometimes just goes through things without any real explanation. Sometimes appetite changes due to an infection or illness. Have you been sick recently? Or have you had things with caffeine in it (appetite suppressant)? Your water intake should not affect whether you are hungry or not. It can tend to hold off snacking impulses, but not genuine hunger. It is possible to drink too much water, but really you would have to be constantly drinking a TON of water and from what you described I don't think you are. Just eat what you normally would eat whether or not you are really hungry, eating can bring your appetite back. :) And don't worry, it's temporary.
Our water tastes like dirty sock laundry water..

I hear you on this one. I used to live in an old building where the water tasted like blood. If it is an issue (and you don't want to jerk around with the water filter pitchers and all that jive), you can buy filters to install on your faucet that should make the water taste a ton better, and make it less inconvenient to get water that doesn't taste terrible.
Thanks y'all for sharin' your opinions/views/experience.. *waves*

ewwwww...That's yucko Big..lol

The faucet one won't work on ours..We are in an apt. and the faucets are so long/low in the sink..
The faucet one won't work on ours..We are in an apt. and the faucets are so long/low in the sink..

Ask the landlord if you can change 'em out. They really aren't that big of a deal to jerk with, and normally landlords are pretty cool about letting you install new stuff in their place (Unless you live in one of those complexes where EVERYTHING is the same because their repair guys are idiots, and it is cheaper for them to standardize).

Again, just my $.02. Nasty tasting water really is just a mood killer.
Calories and water

Hello all,

Couple of quick questions that have always bothered me.

1. I know there's a lot of "it varies" here, but in general: Does the % of calories your body absorbs decrease as you consume more calories in a day?
For example you eat 1,000 calories in a day. Your body needs all of that and absorbs 100% (no idea if true). 2nd example you pig out all day and consume 6000 calories. Your body does not need/cannot process that much in a day and you only absorb say 66% or 4000 calories and processes the rest as waste. This makes sense in my head but I have no idea if it is true or not.

2. People always talk about losing a lot of water weight as you begin a diet. If you start eating healthy, working out, and drinking more water than before are you still losing water weight in the first week or two? If so why is this?

A few answers:

For protein this is true. Protein is a large organic compound that takes a lot to break down. If eaten all at once, much of it will pass through you or be denatured before it does you any good.

Unfortunately for carbs, they are much more easily absorbed. And your body has this pesky thing called insulin which prompts your body to store fat. You certainly will absorb more carbs than you will protein!

And the more you break your meals up during the day, the worse it gets. 6 1,000 calorie meals will most certainly be worse than one 6,000 calorie meal. You didnt get into the pizza and hot wings and beer did you?


I'm 255 lbs, down from 280, and I drink about 8 L of water a day. I do go to the bathroom frequently, and if I get random headaches (very rarely) I'll stop consumption for at least an hour and try to eat something with sodium (to reset my electrolytes). I've been doing this for about the past 3 months.

The only reason I'm able to do this is because I have a constant clean free water supply (deer park bottled service).

I started drinking to aid in not holding water weight, and because it actual does help in weightloss and metabolism.
Hi there!

Thought I would also pass along that throwing some lemon in your water is also really good too. This is what I do cause I always have a disgusting splenda aftertaste in my mouth after drinking flavored water.
just thought I'd pass that along :rotflmao:
Yes that is right. I have also heard that and found it out on my own body. It doesn't matter what you are doing-also if you eat healthier or do lots of sports you will always lose water during the first weeks and no fat. But sorry I have really no idea why it is like this.
want advice for my grandpa

Hi friends, I want advice for my grandpa because he is not doing well and is vomiting, having diarrhea and the blood pressure is low from a previous hospitalization. He is now 70 years old. I am asking is there any blood pressure medications that can help low blood pressure go back to normal for elderly men.
You might want to drink it throughout the day. I tried drinking it all at once and I felt like I could die lol But getting enough water isn't as hard to do as it sounds. Try taking a water bottle with you wherever you go and just take small sips of it now and then. Usually I find myself taking sips after I've finished walking somewhere or when I'm sitting down. Pretty soon it'll add up to 6 glasses of water a day.

Oh, and drinking a glass of water in the morning and one before bedtime is a good way to get started drinking more water too.