Thoughts on men wearing spandex / lycra running tights

Yeah, I agree with you ILM. That's why my running mate looks great all the time. He has a crotch support underneath only and he doesn't cover up with a T-shirt. He wears long sleeve lycra top with black gloves. It has been a great motivation to jog along side him. But I could sense a lot of starring eyes whenever cars drove passed us. He wouldn't bother at all.

so are they look at your running mate or you what do wear when going for a jog
Are we talking full-blown 80's spandex or Under Armour compression stuff?
I don't know anything about Under Armour.

I prefer 2XU compression gear myself. But it's not much different from 80s spandex. The bottom line is it's not padded. You've got to do your own "support" underneath.
so are they look at your running mate or you what do wear when going for a jog

They are definitely not staring at me because I'm currently over weight. I don't dare to wear lycra because it doesn't look good on me. Give me time to cut down on my weight, then maybe I would consider putting on some lycra tights. I really envy women with slim body line.
As for now, my running mate is my source of motivation that keeps me jogging. Before knowing him, I used to postpone my jogs by giving myself numerous excuses not to jog. I would blame it on the weather that is too hot, not feeling well, feeling tired and so on..... Now things have changed and I'm looking forward to better fitness and health.
Hi i'm new to this blog. After following through the numerous comments on this blog I was so amused that guys running or jogging in tights are not a big deal in your country. I can't help myself but to add some opinions of mine on this issue.
I live in a multi racial & conservative county and guys here don't jog on streets wearing tights. My first experience was over a year ago where I saw a guy wearing a full body suit jogging on the access road leading to my residential area nearly every evening. At first look, I didn't know what to think but felt excited at the same time. Because that was the first time I came across a guy in body suits on a public road. I started to slow down every time I passed him to get a better glimpse of his body. And hey!! What do you know? He looks great in black and sometimes navy blue body suits and he still do.

Putting my spandex on right now :)
They are definitely not staring at me because I'm currently over weight. I don't dare to wear lycra because it doesn't look good on me. Give me time to cut down on my weight, then maybe I would consider putting on some lycra tights. I really envy women with slim body line.
As for now, my running mate is my source of motivation that keeps me jogging. Before knowing him, I used to postpone my jogs by giving myself numerous excuses not to jog. I would blame it on the weather that is too hot, not feeling well, feeling tired and so on..... Now things have changed and I'm looking forward to better fitness and health.

keep up the good work you will have a slim body line in no time at all then you will get lycra tight to wear and i'm sure you will look great in them ;)
keep up the good work you will have a slim body line in no time at all then you will get lycra tight to wear and i'm sure you will look great in them ;)

Thanks a lot for your kind motivation. By the way you look great too in your lycra suit posted sometime back.
Are we talking full-blown 80's spandex or Under Armour compression stuff?

We're talking UnderArmour, Nike, 2XU and other major sports apparel manufacturers that are jumping into the whole "compression" realm of performance clothing which serves an absolute purpose and function in not only keeping you warm but also in helping endurance, performance and even recovery.

* The reduction of lactic acid build-up and increasing oxygen delivery through enhanced circulation

* Focusing muscle power and dramatically reducing muscle vibration

* Drawing moisture away from the skin using moisture management wicking

* Optimising body temperature in warm or cool conditions

* Discouraging growth of bacteria and preventing odour through antibacterial and antimicrobial treatments and providing sun safety with SPF 50+ protection.

* Increased blood flow, increased delivery of oxygen to the muscles and accelerated recovery

Whereas the spandex of the 80's is just colorful lightweight fabric entirely intended for fashion and trendy looks.

I am absolutely certain without a doubt that my wearing cycling shorts on my long rides gives me a strong advantage in performance over my old grunge-style heavy mountain biking shorts that I used to wear. Not only does it feel lighter, quicker and "cleaner"...I just seem to have more power, greater endurance and overall performance...I think it has a lot to do with bloodflow and other stuff. You can read a lot about the science involved. I also know runners who will continue to wear full-length "tights" after their run and even to bed for recovery purposes. (they shower and put on a fresh pair).

