Thoughts on men wearing spandex / lycra running tights

Depending what I am doing, I'll wear compression shorts under my gym shorts, swim trunks, or board shorts. It keeps your 'stuff' in the right place. Like Cosmo Kramer says "my boys need a house".

right, I wear those too, safely under my athletic shorts:D
Yeah...I only openly wear the stuff when I'm either biking or swimming (where it's okay & expected to be seen). Never in public, the gym room or outside the home.

LOL....I gotta say, so many woman are quick to condemn a guy for wearing lycra, yet (as I sit in the hallway between games at racquetball)....I see so many gals walking down the hallway wearing tight stuff and they really need someone to take a picture so they realize what they're towing from behind. Many of these gals have no place to cast judgment!:azzangel:
LOL oh my....

please please PLEASE don't wear spandex to the gym... its tacky... and gross... not to mention unhealthy...

For heavy people who are out of shape, yes. Unhealthy?.....I don't think so. Suck another neg rep buckwheat.:p :boxing_smiley:

FWIW, I wear it to the gym as I head to the spinning class where just about everyone but hacks wear it. My trainer Roz says I have a tight ass and it looks great...I earned it, I'm runnin' with it. Don't like it?...don't look, but I see other woman discretely go out of their way to check it out....I can only hope that makes me a man-ho. You probably don't like fine wine, gourmet cuisine or even chocolate.

Oh dang, now you made me bring chocolate into this...see what you did!!! :D
I wear it underneath my running shorts to prevent chaffing on my thunder thighs. Otherwise, I wouldn't wear it by itself unless I was in really good shape.
Is Roz male or female? If a female, is she hot? If a male, you need a new trainer.

Roz is very much female and she has a rockin' hot righteous body!!!!!!!!!!!!! When she first started training at the gym, guys were getting whiplash when she walked by. She's all that and then some! :D She has no hestitation in openly saying she loves a guy (with a good body) wearing lycra shorts; it shows the legs, thighs, butt and she loves it. I'm not gonna argue, frankly, I'm just jazzed that after a lifetime growing up feeling ashamed of my heaviness, I've finally lost the weight and actually (unimaginably) emerged with something that (some) woman want to see & check-out....that's a thrill, an inspiration and the kind of mind-candy this shallow immature materialistic guy will swallow hook, line & sinker! :D

Oh make no mistake. I'm in this for my health....but if along the way my weight-training, riding, spinning, swimming and weight-loss should produce results that somehow make my body interesting or alluring for woman to check out....I'M F-IN THERE!!!!!:cool::p

Look, it works both ways. I see a lot of woman abusing spandex, lycra and other skin-tight clothing....they go walking along in the gym with no idea how much it's killing my libido and making my eyes water. I'm gonna puke if I see another chubby Paris Hilton wannabe gal walking along in these now-popular low-rider snug-sweats with her love-handle flab splurging out and blossoming just above her lowered waist line. IMO, if a woman doesn't look good in spandex, I don't wanna hear her opinion on what men should or shouldn't wear. :rolleyes:

If you're a guy with a good body and you're in lycra and near Roz...she and other woman are gonna be discretely and deliberately checking you out. Not all guys can pull it off and not all woman are into it is what it is. Roz also insists that 90% of woman will deny it and that was pointed out by someone in the first page of this thread. Ya have to admit it's kinda funny how people keep hitting this thread........
As i read the comments, i, like you must realize the comments so far is against spandex. People don't like to see guys in spandex. Women wear that stuff, unless of course you're in a marathon or something like that.
If you want to impress the women, wear modern jogging clothes, loose fitting, and work on your game. The one thing that turns women on is a great conversation, not tights.

There's a time and a place for athletic wear. If you're wearing it because you're an athlete and it's conducive to your training, then wear it. If you're wearing it to show off then I think you might need to rethink your priorities.

Just make sure you change before you like, stop at the store or something.
As i read the comments, i, like you must realize the comments so far is against spandex. People don't like to see guys in spandex.

If you want to impress the women, wear modern jogging clothes, loose fitting, and work on your game.

When I wear lycra, it's because I'm biking or swimming, simple as that. I wear it for sports-specific reasons...not for fun, fashion or to get attention. I never wear it as every-day clothing. I don't wear it to meetings, social gatherings or to pick-up the kids....only when I'm about to bike or swim. On the way into the gym, I'll wear shorts over my lycra shorts until I'm in spin-class or the pool. After riding, if I need to quikcly stop somewhere, I always have a long t-shirt to wear over everything.

I concede that most woman don't wanna see guys wearing lycra....but I'd add that most their objection is based on a poor-fitting garment and too much detailed "exposure" on the front. A proper fitting garment can make a big difference.....and as I've pointed-out, I've seen many woman wearing spandex or lycra that look pretty bad too...should it come as a surprise that the fashion door swings both ways for either gender?

