Spoke to my running mate.....a very light compression will do and it aids in generating and maintaining more heat at the abs area. More heat - more sweat - finally more fats are burnt at that area. He has no scientific prove to it but he learnt from reading fitness magazines.
LOL....what he read in the magazine, that section might have had small print above the article that read "advertisement"
More heat generated or applied to an area of the body will not prompt the body to select the fat-cells in that region for "combustion" any sooner then the fat on our butts, chins or anywhere else for that matter. It really makes no sense at all and most "educated" fitness people would violently scoff at such a concept. That said: if it works for you, DO IT. There's more about the body we don't understand then we do...so while our current research, clinical trials and today's conclusive scientific evidence suggest it's absurd, I always fall back on "do what works for you".
By the way, what is a spin instructor and what kind of activity is a spin? Never heard of it before.
In the gym they have stationary bikes...you pedal them like a bike. They set 'em up in a room and have one bike up on a platform that the instructor pedals. Add some music, some routines, maybe some lighting and you've got yourself an "indoor cycling" class. If the class is led by a certified spin-instructor and the gym is certified by the Spinning Organization, then they can call it a Spin Class and you're "spinning".
I took a 9-hour course to become certified. It means almost NOTHING. What I know and write is entirely just information I picked-up along my whole fitness/weight-loss effort that started about 2 years ago. I just like learning about stuff, passing it along and helping others.
As for the ab belt....whatever works, whatever inspires you, do it!