At the same time....and let's be honest here...there is a certain degree of sex-appeal to this kind of skin-tight garment. Had those cardio-bunnies of the 80's been wearing sweatpants and baggy shirts, none of us would have been drooling or going to the gym as often. :)

I myself made the transition from baggy riding shorts to lycra and came home to find my wife and her trainer getting all nutty over checking-out me out. That blew my mind, the notion that woman might look at me like us men look at woman....and so I've strived to lose more weight, get in better shape and earn the right to "pull it off". It's enpowering and fun to be able to think you're eye-candy for woman, I just hate when they smack my ass, put dollar bills in my shorts and tell me to dance! ;)

What I think it really comes down to is that there are guys that wear the stuff because we are physically active, use it for performance and we don't mind a bit of attention. The stuff we wear is clearly men's apparel, made for men, cut for me and usually black with stylish & sporty logo's, designs and patterns. We wear it when doing our sports and maybe for a quick run to the bank or lunch on the way home...BUT it's done tastefully & proper. The big "tell" is the crotch; it's either covered with a long shirt or there's some padding that reduces "definition" to the point where it's a non-issue. We look in the mirror before leaving the home and we're not presenting an afront to some people's delicate nature.

....and then there's the perverts, guys who don't really exercise and just get-off on the association of wearing something that leans towards the feminine side. Posuers. Some of their stuff is a bit 80's and some of it may even be ordered from the woman's section of the catalog (or from their mom's closet). The big "tell" is that they are obsessed with the crotch area and generally don't cover the crotch...they like to fly a tent in loose fabric. They love to post pics and ask "is this alright"...even though they know the dealio. Most these guys are pretty wimpy, lean and slight in nature...I might even go so far to psychologically profile these guys as petty crossdressers...but at least they aren't molesting kids or beating their wives.

Oh my, I've tangented yet again :D
^^^WTF? Hey babe, don't you think that was a very judgmental and subjective post (as if I've NEVER done that :D)? You're using your point of reference and narrow mindset to address a highly complex issue that is not very well understood by most members of society.

You've just dissed a good portion of my friends and one of my BFs -- Matt wears lycra all the time. And he doesn't cover his package. He works out like a Trojan and is one of the fittest guys I know. He's not a crossdresser, but if he was, I wouldn't care. The bottom line is crossdressing and lycra fetishism are often mutually exclusive.

I wouldn't consider crossdressers or lycra fetishists to be perverted at all. They are what they are. They don't hurt anybody by doing what they are doing. As far as I'm concerned, people need to open their minds up a little more and realize that just because it doesn't happen to fit into their individual paradigm of "normal" doesn't mean it isn't "normal" for somebody else. Everybody's normal settings are different.

Poseurs are people who pretend to be something they're not. I don't think anybody here is pretending to be something they're not.
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In terms of professional sports, it's probably totally worth it, if your watching a sport for appearances then there is something wrong.

Other than that, they are probably totally fine if worn under shorts :)
^^^WTF? Hey babe, don't you think that was a very judgmental and subjective post (as if I've NEVER done that :D)?

Well yeah.....but someone has to stir the pot and keep things controversial for the sake of discussion, arguement

I'm just a bit tired of some of these fly-by-night screen-names that show up and post pics of themselves in micro-thin material and then pretenciously presume they don't know what they're doing (Gee, here's my package shrink-wrapped in spandex, any takers?). They're not athletes, they're not wearing for purpose...and I can't help but suspect their typing with just one hand.... :jumping:

It's more then okay to have Fetisheseseses.....but there's social etiquette and proper execution, and exploiting a public forum as a means of exhibition to lend towards sexual satisfaction...well, that meat just ain't kosher...and then it gives rise to most people projecting such perversion onto people like me or your BF Matt. Do you see the distinction? ;)

You remember that little freak-troll, the one who had a super-hero lycra fetish? Yeah, that's the perv I'm talking about: reckless exploitation of the fabric in a most diminutive manner. What comes next, Socialism?

Let's not argue over such small matter. I thought this issue over a male or a female's gym attire is sensitive only in asean countries, such as mine. Due to our more conservative up-bringing, it is only natural that women here regard guys in tight body lycra as perv. Well I've been to a gym a couple of times before and I've not seen any guys wearing lycra body suits. The majority wore T-shirts and shorts with one or two wearing lycra shorts only. As for ladies, they were more at ease with lycra tights and T-shirt tops. But there were a few who wore lycra body suits much to my envy. Well that's what I've experienced before at the local scene.
A man running on the street in tight lycra body suit was really something new to me about a year ago. But not any more. In fact my running mate is the first and only guy who runs in lycra suit. First thoughts of him as a perv did run through my mine but after getting to know him, my opinion changed. He has good reasons to run in lycra body suits such as quicker evaporation of body sweat, good uv protection from tropical heat, light weight, no restriction to movements, etc... Of course the suit not only enhanced his performance, but every part of his body too - visually. I got the creeps at first look at his package but I got used to it after a short while. Just like men admiring women in body suits, I for one don't mind looking at guys in lycra body suits too.