Do all woman like men in lycra? NO. Do many woman like men in lycra? still no. Do some woman like it?...apparently yes. Does it matter? Not really. Woman are generally the first to say "Wear what's comfortable, wear what you want...and don't worry about what others say or think".

This whole thread was long ago started apparently as a joke.....but in the end the answer is simple:

Do woman overall like men wearing lycra? NO, but when the proper occassion calls for it (Sports or Gay-Pride Parade), and if it fits proper and worn's acceptible.
I wear lycra shorts or tights for walking because they are way more comfortable than anything else. Usually I wear a tee-shirt or fleecy which more or less covers the bulgy parts. I've noticed a a few people looking (mostly female) but I've only had a couple of comments. Both were positive and both were on a new, and colourful, pair of tights.

My feeling is that most people don't care, or don't care enought to comment, which is the same thing. If someone is being made uncomfortable by a guy in lycra they should say so.

A final comment, if you are wearing shorts or tights which are uncomfortable you are probably buying them too small - which may have its place, but not in the parks or gyms of this world!

I dont care about what the guy wears its what he does/says that is attractive... even a guy in spandex could look attractive to me because the fact that he is excercising and looking after himself is, to me, attractive!
I won some compression shorts in a recent survey I filled out at the gym and my partner said I look sexy! So there!!!!!

Okay.....I'm gonna admit something. I found this website with this section on a search and at that point in my early fitness pursuit I was altogether thrilled with the notion that I could wear skin-tight stuff and actually pull it off. Looking to chat about it in an anonymous fashion, I logged-in, registered and typed my heart out. Today I'm a much different person on the forum...I almost wish this thread would disappear but nobody is gonna scan-back more then a page or two. :)

Much exactly like NBS, when I started wearing my riding shorts I noticed woman checking me out and both my wife & our trainer (female) gave me boat-loads of positive reinforcement that they really liked what they saw. OMG this blew my mind: me actually having something woman are physically attracted to???? Oh hell yeah I used it as motivation!!!!!

I probably said it before and I'll say it again: the same rule for fat out-of-shape woman wearing spandex/lycra applies to men wearing it....if you don't have the body to pull it off, you're gonna look bad and nobody appreciates that. Skin-tight clothing is a privilege; you have to earn it. At the same time, I've met and gotten feedback from SEVERAL woman who say they like seeing a man, who is in good shape, wearing it. Many are too embarassed to admit it.

I don't care what a few nay-sayers will post-up here. I know how I go about taking discrete looks at woman when they're wearing something sexy and I can well see & observe woman's similar behavior when I pass hikers on the trail, in spin-class or the rare instances I quickly hit the bank or UPS store on my way home. They look, they check it out and I've met many who openly say they like it. Period. Our trainer Roz has a virtual fetish for it.

In my avatar I'm wearing a one-piece bikesuit....when it came in the mail I showed it to my wife & trainer, they actually made me try it on. I admit, I knew it would get to Roz. When I came out of the bathroom (in our gym) the way they both looked at me, yeah...that was a nice piece of mind candy. Our trainer Roz actually said "Ew...I gotta touch it"....she felt-up my leg, waist and even made a quick pass by my glutes. Yeah yeah, too much info....but here's my point: if I can feel good about the way I look and it inspires me to lose more weight, workout more and try to sculpt my body into something even more sexy/attractive.....there ain't nothing wrong with that!

Just last week some gal in spin-class was staring me down something awful...I could feel her eyes burning into me. I had on these shorts that had an almost liquid-black texture and some racy red stripes to match my jersey, this chick couldn't stop staring. I almost wanted to wave my hands around my waist to get her attention and then say, "hello, I'm up here" the way woman do when men stare at their breast. :D

So, in short...I aspire to be a man-whore and my shallow mind will harnass and utilize even the most superficial of mind gratifying notions. A guy in bad shape wearing it is a major fashion no-no, but a guy in really good shape who is wearing it properly, my experience is several woman will be checking it out and some of them gawk in the same manner as men might look at a woman in high heels.
I could not and will not wear something such as this. I'm hereby placing BSL under suspicion. Based on this last post he wants to be the used and abused man whore. Be careful BSL after too much use you will lose control of your bowel movements.
Be careful BSL after too much use you will lose control of your bowel movements.

Too late!!! It should be more then apparent by all my many posts that I evidently have little bowel control....I talk sh!t all over the place! :D

Don't knock it too quickly....if you have good strong legs you'd be surprised at the attention you might get....ya just might reel-in yourself a Barbie-doll. ;)
lol, wowza